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       Bhawani Ki Bhagal

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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Rajsamand District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Rajsamand District    Rajsamand    1
Total infected patients are 1 in Rajsamand District and total population of Rajsamand District is 1158283. Total Infected Patients in Rajasthan State are 2126 .
Locality Name : Bhawani Ki Bhagal ( भवानी की भागल )
Tehsil Name : Kumbhalgarh
District : Rajsamand
State : Rajasthan
Division : Udaipur
Language : Hindi and Rajasthani
Current Time 05:13 AM
Date: Saturday , Mar 15,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 537 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02954

Assembly constituency : Kumbhalgarh assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Surendra Singh Rathore
Lok Sabha constituency : Rajsamand parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Diya Kumari
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 313334
Post Office Name : Kelwa (Rajsamand)
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Main Village Name : Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Commodities Prices : Rajasamand Market / Mandi

Bhawani Ki Bhagal Live Weather     
Temperature: 19.7 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 39%
Wind : 4 mt/sec towards SW
StationName : "Kelwa"
observed on 2 Hours Back
Bhawani Ki Bhagal Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
20.3°C to 30.9°C
clear sky, broken clouds, overcast clouds

19.2°C to 30.7°C
clear sky

17.7°C to 28.6°C
clear sky, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds

17.9°C to 29.8°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky

Edit below overview about Bhawani Ki Bhagal

OverView of Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Bhawani ki bhagal me nagada brahmin log sbse jyada rhte he. Total 150 house. This village famous for her art and culture like ganpati mahotsav and dandiya program. Village ward panch name Madan lal joshi. he is 52 year old. He is a veterinary compounder. 
Edit below overview about Bhawani Ki Bhagal

National Highways Reachable To Bhawani Ki Bhagal
Nationa High Way :NH58        
Nationa High Way :NH27        
Rivers Near Bhawani Ki Bhagal

                      About Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Bhawani Ki Bhagal is a small Village/hamlet in Kumbhalgarh Tehsil in Rajsamand District of Rajasthan State, India. It comes under Bhawani Ki Bhagal Panchayath. It belongs to Udaipur Division . It is located 21 KM towards west from District head quarters Rajsamand. 5 KM from Kumbhalgarh. 340 KM from State capital Jaipur

Bhawani Ki Bhagal Pin code is 313334 and postal head office is Kelwa (Rajsamand).

Kalinjar ( 5 KM ) , Oladar ( 6 KM ) , Sayon Ka Kheda ( 6 KM ) , Atma ( 7 KM ) , Majhera ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Bhawani Ki Bhagal. Bhawani Ki Bhagal is surrounded by Rajsamand Tehsil towards East , Khamnor Tehsil towards South , Desuri Tehsil towards North , Amet Tehsil towards East .

Rajsamand , Nathdwara , Sadri , Bali are the near by Cities to Bhawani Ki Bhagal.

This Place is in the border of the Rajsamand District and Pali District. Pali District Desuri is North towards this place .

Bhawani Ki Bhagal 2011 Census Details

Bhawani Ki Bhagal Local Language is Hindi. Bhawani Ki Bhagal Village Total population is 549 and number of houses are 138. Female Population is 53.4%. Village literacy rate is 67.9% and the Female Literacy rate is 30.8%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 549
Total No of Houses 138
Female Population % 53.4 % ( 293)
Total Literacy rate % 67.9 % ( 373)
Female Literacy rate 30.8 % ( 169)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Scheduled Caste Population % 4.4 % ( 24)
Working Population % 42.8 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 60
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 48.3 % ( 29)

Bhawani Ki Bhagal Census More Deatils.

Politics in Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Bhawani Ki Bhagal

1)Govt Ps Mafawaton Ka Was
2)Govt Ups Bhagwanpura
3)Govt Sec School Dhanin
4)Govt Ups Virwas
5)Govt Shiksha Karmi Ps Godliya

HOW TO REACH Bhawani Ki Bhagal

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Bhawani Ki Bhagal in less than 10 km.

Colleges near Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Shrinathji Institute Of Pharmacy
Address : Shrinath Ji Institute Of Pharmacy Upali Odan, Nath

Schools in Bhawani Ki Bhagal

G.u.p.s.bhawani Ki Bhagal
Address : bhawani ki bhagal , kumbhalgarh , rajsamand , Rajasthan . PIN- 313324 , Post - Kankroli

Govt Health Centers near Bhawani Ki Bhagal

1) City Dispensary , Rajnagar Road, , Old DIstrict Hospital Campus. ,
2) Charbhuja , Community Health Center , Community Health Center , Charbhuja
3) Kakarwa , , ,

Sub Villages in Bhawani Ki Bhagal

   Bus Stops in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Madari Bus Stop

NH 8; Daulatpura; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.0 KM distance      Detail

Puthiya Bus Stop

NH 8; Daulatpura; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.2 KM distance      Detail

Dolatpura Bus Stop

NH 8; Daulatpura; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.2 KM distance      Detail

Keringji Ka Khera Bus Stop

NH 8; Parasli; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

State Bank ATM

RJ SH 12; Raj Nagar; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
19.7 KM distance      CashStatus

Axis Bank ATM

Rajsamand; SH-12; Raajsmand Road; Rajsamand; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313324; India
19.8 KM distance      CashStatus

State Bank Of India ATM

Raj Nagar; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
19.9 KM distance      CashStatus

State Bank of India ATM

kishor Nagar; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
20.9 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

राजकमल डिजिटल स्टूडियो

Bhana Road; Bhana; Rajasthan 313324; India
22.3 KM distance      Detail

mahaveer digital studiyo Kotela

Dhanyla; Rajasthan 313301; India
22.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Banda Wale Bavji Ashram & Maa Vankal Temple

