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Shyamripurwa Map     
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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Chhatarpur District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
Total infected patients are 0 in Chhatarpur District and total population of Chhatarpur District is 1762857. Total Infected Patients in Madhya Pradesh State are 2113 .
Locality Name : Shyamripurwa ( श्यामरिपुरवा )
Tehsil Name : Chhatarpur
District : Chhatarpur
State : Madhya Pradesh
Division : Sagar
Language : Hindi and Urdu, Bharia,devanagari
Current Time 09:30 PM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 226 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07682

Assembly constituency : Chhatarpur assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Lalita Yadav
Lok Sabha constituency : Tikamgarh parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr Virendra Kumar
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Main Village Name : Shyamripurwa

Commodities Prices : Chhatarpur Market / Mandi

Shyamripurwa Live Weather     
Temperature: 28.6 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 21%
Wind : 1.42 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Chhatarpur"
observed on Now
Shyamripurwa Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
26.2°C to 28.5°C
clear sky

25.1°C to 39.0°C
clear sky

25.2°C to 37.4°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, light rain

23.5°C to 36.8°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds

21.6°C to 34.9°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky

National Highways Reachable To Shyamripurwa
Nationa High Way :NH39        
Rivers Near Shyamripurwa
Khudar River        

                      About Shyamripurwa

Correct below Info and add more info about Shyamripurwa

Shyamripurwa is a small Village/hamlet in Chhatarpur Tehsil in Chhatarpur District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It comes under Shyamripurwa Panchayath. It belongs to Sagar Division . It is located 15 KM towards East from District head quarters Chhatarpur. 20 KM from Chhatarpur. 343 KM from State capital Bhopal

Barayach Khera ( 4 KM ) , Kadari ( 5 KM ) , Basari ( 5 KM ) , Gangayach ( 6 KM ) , Gathewara ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Shyamripurwa. Shyamripurwa is surrounded by Chhatarpur Tehsil towards west , Nowgong Tehsil towards North , Bijawar Tehsil towards South , Jaitpur Tehsil towards North .

Chhatarpur , Nowgong , Panna , Mahoba are the near by Cities to Shyamripurwa.

Shyamripurwa 2011 Census Details

Shyamripurwa Local Language is Hindi. Shyamripurwa Village Total population is 587 and number of houses are 110. Female Population is 47.0%. Village literacy rate is 48.0% and the Female Literacy rate is 20.1%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 587
Total No of Houses 110
Female Population % 47.0 % ( 276)
Total Literacy rate % 48.0 % ( 282)
Female Literacy rate 20.1 % ( 118)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Scheduled Caste Population % 23.3 % ( 137)
Working Population % 38.8 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 98
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 43.9 % ( 43)

Shyamripurwa Census More Deatils.

Politics in Shyamripurwa

Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Shyamripurwa


HOW TO REACH Shyamripurwa

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Shyamripurwa in less than 10 km.

Pincodes near Shyamripurwa

471001 ( Chhatarpur ) , 471408 ( Satai ) , 471105 ( Bamitha )

Colleges near Shyamripurwa

Jatayu Computer Center
Address :

Schools near Shyamripurwa

Ps Uma Bal Vidya Mandir
Address : chhatarpur , ishanagaar , chhatarpur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 471001 , Post - Chhatarpur
Dr. Kn Memo. Pb.hss Chp.
Address : chhatarpur , ishanagaar , chhatarpur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 471001 , Post - Chhatarpur
Vijay Aadhunik H.s.chhatarpur
Address : ward no 4 chhatarpur , ishanagaar , chhatarpur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 471001 , Post - Chhatarpur
Kendriya Vidyalaya Chp.
Address : ward no 1 chhatarpur , ishanagaar , chhatarpur , Madhya Pradesh . PIN- 471001 , Post - Chhatarpur

Govt Health Centers near Shyamripurwa

1) PHC Basari , PHC Basari , PAHRA ROAD ,
2) SHC Basari , SHC Basari , PAHRA ROAD ,
3) SHC Imaliya , SHC Imaliya , NEAR SCHOOL ,

Sub Villages in Shyamripurwa

   Bus Stops in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Chhatarpur Bus Stand

Vishwanath Colony; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
16.3 KM distance      Detail

Bus Stand ; Niwari

NH 86; Niwari; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
17.3 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

ATM Satatbank

Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.7 KM distance      CashStatus

Bank of India ATM

City Market; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.3 KM distance      CashStatus

Syndicate Bank ATM

In-front of Collector Bungalow; Rd to Dera Pahadi Jain Mandir; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.5 KM distance      CashStatus

State Bank of India ATM

Police Line Rd; Police Lines; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.5 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Ashoka Cineplex Chhatarpur

near; Green Avenue; Green Avenue Colony; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.8 KM distance      Detail

Sanjay nagar Satdium( Ajay ah)

Padariya; Madhya Pradesh 471408; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail

राजाराम होम

Padariya; Madhya Pradesh 471408; India
14.6 KM distance      Detail

Rajaram Padariya

Padariya; Madhya Pradesh 471408; India
14.6 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

हनुमान जी का मंदिर

Simariya; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
5.9 KM distance      Detail

हनुमान मंदिर

Simariya; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
5.9 KM distance      Detail

