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Neemkhera Map     
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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Bharatpur District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Bharatpur District    Bharatpur    110
Total infected patients are 110 in Bharatpur District and total population of Bharatpur District is 2549121. Total Infected Patients in Rajasthan State are 2126 .
Locality Name : Neemkhera ( नीमखेड़ा )
Tehsil Name : Nagar Pahari
District : Bharatpur
State : Rajasthan
Division : Bharatpur
Language : Hindi and Rajasthani, Bharatpur
Current Time 05:38 PM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 219 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 05640

Assembly constituency : Nagar assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Jawaharsingh Bedham
Lok Sabha constituency : Bharatpur parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 321024
Post Office Name : Sikri
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Main Village Name : Neemkhera

Commodities Prices : Nagar Market / Mandi

Neemkhera Live Weather     
Temperature: 34.3 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 18%
Wind : 3.96 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "Nagar"
observed on 41 Mins Back
Neemkhera Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
21.4°C to 33.1°C
broken clouds, clear sky

21.2°C to 37.1°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds

21.2°C to 35.7°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky

20.0°C to 34.3°C
few clouds, clear sky

19.9°C to 34.9°C
clear sky

National Highways Reachable To Neemkhera
Nationa High Way :NH21        
Nationa High Way :NH919        
Rivers Near Neemkhera
Mathura Escape        

                      About Neemkhera

Correct below Info and add more info about Neemkhera

Neemkhera is a small Village/hamlet in Nagar Pahari Tehsil in Bharatpur District of Rajasthan State, India. It comes under Neemkhera Panchayath. It belongs to Bharatpur Division . It is located 56 KM towards west from District head quarters Bharatpur. 9 KM from Pahari. 166 KM from State capital Jaipur

Neemkhera Pin code is 321024 and postal head office is Sikri .

Sirthala ( 4 KM ) , Udki Dalla ( 5 KM ) , Gulpara ( 6 KM ) , Khesti ( 7 KM ) , Semla Kalan ( 8 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Neemkhera. Neemkhera is surrounded by Deeg Tehsil towards East , Kathumar Tehsil towards South , Lachhmangarh Tehsil towards west , Kaman Tehsil towards North .

Nagar , Nadbai , Bharatpur , Alwar are the near by Cities to Neemkhera.

This Place is in the border of the Bharatpur District and Mewat District. Mewat District Ferozepur Jhirka is North towards this place . It is near to the Haryana State Border.

Neemkhera 2011 Census Details

Neemkhera Local Language is Hindi. Neemkhera Village Total population is 348 and number of houses are 44. Female Population is 49.4%. Village literacy rate is 49.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 19.3%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 348
Total No of Houses 44
Female Population % 49.4 % ( 172)
Total Literacy rate % 49.7 % ( 173)
Female Literacy rate 19.3 % ( 67)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Scheduled Caste Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Working Population % 44.0 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 78
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 35.9 % ( 28)

Neemkhera Census More Deatils.

Politics in Neemkhera

Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , BSP , INC , NPP are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Neemkhera

3)Akbarpur Mev
5)Akbarpur Foujdar

HOW TO REACH Neemkhera

By Rail

Brij Nagar Rail Way Station is the very nearby railway stations to Neemkhera.

Colleges near Neemkhera

Adarsh Degree Collage
Address :
Adarsh Degree Collage
Address :
Rajasthan Public School Kaithwara
Address : Add.deeg Road Kaithwara
Address : Near By Md School

Schools in Neemkhera

Govt Ps Neemkhera
Address : neemkhera , nagar , bharatpur , Rajasthan . PIN- 321024 , Post - Sikri

Govt Health Centers near Neemkhera

1) Kurken , subcentre , ,
2) Suketi , subcentre , ,
3) Manota Kalan , Phc , manota kala , minor

Sub Villages in Neemkhera

   Bus Stops in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Bus Stand

RJ SH 14; Giraj Colony; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.2 KM distance      Detail

Rasiya Bus Stop

Ravidaspura; Rajasthan 321205; India
9.8 KM distance      Detail

Panhori Bus Stop

Panhori; Rajasthan 321203; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail

Naharoli Bus Stop

Nahroli Thakur; Rajasthan 321203; India
17.4 KM distance      Detail

more .. Add Bus Stop

   ATMs in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Axis Bank ATM

8.8 KM distance      CashStatus

Pnb Atm

Gandeeka; Rajasthan 301604; India
13.0 KM distance      CashStatus

Indiancash Atm

Govind Garh; Rajasthan 301604; India
13.1 KM distance      CashStatus

Axis Bank Atm

Govind Garh; Rajasthan 301604; India
13.1 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Ramleela Medaan Palka

Palka; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Vinod Hair Dresser Palka

Palka; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

दीपक सिनेमा हॉल

Govind Garh; Rajasthan 301604; India
13.9 KM distance      Detail

Deepak Cinema

Govind Garh; Rajasthan 301604; India
13.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

kunda mandir; Alamshah

State Highway 22; Alamshah; Rajasthan 321024; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Ganga mandir Tiwari sadan

Sirthala; Rajasthan 321205; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail

Ganga mandir

Sirthali; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail

Narsingh Madir Palka

Palka; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

madina masjid raipiu

Raipur Suketi; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail

madeena masjid

; Jageer Gulpara; Rajasthan 321024; India
7.0 KM distance      Detail


nichla mew mohalla markaz; Gulpara; 321024; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Kishori Lal Janral Stor

