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Jamonia Bazyaft
Jamonia Bazyaft Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Sehore District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Locality Name :
Jamonia Bazyaft
( जमोनिअ बाज़याफ़्त )
Tehsil Name : Nasrullaganj
District : Sehore
State : Madhya Pradesh
Division : Bhopal
Language : Hindi
Current Time 09:12 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 26,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 304 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07563
Assembly constituency : Budhni assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Lok Sabha constituency : Vidisha parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Ramakant Bhargava
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 466446
Post Office Name : Rehti
Main Village Name : Jamonia Bazyaft
Commodities Prices : Rehati Market / Mandi
Tehsil Name : Nasrullaganj
District : Sehore
State : Madhya Pradesh
Division : Bhopal
Language : Hindi
Current Time 09:12 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 26,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 304 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07563
Assembly constituency : Budhni assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Lok Sabha constituency : Vidisha parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Ramakant Bhargava
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 466446
Post Office Name : Rehti
Main Village Name : Jamonia Bazyaft
Commodities Prices : Rehati Market / Mandi
Jamonia Bazyaft Live Weather
Temperature: 22.3 °C
few clouds
Humidity: 46%
Wind : 2.05 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "Rehti"
observed on Now
Temperature: 22.3 °C
few clouds
Humidity: 46%
Wind : 2.05 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "Rehti"
observed on Now
Jamonia Bazyaft Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
19.6°C to 22.7°C
few clouds
19.6°C to 22.7°C
few clouds
18.1°C to 29.2°C
few clouds, clear sky, broken clouds, light rain, moderate rain
18.1°C to 29.2°C
few clouds, clear sky, broken clouds, light rain, moderate rain
18.2°C to 25.9°C
moderate rain, light rain, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
18.2°C to 25.9°C
moderate rain, light rain, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
17.1°C to 27.0°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
17.1°C to 27.0°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
15.6°C to 26.5°C
clear sky
15.6°C to 26.5°C
clear sky
Rivers Near Jamonia Bazyaft
Kasarni Nadi
Kasarni Nadi
About Jamonia Bazyaft
Correct below Info and add more info about Jamonia BazyaftJamonia Bazyaft is a small Village/hamlet in Nasrullaganj Tehsil in Sehore District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It comes under Jamonia Bazyaft Panchayath. It belongs to Bhopal Division . It is located 68 KM towards South from District head quarters Sehore. 18 KM from Nasrullaganj. 64 KM from State capital Bhopal
Jamonia Bazyaft Pin code is 466446 and postal head office is Rehti .
Soyat ( 4 KM ) , Rampura Chakaldi ( 4 KM ) , Kalwana ( 6 KM ) , Bordhi ( 6 KM ) , Satrana ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Jamonia Bazyaft. Jamonia Bazyaft is surrounded by Seoni Malwa Tehsil towards South , Hoshangabad Tehsil towards East , Budni Tehsil towards East , Mandideep Tehsil towards North .
Seoni-Malwa , Mandideep , Itarsi , Harda are the near by Cities to Jamonia Bazyaft.
Jamonia Bazyaft 2011 Census Details
Jamonia Bazyaft Local Language is Hindi. Jamonia Bazyaft Village Total population is 596 and number of houses are 106. Female Population is 47.7%. Village literacy rate is 61.6% and the Female Literacy rate is 24.3%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 596 |
Total No of Houses | 106 |
Female Population % | 47.7 % ( 284) |
Total Literacy rate % | 61.6 % ( 367) |
Female Literacy rate | 24.3 % ( 145) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 34.2 % ( 204) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 9.4 % ( 56) |
Working Population % | 53.5 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 100 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 47.0 % ( 47) |
Jamonia Bazyaft Census More Deatils.
