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Chondwade Kh
Chondwade Kh Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Nandurbar District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Nandurbar District | Nandurbar | 6 |
Locality Name :
Chondwade Kh
( चोंडवाडे ख )
Taluka Name : Akarani
District : Nandurbar
State : Maharashtra
Region : Khandesh and Northern Maharashtra
Division : Nashik
Language : Marathi and Hindi, Bhili, Gujrathi And Kokani
Current Time 12:08 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 201 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02595
Assembly constituency : Akkalkuwa assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Adv KC Padavi
Lok Sabha constituency : Nandurbar parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr. Heena Vijaykumar Gavit
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 425414
Post Office Name : Dhadgaon
Main Village Name : Chondwade Kh
Commodities Prices : Dhadgaon Market / Mandi
Taluka Name : Akarani
District : Nandurbar
State : Maharashtra
Region : Khandesh and Northern Maharashtra
Division : Nashik
Language : Marathi and Hindi, Bhili, Gujrathi And Kokani
Current Time 12:08 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 201 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02595
Assembly constituency : Akkalkuwa assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Adv KC Padavi
Lok Sabha constituency : Nandurbar parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr. Heena Vijaykumar Gavit
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 425414
Post Office Name : Dhadgaon
Main Village Name : Chondwade Kh
Commodities Prices : Dhadgaon Market / Mandi
Chondwade Kh Live Weather
Temperature: 24.1 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 43%
Wind : 1.17 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "Taloda"
observed on 19 Mins Back
Temperature: 24.1 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 43%
Wind : 1.17 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "Taloda"
observed on 19 Mins Back
Chondwade Kh Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
23.3°C to 23.9°C
broken clouds
23.3°C to 23.9°C
broken clouds
20.3°C to 26.8°C
broken clouds, light rain, scattered clouds
20.3°C to 26.8°C
broken clouds, light rain, scattered clouds
18.7°C to 26.1°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, clear sky
18.7°C to 26.1°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, clear sky
18.2°C to 27.3°C
clear sky
18.2°C to 27.3°C
clear sky
18.0°C to 27.3°C
clear sky
18.0°C to 27.3°C
clear sky
Rivers Near Chondwade Kh
Dhamani Khadi
Sankali Khadi
Dhamani Khadi
Sankali Khadi
About Chondwade Kh
Correct below Info and add more info about Chondwade KhChondwade Kh is a small Village/hamlet in Akarani Taluka in Nandurbar District of Maharashtra State, India. It comes under Chondwade Kh Panchayath. It belongs to Khandesh and Northern Maharashtra region . It belongs to Nashik Division . It is located 57 KM towards North from District head quarters Nandurbar. 8 KM from Akarani. 401 KM from State capital Mumbai
Chondwade Kh Pin code is 425414 and postal head office is Dhadgaon .
Genda ( 11 KM ) , Bijari ( 11 KM ) , Surwani ( 12 KM ) , Sisa ( 13 KM ) , Khushgavhan ( 14 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Chondwade Kh. Chondwade Kh is surrounded by Taloda Taluka towards South , Sondwa Taluka towards North , Nizar Taluka towards South , Akkalkuwa Taluka towards west .
Shahade , Nandurbar , Barwani , Rajpipla are the near by Cities to Chondwade Kh.
Chondwade Kh 2011 Census Details
Chondwade Kh Local Language is Marathi. Chondwade Kh Village Total population is 311 and number of houses are 57. Female Population is 52.1%. Village literacy rate is 59.2% and the Female Literacy rate is 27.0%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 311 |
Total No of Houses | 57 |
Female Population % | 52.1 % ( 162) |
Total Literacy rate % | 59.2 % ( 184) |
Female Literacy rate | 27.0 % ( 84) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 100.0 % ( 311) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Working Population % | 48.2 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 63 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 52.4 % ( 33) |
Chondwade Kh Census More Deatils.
Politics in Chondwade Kh
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , NCP , SP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Chondwade Kh
1)Kharwad-12)Khardi Kh.
