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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Kaithal District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Kaithal District | Kaithal | 2 |
Tehsil Name : Pundri
District : Kaithal
State : Haryana
Division : Ambala
Language : Hindi and Punjabi
Current Time 06:20 AM
Date: Sunday , Mar 23,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 237 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01749
Assembly constituency : Kalayat assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kamlesh Dhanda
Lok Sabha constituency : Kurukshetra parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : NAYAB SINGH
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 136043
Post Office Name : Pai
Commodities Prices : Dhand Market / Mandi
Temperature: 15.4 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 22%
Wind : 1.23 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "PÅ«ndri"
observed on Now
20.0°C to 35.3°C
clear sky
19.2°C to 38.4°C
clear sky
21.4°C to 39.8°C
clear sky
22.4°C to 39.1°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
17.8°C to 37.8°C
clear sky, broken clouds, overcast clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds
OverView of Pilni
pilni is a very good village.there people is very fine & very helpful to each other.
Ramkumar sharma (ex sarpanch) is very imporntant role in progress of pilni. we r great thankful to Ramkumar ji for this role. this village belong to Maha Bharat udha. In Mahabharat fight Daan veer karan"s rath"s Pilni down hare so this village called PILNI. Here is famous tirth KUSTH NIVARAN tirth who called ''BABA DEVI DASS'' tirh. here is TARPAN TIRTH also. villagers called him tappan near Shive temple. But this tirth disapear now. RAXA BANDHAN fair is the most famous festival of village.
thanking you
Edit below overview about Pilni
Nationa High Way :NH152;352
Nationa High Way :NH44
About Pilni
Pilni is a Village in Pundri Tehsil in Kaithal District of Haryana State, India. It belongs to Ambala Division . It is located 12 KM towards East from District head quarters Kaithal. 12 KM from Pundri. 133 KM from State capital Chandigarh
Pilni Pin code is 136043 and postal head office is Pai .
Kakaut ( 3 KM ) , Pai ( 4 KM ) , Sega ( 5 KM ) , Mundri ( 6 KM ) , Pundri ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Pilni. Pilni is surrounded by Kaithal Tehsil towards west , Cheeka Tehsil towards west , Rajound Tehsil towards South , Kalayat Tehsil towards west .
Kaithal , Assandh , Pehowa , Cheeka are the near by Cities to Pilni.
Pilni 2011 Census Details
Pilni Local Language is Hindi. Pilni Village Total population is 3023 and number of houses are 557. Female Population is 47.1%. Village literacy rate is 59.1% and the Female Literacy rate is 22.7%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 3023 |
Total No of Houses | 557 |
Female Population % | 47.1 % ( 1424) |
Total Literacy rate % | 59.1 % ( 1786) |
Female Literacy rate | 22.7 % ( 686) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 19.9 % ( 603) |
Working Population % | 29.3 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 410 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 45.9 % ( 188) |
Pilni Census More Deatils.
Politics in Pilni
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INLD , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Pilni
1)Sisla Sismore2)Sisla Sismore
3)Sisla Sismore
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Pilni in less than 10 km.Colleges near Pilni
Bpr Collage Of EducationSchools in Pilni
Ghs PilniGovt Health Centers near Pilni
1) Mewli kalan , , , near malab mode2) MUNAK , , ,
3) PHC Uplana , , ,
Petrol Bunks in Pilni,Pundri
Pai Petrol Filling Station Bharat Petroleum
MDR113; Pai; Haryana 136043; India
3.5 KM distance Detail
Pundri -rajaund Road Village PAI Tehsil; Panipat; Haryana 136043; India
4.9 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Pilni,Pundri
Inderaprastha Polytechnic College
Ahmedpur Tehsil; Kaithal; Rasina; Pundri; Haryana 136042; India
5.2 KM distance Detail
Ch Ishwar Singh Mahila Shikshan Mahavidayalaya
Karnal - Kaithal Road; Pundri; Haryana 136026; India
7.3 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Pilni,Pundri
PAI; ROAD; PAI; Sisla Sismore; Haryana 136043; India
3.1 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Pilni,Pundri
Aadhar Card Center; Pundri
Habri Road; Gamdi Chowk ward 2; Pundri; Pundri; Haryana 136026; India
7.4 KM distance Detail
How to reach Pilni
Tourist Places Near By Pilni
Schools in Pilni
Colleges in Pilni
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places in Pilni
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Kaithal 12 KM near
Assandh 28 KM near
Pehowa 32 KM near
Cheeka 43 KM near
Pundri 11 KM near
Kaithal 14 KM near
Cheeka 14 KM near
Rajound 14 KM near
Chandigarh Airport 121 KM near
Muzaffarnagar Airport 130 KM near
Indira Gandhi International Airport 159 KM near
Ludhiana Airport 162 KM near
Kurukshetra 44 KM near
Karna lake 50 KM near
panipat 65 KM near
Patiala 75 KM near
Patel Park in Ambala Cantt 85 KM near
Kaithal 12 KM near
Kurukshetra 47 KM near
Karnal 51 KM near
Jind 55 KM near
Narwana Junction Rail Way Station 46 KM near
Kurukshetra Junction Rail Way Station 47 KM near