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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Belgaum District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Belagavi District | Belagavi | 25 |
Hirebagewadi | Belagavi | 12 |
Raibagh | Belagavi | 8 |
Raibag | Belagavi | 3 |
Raibhag | Belagavi | 2 |
Bagewadi | Belagavi | 1 |
Chikkodi | Belagavi | 1 |
Taluk Name : Hukeri
District : Belgaum
State : Karnataka
Division : Belgaum
Language : Kannada and Marathi, English,
Current Time 02:33 PM
Date: Monday , Mar 10,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 650 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08333
Assembly constituency : Hukkeri assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Katti Nikhil Umesh
Lok Sabha constituency : Chikkodi parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 591225
Post Office Name : Kanagala (Belgaum)
Main Village Name : Karajage
Alternate Village Name : Karajaga
Commodities Prices : Gadhinglaj Market / Mandi
Temperature: 35.0 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 15%
Wind : 6.2 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "Hukeri"
observed on Now
25.6°C to 34.7°C
clear sky
23.0°C to 35.8°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
22.4°C to 36.5°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky, overcast clouds
21.4°C to 36.1°C
broken clouds, few clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
22.9°C to 36.8°C
clear sky, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds
OverView of Karajage
Karajaga is a small Village in Belgaum District, Hukkeri Taluka, Karnataka State.
The Nearest Railway station is Ghataprabha-Gokak Road
The Nearest Cities are Nippani, Sankeshwar, Gadhinglaj
The Nearest Airport & District Stations are Kolhapur & Belgaum.
Karajaga is a small Village having about 1500~1600Homes & population about 11,000~13000
Major Occupation is Cultivation & Major Corps groen here are Tobocco, Groundnut, & Jowar and small Quantity of Sugar cane & Vegetables.
The Village Consist of Schools in Kannada & Marathi Language, as the both languages are fluently spoken in the village. Consist of a Major contribution to Mandal Panchayat from the village.
The Whole Village celebrates all the festivals of all religions/casts collectively, and the village celebrates the major festival that is Ganesh Chaturthi.
The Village celebrates the Mahalakshmi fest (Village Fest) once in 3 Years, which was celebrated in a very grand manner, the preparations starts at least sixth months prior, and is celebrated for 4 Days.
If one wants to Visit to this village then are welcome in the Village fest Time. to enjoy the fullest.
Edit below overview about Karajage
Nationa High Way :NH548H
Vedaganga :ವೇದಗಂಗ :वेदगंग
About Karajage
Karajage is a small Village/hamlet in Hukeri Taluk in Belgaum District of Karnataka State, India. It comes under Karajage Panchayath. It belongs to Belgaum Division . It is located 44 KM towards North from District head quarters Belgaum. 565 KM from State capital Bangalore
Karajage Pin code is 591225 and postal head office is Kanagala (Belgaum).
Karajage is surrounded by Gadhinglaj Taluk towards west , Gokak Taluk towards East , Chikodi Taluk towards North , Belgaum Taluk towards South .
Sankeshwar , Gokak , Nipani , Belgaum are the near by Cities to Karajage.
Karajage 2011 Census Details
Karajage Local Language is Kannada. Karajage Village Total population is 3442 and number of houses are 738. Female Population is 48.9%. Village literacy rate is 65.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 27.3%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 3442 |
Total No of Houses | 738 |
Female Population % | 48.9 % ( 1684) |
Total Literacy rate % | 65.7 % ( 2262) |
Female Literacy rate | 27.3 % ( 940) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 4.9 % ( 167) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 18.8 % ( 648) |
Working Population % | 61.7 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 410 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 46.8 % ( 192) |
Karajage Census More Deatils.
Politics in Karajage
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Karajage
1)Govt Higher Primary Kannada School Ankali Road Right Wing Sankeshwar2)Govt Higher Primary Urdu School Gandhingar Right Wing Western Side Hukkeri
3)Govt Higher Primary Urdu School Left Wing Bastwad
4)Govt. Higher Primary Kannada School Leftt Wing Amminabhavi
5)Nammura Govt Higher Primary Kannada School Ankalgudiketar
By Road
Sankeshwar is the Nearest Town to Karajage. Sankeshwar is 12 km from Karajage. Road connectivity is there from Sankeshwar to Karajage.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Karajage in less than 10 km.Colleges near Karajage
Ssn Arts & Commerce College HukkeriSchools in Karajage
M.h.p.s.Govt Health Centers near Karajage
1) Amminbavi , Amminbavi , Amminbavi , Amminbavi2) Kabbenur , Kabbenur , Kabbenur , Kabbenur
3) Dharwad Ward 4 , PHQ , PHQ , PHQ
Sub Villages in Karajage
Hospitals in Karajage,Hukeri
Dr. Wagoji Hospital
Gokak - Hukkeri Rd; Gajabarwadi; Hukkeri; Karnataka 591309; India
6.8 KM distance Detail
Daneshwari Clinic
Gandhi Nagar; Gajabarwadi; Hukkeri; Karnataka 591309; India
6.8 KM distance Detail
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Petrol Bunks in Karajage,Hukeri
HIDKAL; DAM SITE ROAD;BELG; BELGAUM; Karnataka 591107; India
4.6 KM distance Detail
shree Renuka Auto Servicing Center
Hukkeri;; Gajabarwadi; Hukkeri; Karnataka 591309; India
7.0 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Karajage,Hukeri
Government First Grade College Hukkeri
Belgaum; Hukkeri; Karnataka 591309; India
6.4 KM distance Detail
Sankeshwar; Tq- Hukkeri; Belgaum; Karnataka 591309; India
6.4 KM distance Detail
more ..
Electronic Shops in Karajage,Hukeri
Galaxy Computers
Market Rd; Gajabarwadi; Hukkeri Rural; Karnataka 591309; India
6.5 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Karajage,Hukeri
ತೋಟಗಾರಿಕಾ ಇಲಾಖೆಯ ಸುವರ್ಣ ಉದ್ಯಾನವನ ಹಿಡಕಲ್ ಡ್ಯಾಂ.
Hidkal; Karnataka 591107; India
11.3 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Karajage,Hukeri
minority information center hukkeri
Old bus stop near deshpande building; Hukkeri; Karnataka 591309; India
6.4 KM distance Detail
How to reach Karajage
Tourist Places Near By Karajage
Schools in Karajage
Colleges in Karajage
Temperature & weather of Karajage
places in Karajage
Karajage photos
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Sankeshwar 14 KM near
Gokak 30 KM near
Nipani 34 KM near
Belgaum 42 KM near
Hukeri 0 KM near
Gadhinglaj 24 KM near
Gokak 30 KM near
Chikodi 32 KM near
Sambre Airport 41 KM near
Kolhapur Airport 65 KM near
Hubli Airport 120 KM near
Dabolim Airport 133 KM near
Amboli 73 KM near
Kolhapur 73 KM near
Nersa 76 KM near
Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary 89 KM near
Panhala 95 KM near
Belgaum 42 KM near
Kolhapur 74 KM near
Sangli 82 KM near
Dharwad 106 KM near
Ghataprabha Rail Way Station 23 KM near
Belagavi Rail Way Station 43 KM near