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Jaisingapur Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Bellary District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Hospete | Ballari | 7 |
Hospet | Ballari | 3 |
Ballari District | Ballari | 2 |
Bellary | Ballari | 1 |
Locality Name :
( ಜೈಸಿಂಗಪುರ್ )
Taluk Name : Sandur
District : Bellary
State : Karnataka
Division : Gulbarga
Language : Kannada and Telugu, Dakhni, Hindi, English
Current Time 02:43 AM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 489 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08395
Assembly constituency : Sandur assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : E. Tukaram
Lok Sabha constituency : Bellary parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Y. DEVENDRAPPA
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 583223
Post Office Name : Papinayakanahalli
Main Village Name : Jaisingapur
Alternate Village Name : jaisingapura
Commodities Prices : Hospet Market / Mandi
Taluk Name : Sandur
District : Bellary
State : Karnataka
Division : Gulbarga
Language : Kannada and Telugu, Dakhni, Hindi, English
Current Time 02:43 AM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 489 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08395
Assembly constituency : Sandur assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : E. Tukaram
Lok Sabha constituency : Bellary parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Y. DEVENDRAPPA
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 583223
Post Office Name : Papinayakanahalli
Main Village Name : Jaisingapur
Alternate Village Name : jaisingapura
Commodities Prices : Hospet Market / Mandi
Jaisingapur Live Weather
Temperature: 27.4 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 27%
Wind : 2.39 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "Hospet"
observed on Now
Temperature: 27.4 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 27%
Wind : 2.39 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "Hospet"
observed on Now
Jaisingapur Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
23.7°C to 35.3°C
overcast clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
23.7°C to 35.3°C
overcast clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
23.3°C to 34.8°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
23.3°C to 34.8°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
23.0°C to 35.2°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, clear sky, few clouds
23.0°C to 35.2°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, clear sky, few clouds
22.8°C to 35.0°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
22.8°C to 35.0°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
Edit below overview about Jaisingapur
Edit below overview about Jaisingapur
OverView of Jaisingapur
Yes.. Jaisingapura os the one ofe iron ore mineral place in the bellary district. It has cool nature and mining source... We proud about our villageEdit below overview about Jaisingapur
National Highways Reachable To Jaisingapur
Nationa High Way :NH50
Nationa High Way :NH 67;150A
Nationa High Way :NH50
Nationa High Way :NH 67;150A
Rivers Near Jaisingapur
Hagari :Vedavati :ವೇದಾವತಿ
Narihalla :ನರಿಹಳ್ಳ
Hagari :Vedavati :ವೇದಾವತಿ
Narihalla :ನರಿಹಳ್ಳ
About Jaisingapur
Jaisingapur is a small Village/hamlet in Sandur Taluk in Bellary District of Karnataka State, India. It comes under Jaisingapur Panchayath. It belongs to Gulbarga Division . It is located 60 KM towards west from District head quarters Bellary. 25 KM from Sandur. 322 KM from State capital Bangalore
Jaisingapur Pin code is 583223 and postal head office is Papinayakanahalli .
Dananayakanakere ( 11 KM ) , Hosapete ( 12 KM ) , Mvs Area ( 12 KM ) , Jain Colony ( 12 KM ) , Chapparadahalli ( 12 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Jaisingapur. Jaisingapur is surrounded by Sandur Taluk towards East , Hagaribommanahalli Taluk towards west , Koppal Taluk towards west , Gangavathi Taluk towards North .
Hospet , Sandur , Bellary , Mundargi are the near by Cities to Jaisingapur.
Jaisingapur 2011 Census Details
Jaisingapur Local Language is Kannada. Jaisingapur Village Total population is 2714 and number of houses are 539. Female Population is 49.4%. Village literacy rate is 52.6% and the Female Literacy rate is 21.3%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 2714 |
Total No of Houses | 539 |
Female Population % | 49.4 % ( 1342) |
Total Literacy rate % | 52.6 % ( 1428) |
Female Literacy rate | 21.3 % ( 579) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 14.0 % ( 380) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 55.7 % ( 1513) |
Working Population % | 41.6 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 562 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 47.7 % ( 268) |
Jaisingapur Census More Deatils.
Politics in Jaisingapur
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , Indian National Congress (INC) , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Jaisingapur
1)Government Higher Primary School Near Sai Baba Temple (west Wing)sandur2)Government Higher Primary School Susheela Nagar
3)Government Higher Primary School Old Building Krishnanagar
4)Government Highe Primary School Room No.1 Hirekeriyaginahalli
5)Anganavadi Kendra Kurekuppa
HOW TO REACH Jaisingapur
By Road
Hospet is the Nearest Town to Jaisingapur. Hospet is 10 km from Jaisingapur. Road connectivity is there from Hospet to Jaisingapur.By Rail
Kariganuru Rail Way Station , Papinayakanahalli Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Jaisingapur. Also you can consider railway Stations from Near By town Hospet. Hosapete Junction Rail Way Station , Munirabad Rail Way Station are the railway Stations near to Hospet. You can reach from Hospet to Jaisingapur by road after .Colleges near Jaisingapur
Govt Comp P.u Collage
Address :
Ses College
Address : Sandur, Bellary District.