Ma Bajni Temple

; 471001; Chandrapura; Madhya Pradesh; India
8.4 KM distance      Detail

Lord Shri Krishna Temple Barkoha

Sarani; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
9.7 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur


Naya Mohalla; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.5 KM distance      Detail

Hazrat Sayyad Baali Rehmatullah Alieh

Naya Mohalla; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail

tandel masjid

Naya Mohalla to Sankat Mochan Rd; Naya Mohalla; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur


Gangayach; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
5.6 KM distance      Detail

Khajuraho Hotel Ramada

Panna Khajuraho Rd; Kadari; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
6.1 KM distance      Detail

Anand Market

Chandrapura; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
10.7 KM distance      Detail

Panchwati Hotel

Chhatrasal Colony; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
12.8 KM distance      Detail

Meena Mobile Enterprises

new panna naka kamla colony in front of post office koloni ke samne; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.2 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Jal Mahal Restaurant

Hammeer Garhi Heritage Resort ; Basari village; NH75; Madhya Pradesh 470232; India
6.3 KM distance      Detail

Anvesh Dhaba

Basari; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471408; India
6.7 KM distance      Detail

Om Dhaba

Tiloha; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

Bundela Dhaba

Moraha; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Jata Shankar Dhaba

Moraha; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
9.2 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Aditya Medical And General Store

Ambedkar Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
12.9 KM distance      Detail

Shiv Shakti Clinic 1.

Bagauta; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.2 KM distance      Detail

Khajuraho Dental Clinic

19/557;; Satai Rd; Green Avenue Colony; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.8 KM distance      Detail

Dr. Piyush Bajaj Clinic

Satai Rd; Choubey Colony; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.0 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Uma Shambhu Indian Oil

NH75; Village Brijpura; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
7.0 KM distance      Detail

Om Kalash Filling Station Bharat Petroleum

Brijpura; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471105; India
10.7 KM distance      Detail

Ganj Kisan Petrol Pump

Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471105; India
11.7 KM distance      Detail

Adnan auto repairing centre Ganj

Panna Khajuraho Rd; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
11.7 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur


Chandrapura; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Pandit Dev Prabhakar Shastri College of Technology

NH-75; Panna Road; Gatheora; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Pt. Devprabhakar Shastri Engineering college

Chandrapura; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

chanakya pvt iti chhatarpur

Ram Madan Complex; Lehripura New Rd; Kamala Nagar; Bajwada; Chhani Jakatnaka; Vadodara; Gujarat 390001; India
11.7 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

EuroKids Chattarpur

Dindayal Bhavan;opp Shelter Inn Hotel; Dindayal Bhavan; Opp. Shelter Inn Hotel; Chattarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

DPS Chhatarpur

Khajuraho Panna Highway; Near Village Kadari Post Basari S/O Bamitha; District-Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471005; India
5.4 KM distance      Detail

Delhi Public School

Basari Bundelkhand; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471105; India
5.5 KM distance      Detail

Primary School Kaveer

Gangayach; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
5.9 KM distance      Detail

Government Middle School

Brijpura; Chhatarpur; NH-75; Panna Khajuraho Road; Chhatarpur; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471105; India
6.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur


Brajpura Chhatarpur M.P. India; Panna Khajuraho Rd; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
6.8 KM distance      Detail

Aakash Deep Kirna Stoer

Chandrapura; Madhya Pradesh 471408; India
12.2 KM distance      Detail

krishna mobile center

Vikarampur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
12.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Tiwari Market

Ganj; Madhya Pradesh 471105; India
13.4 KM distance      Detail

Muskan Ganrel And Kirana Stor Satai Road Cjatarpur

Ambedkar Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.4 KM distance      Detail

Sarvjan Bazar kirana general store

Mahaveer Colony; Radio Colony; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Marraige Garden

National Highway 75; Ambedkar Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.3 KM distance      Detail

Choubey Colony Park

Choubey Colony; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.8 KM distance      Detail

Marrige Garden

Shanti Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Civil Line Police Station

Panna Khajuraho Rd; Kamla Colony; Ambedkar Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
13.9 KM distance      Detail

Police Parade Ground

Police Lines; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.4 KM distance      Detail

Police Lines

Police Lines; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Shyamripurwa,Chhatarpur

Chowk Bazar Square

Chowk Bazar Rd; Naya Mohalla; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
15.3 KM distance      Detail

Mahendra Ji

Panna Khajuraho Rd; Shanti Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
15.8 KM distance      Detail

Zila Panchayat Chhatarpur

Model Basic School Rd; Shanti Nagar; Chhatarpur; Madhya Pradesh 471001; India
15.9 KM distance      Detail
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About Shyamripurwa & History

How to reach Shyamripurwa

Tourist Places Near By Shyamripurwa

Schools in Shyamripurwa

Colleges in Shyamripurwa

Temperature & weather of Shyamripurwa

places in Shyamripurwa

Shyamripurwa photos

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Mahoba  53 KM near     
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Chhatarpur  20 KM near     
Nowgong  37 KM near     
Bijawar  39 KM near     
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Kanpur Airport   206 KM near     
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Mahoba   55 KM near     
Panna   57 KM near     
Tikamgarh   99 KM near     
Near By RailWay Station
Kulpahar Rail Way Station   53 KM near     
Mahoba Junction Rail Way Station   56 KM near     

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