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Shivdanpura Map     
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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Hanumangarh District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Hanumangarh District    Hanumangarh    11
Total infected patients are 11 in Hanumangarh District and total population of Hanumangarh District is 1779650. Total Infected Patients in Rajasthan State are 2126 .
Locality Name : Shivdanpura ( शिवदानपुरा )
Tehsil Name : Bhadra
District : Hanumangarh
State : Rajasthan
Division : Bikaner
Language : Rajasthani and Hindi, Seraiki, Sindhi,punjabi
Current Time 10:06 AM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 201 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01504

Assembly constituency : Bhadra assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Sanjeev Kumar
Lok Sabha constituency : Churu parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : RAHUL KASWAN
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 335503
Post Office Name : Dabri
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Main Village Name : Shivdanpura

Commodities Prices : Bhadara Market / Mandi

Shivdanpura Live Weather     
Temperature: 29.4 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 19%
Wind : 1.95 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "BhÄ\u0081dra"
observed on Now
Shivdanpura Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
23.7°C to 34.3°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds

21.7°C to 35.4°C
broken clouds, few clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky

21.0°C to 34.8°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, light rain

19.5°C to 33.0°C
light rain, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds

18.8°C to 31.5°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, clear sky

Edit below overview about Shivdanpura

OverView of Shivdanpura

Shivdanpura is a small village of tehsil bhadra and District Hanumangarh.. Its nearby 45km from hisar 27km bhadra, 45km rajgarh and 70km from sirsa.. This village have maximum no of jaat and less no of other casts.. In jaat maximum no of CHHIRANG sub cast and godara lora, KASWAN etc also there.. Its nice village and its moral value rich people who living in this VILLAGE. Much people of this village are government employee. Many people of sub cast Kaswan are serving in Armd forces
Edit below overview about Shivdanpura

National Highways Reachable To Shivdanpura
Nationa High Way :NH52        

                      About Shivdanpura

Shivdanpura is a small Village/hamlet in Bhadra Tehsil in Hanumangarh District of Rajasthan State, India. It comes under Shivdanpura Panchayath. It belongs to Bikaner Division . It is located 142 KM towards East from District head quarters Hanumangarh. 24 KM from Bhadra. 276 KM from State capital Jaipur

Shivdanpura Pin code is 335503 and postal head office is Dabri .

Dabari ( 8 KM ) , Ajeet Pura ( 8 KM ) , Suratpura ( 10 KM ) , Bhangarh ( 11 KM ) , Mothasara ( 12 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Shivdanpura. Shivdanpura is surrounded by Hisar-Ii Tehsil towards East , Adampur Tehsil towards North , Siwani Tehsil towards East , Bhattu Kalan Tehsil towards North .

Hisar , Taranagar , Nohar , Hansi are the near by Cities to Shivdanpura.

SHIVDANPURA 2011 Census Details

Shivdanpura Local Language is Rajasthani. SHIVDANPURA Village Total population is 1340 and number of houses are 268. Female Population is 47.0%. Village literacy rate is 62.6% and the Female Literacy rate is 24.3%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 1340
Total No of Houses 268
Female Population % 47.0 % ( 630)
Total Literacy rate % 62.6 % ( 839)
Female Literacy rate 24.3 % ( 325)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Scheduled Caste Population % 20.4 % ( 274)
Working Population % 51.1 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 172
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 43.0 % ( 74)

SHIVDANPURA Census More Deatils.

Politics in Shivdanpura

Communist Party of India (Marxist) , BJP , CPIM , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Shivdanpura

1)Govt. Secondary School Bojhala
2)Govt. Secondary School Bhadi Left Side
3)Govt. Higher Secondary School Anupshahar Left Side
4)Govt. Higher Secondary School Bhangarh Right Side
5)Govt. Higher Secondary School Ajeetpura Right Side

HOW TO REACH Shivdanpura

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Shivdanpura in less than 10 km.

Colleges near Shivdanpura

Ch.chandu Ram Suthar Collage
Address :
M.r School Kunji
Address :
Bhakar Fakad Collage Gadra
Address :
Seth Ganpatram Lakhchami Devi Collage Dabri
Address :
Sbn Memorial College, Ajeetpura
Address : Vpo Ajeetpura

Schools in Shivdanpura

Gms Shivdanpura
Address : shivdanpura , bhadra , hanumangarh , Rajasthan . PIN- 335503 , Post - Dabri

Govt Health Centers near Shivdanpura

1) Dhani Bari , Dhani Bari , Dhani Bari , Dhani Bari
2) Sadpura , Sadpura , Sadpura , Sadpura
3) Ajitpura , village ajitpura , ,

Sub Villages in Shivdanpura

   Bus Stops in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Bus Stop

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail

Sidhmukh Main Bus Stand

MDR18; Sidhmukh; Rajasthan 331701; India
17.4 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

State Bank ATM

MDR107; Balsamand; Haryana 125001; India
17.1 KM distance      CashStatus


SBI BALSAMAND; MAIN BRANCH; Balsamand; Haryana 125001; India
17.5 KM distance      CashStatus