SH22; Palka; Rajasthan 321024; India
5.3 KM distance      Detail

Hanuman Hostal Nagar

Giraj Colony; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
6.6 KM distance      Detail

Agrawal Dharmshala

SH 14; Giraj Colony; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.1 KM distance      Detail

Saini Samaj Dharamshala

Chamar Mohalla; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail

Sarv Dharamshala

Dargan Colony; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Vicky Yadav Palka

Palka; Rajasthan; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

New Patel Dhaba

Sundrawali; Rajasthan 321205; India
8.0 KM distance      Detail

Babli Hotel & Resotorent

Ward Number 3 & 5; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
8.1 KM distance      Detail

chouidhary dhaba and dharam kanta

RJ SH 14; Damara; Rajasthan 321205; India
11.4 KM distance      Detail

Kajal Foam Mattress Sikri

Bharatpur; Rajasthan 321024; India
12.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Geeta Diagnostic center Nagar

RJ SH 14 Suraj Pole Circle krishns Nagar; Rajasthan 321001; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail

Chhipa Hospital

D-3Azad Nagar; TH Nagar; Bhilwara; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.4 KM distance      Detail

Dr. Hardyal Yadav and Sons.

Patka; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.4 KM distance      Detail

Government Hospital

TH Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.6 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Raman Bihari Filling Station-Indian Oil Petrol Pump

Bharatpur; SH-22; Bharatpur Road; Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321024; India
6.4 KM distance      Detail

Essar Petrol Pump

Palka; Rajasthan 321024; India
6.5 KM distance      Detail

Sneha Filling Station

Bharatpur; SH-14; Bharatpur Road; Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail

jai Bajrang Bali Service Station-Bharat Petroleum

Bharatpur; SH-22; Bharatpur Road; Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321024; India
7.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Jaswant School

Bharatpur Road; Kosi Khurd; Mathura; 281001; India
9.4 KM distance      Detail

Govt. College Govindgarh

Govind Garh; Rajasthan 301604; India
12.9 KM distance      Detail


Alwar - Bharatpur Rd; Janoothar; Rajasthan 321206; India
18.5 KM distance      Detail

Government Senior Secondary School Januthar

januthar;deeg;bharatpur;321206; Mawai - Moroli Rd; Janoothar; Rajasthan 321206; India
18.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Brijnandan sr.sec.school

Vadhaka; Rajasthan 321024; India
1.6 KM distance      Detail

Government Primary School

Nagar - Banainy Dhounkla Rd; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Bulkhana Cricket Play Ground

SH22; Berroo; Rajasthan 321024; India
3.6 KM distance      Detail

Govt School

Daurala; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail

madina masjid raipiu

Raipur Suketi; Rajasthan 321024; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Sokat Tiyer Pincher Dukan 9587654055

Batarpur; nagar; Gulpara; Rajasthan; India
7.2 KM distance      Detail

Sharma Computers

RJ SH 14; khorki mod; in front of vidhu di bhawan deeg road Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail

G.B. computer And Mobile

TH Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Aakad general store

Kherli-Akhaigarh Rd; Doroli; Kherli; Rajasthan 321606; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

Uttam Chand Mahaveer Prashd

TH Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.4 KM distance      Detail

Ravi Baan Moonj & Hardware Store

state highway 14;jalebi chowk;; Nagar; Rajasthan; India
7.5 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Shri Van Bihari Park

Kaudki Road; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
6.5 KM distance      Detail

Gandhi Park

SH 45; TH Nagar; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail

Bombay Garden Vatika

Govind Garh; Rajasthan 301604; India
13.3 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Police Station

Hussaipur; Rajasthan 321024; India
11.1 KM distance      Detail

Police Station;Kaithwara

Pahari; teh; VPO; Kaithwara; Rajasthan; India
12.7 KM distance      Detail

पुलिस चोकी बेडम

Bharatpur; Rajasthan 321203; India
12.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Neemkhera,Nagar Pahari

Atal Seva Center

Nagar - Banainy Dhounkla Rd; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail

Atal Seva Center

Nagar - Banainy Dhounkla Rd; Nagar; Rajasthan 321024; India
5.3 KM distance      Detail


Rajathan; Mundiya; Nagar; Rajasthan 321205; India
6.1 KM distance      Detail
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About Neemkhera & History

How to reach Neemkhera

Tourist Places Near By Neemkhera

Schools in Neemkhera

Colleges in Neemkhera

Temperature & weather of Neemkhera

places in Neemkhera

Neemkhera photos

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Near Cities
Nagar  6 KM near     
Nadbai  33 KM near     
Bharatpur  53 KM near     
Alwar  56 KM near     
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Nagar Pahari  10 KM near     
Deeg  19 KM near     
Kathumar  26 KM near     
Lachhmangarh  27 KM near     
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Kheria Airport   102 KM near     
Indira Gandhi International Airport   134 KM near     
Sanganeer Airport   166 KM near     
Gwalior Airport   193 KM near     
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Bharatpur   53 KM near     
Alwar   56 KM near     
Dabchick   59 KM near     
Mathura   62 KM near     
Near By Districts
Bharatpur   53 KM near     
Alwar   57 KM near     
Mathura   62 KM near     
Mewat   78 KM near     
Near By RailWay Station
Brij Nagar Rail Way Station   5.8 KM near     
Nadbai Rail Way Station   34 KM near     
Kherli Rail Way Station   35 KM near     

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