3)Dhanaje Bk. 1
5)Dhadgaon (june)
HOW TO REACH Chondwade Kh
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Chondwade Kh in less than 10 km. are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns.By Road
Shahade are the nearby by towns to Chondwade Kh having road connectivity to Chondwade KhColleges near Chondwade Kh
A.s.mandal's Chc Arts,sgp Commerce Andbbjp Science College,taloda
Address :
S.r.c Indani College
Address :
Nutan Madhyamik Vidaylay {khondamali}
Address :
Savitribai Madhyamik And Uchamadhyamik Shala
Address :
Shri.chakradhar Madhyamik Vidalaya
Address :
Schools near Chondwade Kh
Govt. Ashram School
Address : son kh. , dhadgaon , nandurbar , Maharashtra . PIN- 425414 , Post - Dhadgaon
P.p. Paradke Girls High School
Address : dhadgaon , dhadgaon , nandurbar , Maharashtra . PIN- 425414 , Post - Dhadgaon
Govt. Ashram School
Address : hatdhui , dhadgaon , nandurbar , Maharashtra . PIN- 425414 , Post - Dhadgaon
Govt. Girls Ashram School
Address : mandvi bk. , dhadgaon , nandurbar , Maharashtra . PIN- 425414 , Post - Dhadgaon
Govt Health Centers near Chondwade Kh
1) Kharwad , , ,2) Dhanaje Bk , PHC - Dhanaje Bk , ,
3) Dhanaje Bk. , SC -Dhanaje Bk. , ,
Sub Villages in Chondwade Kh
Schools in Chondwade Kh,Akarani
Electronic Shops in Chondwade Kh,Akarani
Super Markets in Chondwade Kh,Akarani
Local Parks in Chondwade Kh,Akarani
Police Stations near Chondwade Kh,Akarani
Governement Offices near Chondwade Kh,Akarani
About Chondwade Kh &
How to reach Chondwade Kh
Tourist Places Near By Chondwade Kh
Schools in Chondwade Kh
Colleges in Chondwade Kh
Temperature & weather of Chondwade Kh
places in Chondwade Kh
Chondwade Kh photos
More Information
How to reach Chondwade Kh
Tourist Places Near By Chondwade Kh
Schools in Chondwade Kh
Colleges in Chondwade Kh
Temperature & weather of Chondwade Kh
places in Chondwade Kh
Chondwade Kh photos
More Information
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Near Cities
Shahade 41 KM near
Nandurbar 53 KM near
Barwani 78 KM near
Rajpipla 87 KM near
Shahade 41 KM near
Nandurbar 53 KM near
Barwani 78 KM near
Rajpipla 87 KM near
Near By Taluks
Akarani 7 KM near
Taloda 27 KM near
Sondwa 36 KM near
Nizar 38 KM near
Akarani 7 KM near
Taloda 27 KM near
Sondwa 36 KM near
Nizar 38 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Vadodara Airport 136 KM near
Indore Airport 212 KM near
Gandhinagar Airport 235 KM near
Bhavnagar Airport 240 KM near
Vadodara Airport 136 KM near
Indore Airport 212 KM near
Gandhinagar Airport 235 KM near
Bhavnagar Airport 240 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Toranmal 25 KM near
Kevadia Narmada 66 KM near
Champaner 118 KM near
Pavagadh 119 KM near
Dhule 127 KM near
Toranmal 25 KM near
Kevadia Narmada 66 KM near
Champaner 118 KM near
Pavagadh 119 KM near
Dhule 127 KM near
Near By Districts
Nandurbar 55 KM near
Alirajpur 62 KM near
Barwani 79 KM near
Narmada 87 KM near
Nandurbar 55 KM near
Alirajpur 62 KM near
Barwani 79 KM near
Narmada 87 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Nandurbar Rail Way Station 54 KM near
Dondaicha Rail Way Station 69 KM near
Nandurbar Rail Way Station 54 KM near
Dondaicha Rail Way Station 69 KM near