Main Market; Balsamand; Hisar; 125001; India
17.7 KM distance      CashStatus


Chhani Badi; Rajasthan 335511; India
22.8 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

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   Temples in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Baba Jhulewale Shiv Mandir Ajeetpura

335501; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan; India
4.2 KM distance      Detail

Samadhi Baba Jhulewale Maharaj Ajeetpura

335501; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan; India
4.2 KM distance      Detail

Sayam Mandir

Ajeetpura Bypass Rd; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.2 KM distance      Detail


Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.3 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Makka Masjid

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.4 KM distance      Detail

Madina Masjid

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.7 KM distance      Detail


Sidhmukh-Bhadara Rd; Bhanai; Rajasthan 335501; India
12.7 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Toksiya Apartment

Ward No.8; Gadhara; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.8 KM distance      Detail

Pramila Besra

Gadhara; Rajasthan 335503; India
5.2 KM distance      Detail

Krishan Parnami Goshala

Budak; Haryana 125001; India
12.2 KM distance      Detail

Hanuman umed singh

umed singh main chouk; Rajpuria; Rajasthan 331701; India
15.7 KM distance      Detail

Shar A Punjab Hotel Balsamnd

Hisar; Balsamand; Haryana 125001; India
17.0 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

haryana king family hotel

Hanumangarh; Rajasthan 335503; India
8.6 KM distance      Detail

Mahak Hotal & Restaurant

Bhirani; Rajasthan 335503; India
8.7 KM distance      Detail

Bhanai Hotel

28°57'22. 75°12'52.; 419/7; 4th Main Rd; Nagashettyhalli; Bengaluru; Karnataka; India
13.3 KM distance      Detail

Deepak Dhaba

Sidhmukh-Bhadara Road; Bhadra; Hanumangarh; Bhanai; Rajasthan 335501; India
13.7 KM distance      Detail

Bhaji hotel Jariwal

opposite Jat Dharmshala; MDR107; Balsamand; Haryana 125001; India
16.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Shivdanpura,Bhadra


Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.5 KM distance      Detail

Govt. Veterinary Hospital

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.5 KM distance      Detail

Chananmal Bansal Rajkiya Aadrsh PHC Ajeetpura

Ajeetpura Bypass Rd; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail


Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Petrol Filling Station

Bhanai; Rajasthan 335501; India
13.1 KM distance      Detail

Laura Filling station balsamand

Hisar; Haryana 125001; India
15.7 KM distance      Detail

HP Petrol Pump

Balsamand; Haryana 125001; India
15.9 KM distance      Detail

Bharat Petrolium

MDR107; Balsamand-Bhadra Rd; Haryana 125001; India
16.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Arya College Of Education

Balsamand-Bhadra Rd; Rajasthan 335503; India
7.7 KM distance      Detail


Hanumangarh Town; Rajasthan 335503; India
7.8 KM distance      Detail

New Hind Girls Degree College Sidhmukh

Bhadara-Rajgarh Road; Sidhmukh; Rajasthan 331701; India
17.0 KM distance      Detail

sharma packers and movers

call@ 8888888888; Rajasthan 331701; India
17.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Government Secondary School

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail


Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

govt school

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

Saint Kabir School Ajeetpura

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.0 KM distance      Detail

St. Kabir School

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
4.0 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Raj Mobile Repairing Center

Shivdanpura - Budher - Ajeetpura Road; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.2 KM distance      Detail

Raj Repering Center

Shivdanpura - Budher - Ajeetpura Road; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335501; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

Raj Mobail Repering Center

Bus Stop; Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

shri jeen mata saras sahkari samiti

Ajeetpura; Rajasthan 335503; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail

bijarniya dairi and kirana store

Bhangwa; Rajasthan 335501; India
12.4 KM distance      Detail

chhapola brothers

Sidhmukh - Siwani Rd; Tunda Kheri; Rajasthan 331023; India
17.5 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Technology park

Sidhmukh; Rajasthan 331701; India
17.0 KM distance      Detail

Garden Of Hanuman Ji Temple

lake road; Anupshahar; Rajasthan; India
17.4 KM distance      Detail

शहीद स्मारक

railway station road; Anupshahar; Rajasthan 335501; India
17.5 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Police Station

Sidhmukh; Rajasthan 331701; India
17.0 KM distance      Detail

Police Post Balsamand

Balsamand; Haryana 125001; India
17.6 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Shivdanpura,Bhadra

Atal Sewa Kendra Sagara अटल सेवा केंद्र सागड़ा

Sagra; Rajasthan 335511; India
14.0 KM distance      Detail

Pwd Water Supply Momanwad

Chanan; Rajasthan 335501; India
15.6 KM distance      Detail

Yаdаv Гаям Ноuse

11 Jgw; Rajasthan 335511; India
16.9 KM distance      Detail
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About Shivdanpura & History

How to reach Shivdanpura

Tourist Places Near By Shivdanpura

Schools in Shivdanpura

Colleges in Shivdanpura

Temperature & weather of Shivdanpura

places in Shivdanpura

Shivdanpura photos

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Near By RailWay Station
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Sadulpur Junction Rail Way Station   47 KM near     

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