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Ghantiyala Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Jodhpur District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Jodhpur District | Jodhpur | 362 |
Jodhpur | Jodhpur | 1 |
Shashtri Nagar | Jodhpur | 1 |
Locality Name :
( घंटियाला )
Tehsil Name : Mandor
District : Jodhpur
State : Rajasthan
Division : Jodhpur
Language : Hindi and Rajasthani
Current Time 09:34 PM
Date: Saturday , Dec 21,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 244 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02931
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Assembly MLA :
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 342024
Post Office Name : Soorsagar
Main Village Name : Ghantiyala
Commodities Prices : Mathania Market / Mandi
Tehsil Name : Mandor
District : Jodhpur
State : Rajasthan
Division : Jodhpur
Language : Hindi and Rajasthani
Current Time 09:34 PM
Date: Saturday , Dec 21,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 244 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02931
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Assembly MLA :
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 342024
Post Office Name : Soorsagar
Main Village Name : Ghantiyala
Commodities Prices : Mathania Market / Mandi
Edit below overview about Ghantiyala
Edit below overview about Ghantiyala
OverView of Ghantiyala
Ghantiyala is a big village. It is not so far from the jodhpur. Distance between jodhpur to my village 48 km only. There is two way to reach my village 1st jodhpur-keru-chawanda-ghantiyala and 2nd is jodhpur-barli-aagolai-ghantiyala. As i listion my village is very old. In my village there is rajpurohit cast majority. There is very big temple of lord hanuman. In this temple there is a big statue of lord hanuman.Edit below overview about Ghantiyala
National Highways Reachable To Ghantiyala
Nationa High Way :NH62
Nationa High Way :NH125
Nationa High Way :NH62
Nationa High Way :NH125
About Ghantiyala
Ghantiyala is a small Village/hamlet in Mandor Tehsil in Jodhpur District of Rajasthan State, India. It comes under Ghantiyala Panchayath. It belongs to Jodhpur Division . It is located 33 KM towards west from District head quarters Jodhpur. 37 KM from Mandor. 360 KM from State capital Jaipur
Ghantiyala Pin code is 342024 and postal head office is Soorsagar .
Santora Khurd ( 10 KM ) , Keru ( 12 KM ) , Joliyali ( 14 KM ) , Utamber ( 14 KM ) , Bhatelai Purohitan ( 14 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Ghantiyala. Ghantiyala is surrounded by Jodhpur Tehsil towards East , Mandor Tehsil towards East , Luni Tehsil towards South , Osian Tehsil towards North .
Jodhpur , Pipar City , Pali , Bilara are the near by Cities to Ghantiyala.
Ghantiyala 2011 Census Details
Ghantiyala Local Language is Hindi. Ghantiyala Village Total population is 3402 and number of houses are 565. Female Population is 47.9%. Village literacy rate is 50.9% and the Female Literacy rate is 18.0%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 3402 |
Total No of Houses | 565 |
Female Population % | 47.9 % ( 1629) |
Total Literacy rate % | 50.9 % ( 1730) |
Female Literacy rate | 18.0 % ( 614) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 3.5 % ( 119) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 8.6 % ( 292) |
Working Population % | 38.2 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 602 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 48.3 % ( 291) |
Ghantiyala Census More Deatils.
HOW TO REACH Ghantiyala
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Ghantiyala in less than 10 km.Colleges near Ghantiyala
Govt College Osian
Address : Simrath Nagar, Tinwari Road, Osian
Gov . College Balesar
Address :
Rajasthan Teacher Training Agolai
Address :
Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Phalodi
Address :
Bbhagwati Colage Khetasar
Address :
Schools in Ghantiyala
Gups Sindiyo Ki Dhani
Address : ghantiyala , mandore , jodhpur , Rajasthan . PIN- 342001 , Post - Jodhpur
Gups Ghuntiyala
Address : ghantiyala , mandore , jodhpur , Rajasthan . PIN- 342024 , Post - Soorsagar
Govt Health Centers near Ghantiyala
3) Ajit Nagar , SUB HEALTH CENTRE, AJIT NAGAR , Ajit nagar, Pal Raod , JODHPUR
Sub Villages in Ghantiyala
Petrol Bunks in Ghantiyala,Mandor
Village Dugar; NH 114; Jodhpur; Rajasthan 342001; India
17.9 KM distance Detail
NH-114; Jodhur Jaisalmer Highway; Agolai; Rajasthan 342014; India
18.5 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Ghantiyala,Mandor
Shree Awad Computer Center(Balrwa)
BALRWA MARCET ;JODHPUR; MDR104; Balrwa; Rajasthan 342306; India
19.0 KM distance Detail
Rajasthan Teachers Training College
Agolai Vilalge; Shergarh Tehsil; Jodhpur; Rajasthan 342022; India
20.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Ghantiyala,Mandor
Choudhary Budharam Government Senior Secondary School Popawas
Sirodi; Rajasthan 342024; India
4.9 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Ghantiyala,Mandor
Jay Bhavani Jewellers; Bavarlee Pro.Babulal Soni
Baorli; Rajasthan 342001; India
5.7 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Ghantiyala,Mandor
Police Stations near Ghantiyala,Mandor
About Ghantiyala &
How to reach Ghantiyala
Tourist Places Near By Ghantiyala
Schools in Ghantiyala
Colleges in Ghantiyala
Temperature & weather of Ghantiyala
places in Ghantiyala
Ghantiyala photos
More Information
How to reach Ghantiyala
Tourist Places Near By Ghantiyala
Schools in Ghantiyala
Colleges in Ghantiyala
Temperature & weather of Ghantiyala
places in Ghantiyala
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