Thoriya; Rajasthan 313334; India
0.9 KM distance      Detail

श्री बंदा वाले बावजी आश्रम

Thoriya; Rajasthan 313334; India
0.9 KM distance      Detail

Ambaa Mata Ka Mandir

Gajpur; Rajasthan 313334; India
1.5 KM distance      Detail

Ghatawala Hanumaan Mandir

Gajpur; Rajasthan 313334; India
2.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Madina masjid

naykwari; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
19.9 KM distance      Detail

Norani Jama msjid

Kothari; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
20.1 KM distance      Detail

Mamu Bhanja Dargah

Nau Chauki Rd; Raj Nagar; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
20.2 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Mahuaa Hotel

Bareend; Rajasthan 313334; India
5.0 KM distance      Detail

Adv Deepak

Majhera; Rajasthan 313325; India
9.8 KM distance      Detail

Alcor spa resorts

Kumbhalgarh majera road; Kelwara; Rajasthan 313325; India
10.4 KM distance      Detail

Green Mountain Hotel

Gawar; Rajasthan 313325; India
11.4 KM distance      Detail

Hoppers Leeway Jungle Camp

Village Gawar; Behind Police Station; Surajkund Road Kelwara; Kumbhalgarh Fort Road; Kelwāra; Rajasthan 313325; India
12.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Manvaar Restaurant

Rajnagar Kumbhalgarh Road; Puthol; Rajasthan 313333; India
12.1 KM distance      Detail

श्री खिमज माता जी मंदिर विघेला परिवार

Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313321; India
13.9 KM distance      Detail

ma aashapura watika

Rajsamand; Rajasthan; India
13.9 KM distance      Detail

Green chilli midway

near toll plaza; Garhbor; Rajasthan 313334; India
15.3 KM distance      Detail

Chandmal Vardichandji Parmar

Boraj; Rajasthan 313333; India
15.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Government Hospital

; माझेड़ा; राजस्थान 313325; India
9.1 KM distance      Detail

प्राथमिक स्वास्थ केंद्र;साकरोदा

Punawali; Rajasthan 313324; India
11.9 KM distance      Detail

Rajkiya Chikitsalaya

NH58; Kelwa; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.4 KM distance      Detail

Acharyashri Bhikshu Government Hospital

Kelva; Rajsamand; NH-8; Rajsamand Road; Rajsamand; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 305922; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Bholenath Fillings Station Petrol Pump

MDR36B; Madri Gowaliya; Rajasthan 313333; India
12.8 KM distance      Detail

Patrol Pump

Kelwa; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.4 KM distance      Detail


Miyari; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail


Miyari; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Nandu Shrinath Travels

Raj Nagar; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
19.5 KM distance      Detail

Govt. Polytechnic College

Near Police Line;N.H.-8; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313324; India
20.3 KM distance      Detail

Seth Ranglal Kothari Government PG College

Sundercha - NH 8; Rajasthan 313333; India
20.3 KM distance      Detail

Rajkiya Polytechnic Mahavidyalaya

Rajsamand; NH-8; Rajsamand Road; Rajsamand; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313324; India
20.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Smt. Manibai Vardichand Jain Sanghvi Prathamik Vidyalay

Majhera; Rajasthan 313325; India
9.3 KM distance      Detail

Rajakiya Adarsh Higher Secondary School

Majhera; Rajasthan 313325; India
9.3 KM distance      Detail

Govt. Sr. Sec. School; Majhera

Near Charbuja Mandir Majhera Road; Majhera; Rajasthan 313325; India
9.3 KM distance      Detail

Govt. Secondary School

Puthol; Rajasthan 313334; India
10.7 KM distance      Detail

pks.............charbhuja ( garbor )

; Rod Ka Gurha; Rajasthan 313334; India
10.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Khestrapal Ele & Hardware

Thoriya; Rajasthan 313334; India
0.8 KM distance      Detail

Jay bherunath electric hardware and sanitarywere

Gajpur; Rajasthan 313334; India
1.4 KM distance      Detail

जय भेरुनाथ ईलेक्टीक हाडवेयर

Gajpur; Rajasthan 313334; India
3.0 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Balaji Trading Company

Daulatpura; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.0 KM distance      Detail

Gokhdawali Medi Hasmukh Khyalilal Dhing

Parasali Village; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.1 KM distance      Detail

Mateshawari Kirana Store Kelwa

Kelwa; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh


Majhera; Rajasthan 313325; India
8.5 KM distance      Detail


Unnamed Rd;; Parasali Village; Rajasthan 313334; India
16.2 KM distance      Detail

Deothari Village Vatika

Deothari Rd; Tunkra Khurd; Rajasthan 313333; India
18.6 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Ghata Police Station

; Gajpur; Rajasthan 313334; India
1.3 KM distance      Detail

Rajnagar Police Station

Raj Nagar; Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
20.2 KM distance      Detail

Police Line Rajsamand

NH 8; Rajasthan 313324; India
20.5 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Bhawani Ki Bhagal,Kumbhalgarh

Atal Seva Center Padasali

Rajasamand; Rajsamand; NH-8; Rajsamand Road; Devgarh; Devgarh; Rajasthan 305922; India
16.2 KM distance      Detail

Atal Seva Kendra Pharara

Pharara; Rajasthan 313324; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail

Rto Traning Track

Rajsamand; Rajasthan 313333; India
18.0 KM distance      Detail
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About Bhawani Ki Bhagal & History

How to reach Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Tourist Places Near By Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Schools in Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Colleges in Bhawani Ki Bhagal

Temperature & weather of Bhawani Ki Bhagal

places in Bhawani Ki Bhagal

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