Politics in Jamonia Bazyaft
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , SP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Jamonia Bazyaft
HOW TO REACH Jamonia Bazyaft
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Jamonia Bazyaft in less than 10 km.Colleges near Jamonia Bazyaft
Sahid Bhagat Singh College Ashta
Address :
Bits Academy
Address :
Shri Satya Sai College Of Mca
Address : Shri Satya Sai College Of Mca, Nh -18, Bhopal-indo
Kalawati Smriti College
Address : Kalawati Smriti Collegeawadhpuri Colony, Sehore-46
Shri Satya Sai Institute Of Science & Technology
Address : Opp. Ollfed Plant, Bhopal Indore Highway, Nh-18, P
Schools near Jamonia Bazyaft
New Nehru Convent Tajpura
Address : tajpura , nasrullaganj , sehore , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 466331 , Post - Nasrllaganj
Sobha Convent M.s.teekamod
Address : teekamod , nasrullaganj , sehore , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 466331 , Post - Nasrllaganj
Pms Ved Gayan G.v.a. Bagwada
Address : bagwada , nasrullaganj , sehore , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 466331 , Post - Nasrllaganj
Gms Shyamugaon
Address : shyamugaon , nasrullaganj , sehore , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 466331 , Post - Nasrllaganj
Govt Health Centers near Jamonia Bazyaft
1) SHC Bordhi , SHC Bordhi , Sector Rehti ,2) CHC Rehti , CHC Rehti , Nasrullaganj Main Road Rehti ,
Sub Villages in Jamonia Bazyaft
Petrol Bunks in Jamonia Bazyaft,Nasrullaganj
Bharat Petroleum
Salkanpur; Sehore; SH-22; Bhopal Road; Sehore; Sehore; Madhya Pradesh 466446; India
6.4 KM distance Detail
Indian Oil Petrol Pump
Baya; Sehore; SH-22; Bhopal Road; Sehore; Sehore; Madhya Pradesh 466445; India
14.9 KM distance Detail
Petrol Pump
Rala; Sehore; SH-22; Bhopal Road; Sehore; Sehore; Madhya Pradesh 466331; India
15.8 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Jamonia Bazyaft,Nasrullaganj
Govt Swami Vivekanand College Nasrullaganj
Neelkanth Rd; Nasrullaganj; Madhya Pradesh 466331; India
18.4 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Jamonia Bazyaft,Nasrullaganj
Nav jyoti shiksha mandir middle school bordhi
;; Kheri; Madhya Pradesh 466446; India
5.0 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Jamonia Bazyaft,Nasrullaganj
Ajay journal store Vindhyavasini market Salkanpur Paytm except shop Salkanpur
Salkanpur; Madhya Pradesh 466446; India
9.6 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Jamonia Bazyaft,Nasrullaganj
Bhopal Rd; Nasrullaganj; Madhya Pradesh 466331; India
17.6 KM distance Detail
Nagar Parishad Nasrullaganj
Bhopal Rd; Nasrullaganj; Madhya Pradesh 466331; India
17.9 KM distance Detail
About Jamonia Bazyaft &
How to reach Jamonia Bazyaft
Tourist Places Near By Jamonia Bazyaft
Schools in Jamonia Bazyaft
Colleges in Jamonia Bazyaft
Temperature & weather of Jamonia Bazyaft
places in Jamonia Bazyaft
Jamonia Bazyaft photos
More Information
How to reach Jamonia Bazyaft
Tourist Places Near By Jamonia Bazyaft
Schools in Jamonia Bazyaft
Colleges in Jamonia Bazyaft
Temperature & weather of Jamonia Bazyaft
places in Jamonia Bazyaft
Jamonia Bazyaft photos
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Near Cities
Seoni-Malwa 39 KM near
Mandideep 43 KM near
Itarsi 43 KM near
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Seoni-Malwa 39 KM near
Mandideep 43 KM near
Itarsi 43 KM near
Harda 60 KM near
Near By Taluks
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Seoni Malwa 36 KM near
Hoshangabad 37 KM near
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Seoni Malwa 36 KM near
Hoshangabad 37 KM near
Budni 40 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Bhopal Airport 65 KM near
Indore Airport 182 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 282 KM near
Jabalpur Airport 290 KM near
Bhopal Airport 65 KM near
Indore Airport 182 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 282 KM near
Jabalpur Airport 290 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Bhimbetka 29 KM near
Itarsi 43 KM near
Bhopal 62 KM near
Raisen 83 KM near
Sanchi 98 KM near
Bhimbetka 29 KM near
Itarsi 43 KM near
Bhopal 62 KM near
Raisen 83 KM near
Sanchi 98 KM near
Near By Districts
Hoshangabad 35 KM near
Bhopal 60 KM near
Harda 62 KM near
Sehore 65 KM near
Hoshangabad 35 KM near
Bhopal 60 KM near
Harda 62 KM near
Sehore 65 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Banapura Rail Way Station 35 KM near
Obaidulla Ganj Rail Way Station 36 KM near
Banapura Rail Way Station 35 KM near
Obaidulla Ganj Rail Way Station 36 KM near