Kandra Education Trust’s Sri Mata College
Address : Sandur, Bellary District.
Schools in Jaisingapur
Ghps Jaisingapura
Address : jaisingapura , sandur , bellary , Karnataka . PIN- 583119 , Post - Sandur
Govt Health Centers near Jaisingapur
1) UHC SIDDALIGAPPA CHWOKI-B , UHC SIDDALIGAPPA CHWOKI, Behind Kottureshwara ITI Collage, Jambbhnath Road, Mehboobnagar Hospet-5832 , ,2) UHC SIDDALIGAPPA CHWOKI-A , MEHBOOB NAGAR, HOSPET , ,
3) UHC SIDDALIGAPPA CHWOKI-C , NO BUILDING , Its a subcenter in Urban Health center ,
Sub Villages in Jaisingapur
Hospitals in Jaisingapur,Sandur
Government Hospital
3; Shimoga - Harihar - Hospet Rd; Maramanahalli; Karnataka 583222; India
10.5 KM distance Detail
Dr. Vijaya Venkatesh
Vijaya Clinic;; 144; State Highway 25;; Mariyamanahalli; Karnataka 583222; India
10.6 KM distance Detail
Siddah Lingappa Chowki; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
11.6 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Jaisingapur,Sandur
HPC Dealers 181 A (part) NH 63; Kariganur Villagae; Kariganur; Karnataka 583203; India
8.9 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Jaisingapur,Sandur
Vinayaka Education Society ®
Plot No/Khasara No.478-B; Amravathi Street; Harihara Road; Bellary(Dist.); Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
11.2 KM distance Detail
TMAE Society Ayurvedic Medical College
Siddah Lingappa Chowki; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
11.6 KM distance Detail
TMAE's Nursing College
Siddah Lingappa Chowki; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
11.6 KM distance Detail
Siddah Lingappa Chowki; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
11.7 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Jaisingapur,Sandur
Laharry English Medium Higher Primary School
Maramanahalli; Karnataka 583222; India
10.8 KM distance Detail
High School
Shimoga - Harihar - Hospet Rd; Maramanahalli; Karnataka 583222; India
11.0 KM distance Detail
Electronic Shops in Jaisingapur,Sandur
KEB 110/11 KV substation
Shanklapur; Shankarpur Rd; New Khapri; Maharashtra 441108; India
10.2 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Jaisingapur,Sandur
Medicinal Plant Garden
Siddah Lingappa Chowki; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
11.7 KM distance Detail
M P Prakash Nagar Park
Teacher's Colony; Siddah Lingappa Chowki; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
12.4 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Jaisingapur,Sandur
Police Station
3; Shimoga - Harihar - Hospet Rd; Maramanahalli; Karnataka 583222; India
10.9 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Jaisingapur,Sandur
#174/Bellary Road Hospet-583201; Bellary - Hubli Rd; Hosapete; Karnataka 583203; India
10.5 KM distance Detail
About Jaisingapur &
How to reach Jaisingapur
Tourist Places Near By Jaisingapur
Schools in Jaisingapur
Colleges in Jaisingapur
Temperature & weather of Jaisingapur
places in Jaisingapur
Jaisingapur photos
More Information
How to reach Jaisingapur
Tourist Places Near By Jaisingapur
Schools in Jaisingapur
Colleges in Jaisingapur
Temperature & weather of Jaisingapur
places in Jaisingapur
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Near Cities
Hospet 14 KM near
Sandur 18 KM near
Bellary 57 KM near
Mundargi 65 KM near
Hospet 14 KM near
Sandur 18 KM near
Bellary 57 KM near
Mundargi 65 KM near
Near By Taluks
Hospet 11 KM near
Sandur 24 KM near
Hagaribommanahalli 32 KM near
Koppal 33 KM near
Hospet 11 KM near
Sandur 24 KM near
Hagaribommanahalli 32 KM near
Koppal 33 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Hubli Airport 164 KM near
Sambre Airport 234 KM near
Bengaluru International Airport 290 KM near
Sholapur Airport 311 KM near
Hubli Airport 164 KM near
Sambre Airport 234 KM near
Bengaluru International Airport 290 KM near
Sholapur Airport 311 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
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Hampi 19 KM near
Chitradurga 119 KM near
Pattadakkal 121 KM near
Aihole 124 KM near
Hospet 12 KM near
Hampi 19 KM near
Chitradurga 119 KM near
Pattadakkal 121 KM near
Aihole 124 KM near
Near By Districts
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Bellary 57 KM near
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Koppal 39 KM near
Bellary 57 KM near
Gadag 101 KM near
Davangere 110 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Hosapete Junction Rail Way Station 14 KM near
Munirabad Rail Way Station 19 KM near
Hosapete Junction Rail Way Station 14 KM near
Munirabad Rail Way Station 19 KM near