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Pimpalgaon (duba)
Pimpalgaon (duba) Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Yavatmal District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Yavatmal District | Yavatmal | 18 |
Yavatmal | Yavatmal | 4 |
Locality Name :
Pimpalgaon (duba)
( पिंपळगाव (duba) )
Taluka Name : Ner
District : Yavatmal
State : Maharashtra
Region : Vidarbha
Division : Amravati
Language : Marathi and Gormati Or Banjari, Gondi, Hindi, Sindhi And Marwari.
Current Time 03:56 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 328 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02481
Assembly constituency : Digras assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Rathod Sanjay Dulichand
Lok Sabha constituency : Yavatmal-Washim parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Bhavana Pundlikrao Gawali
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 445102
Post Office Name : Ner Parsopant
Alternate Village Name : Pimpalgaon Duba
Commodities Prices : Ner Parasopant Market / Mandi
Taluka Name : Ner
District : Yavatmal
State : Maharashtra
Region : Vidarbha
Division : Amravati
Language : Marathi and Gormati Or Banjari, Gondi, Hindi, Sindhi And Marwari.
Current Time 03:56 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 328 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02481
Assembly constituency : Digras assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Rathod Sanjay Dulichand
Lok Sabha constituency : Yavatmal-Washim parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Bhavana Pundlikrao Gawali
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 445102
Post Office Name : Ner Parsopant
Alternate Village Name : Pimpalgaon Duba
Commodities Prices : Ner Parasopant Market / Mandi
Pimpalgaon (duba) Live Weather
Temperature: 21.4 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 64%
Wind : 2.47 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "DÄ\u0081rwha"
observed on 31 Mins Back
Temperature: 21.4 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 64%
Wind : 2.47 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "DÄ\u0081rwha"
observed on 31 Mins Back
Pimpalgaon (duba) Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
20.7°C to 28.5°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, light rain
20.7°C to 28.5°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, light rain
20.0°C to 29.3°C
light rain
20.0°C to 29.3°C
light rain
20.3°C to 26.9°C
light rain, clear sky
20.3°C to 26.9°C
light rain, clear sky
18.9°C to 27.6°C
clear sky
18.9°C to 27.6°C
clear sky
National Highways Reachable To Pimpalgaon (duba)
Nationa High Way :NH361
Nationa High Way :NH161E;NH753C
Nationa High Way :NH361
Nationa High Way :NH161E;NH753C
Rivers Near Pimpalgaon (duba)
Wardha River
Wardha River
About Pimpalgaon (duba)
Correct below Info and add more info about Pimpalgaon (duba)Pimpalgaon (duba) is a Village in Ner Taluka in Yavatmal District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Amravati Division . It is located 28 KM towards west from District head quarters Yavatmal. 6 KM from Ner. 647 KM from State capital Mumbai
Pimpalgaon (duba) Pin code is 445102 and postal head office is Ner Parsopant .
Malkhed Kd ( 5 KM ) , Ner ( 6 KM ) , Malkhed Bk ( 6 KM ) , Dhanaj ( 7 KM ) , Indrathana ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Pimpalgaon (duba). Pimpalgaon (duba) is surrounded by Darwha Taluka towards South , Yavatmal Taluka towards East , Babhulgaon Taluka towards East , Nandgaon Kh Taluka towards North .
Wadgaon Road , Yavatmal , Amravati , Ghatanji are the near by Cities to Pimpalgaon (duba).
This Place is in the border of the Yavatmal District and Amravati District. Amravati District Nandgaon Kh is North towards this place .
Pimpalgaon Duba 2011 Census Details
Pimpalgaon (duba) Local Language is Marathi. Pimpalgaon Duba Village Total population is 1483 and number of houses are 361. Female Population is 49.8%. Village literacy rate is 74.8% and the Female Literacy rate is 34.2%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1483 |
Total No of Houses | 361 |
Female Population % | 49.8 % ( 738) |
Total Literacy rate % | 74.8 % ( 1109) |
Female Literacy rate | 34.2 % ( 507) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 5.8 % ( 86) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 9.9 % ( 147) |
Working Population % | 58.9 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 168 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 48.2 % ( 81) |
Pimpalgaon Duba Census More Deatils.
Politics in Pimpalgaon (duba)
NCP , SHS , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Pimpalgaon (duba)
HOW TO REACH Pimpalgaon (duba)
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Pimpalgaon (duba) in less than 10 km. Yavatmal Rail Way Station (near to Yavatmal) , Darwha Moti Bagh Junction Rail Way Station (near to Darwha) are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns.By Road
Darwha , Yavatmal are the nearby by towns to Pimpalgaon (duba) having road connectivity to Pimpalgaon (duba)Colleges near Pimpalgaon (duba)
Neharu Mahavidya Ner Parsopan
Address :
Dr.ambedkar High School And Junior College
Address :
Schools in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Kisan Naik Highschool
Address : pimpalgaon (duba) , ner , yavatmal , Maharashtra . PIN- 445102 , Post - Ner Parsopant
Higher Primary School
Address : pimpalgaon (duba) , ner , yavatmal , Maharashtra . PIN- 445102 , Post - Ner Parsopant
Govt Health Centers near Pimpalgaon (duba)
1) ladkhed , ladkhed , ladkhed , ladkhed2) Bori Bk , , ,
3) boriarab , boriarab , boriarab , boriarab
Petrol Bunks in Pimpalgaon (duba),Ner
15.0 KM distance Detail
HPC Petrol Pump AT & Post Lasina TAL & Distt-; Nagpur; Maharashtra 445001; India
15.3 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Pimpalgaon (duba),Ner
Haji Abdus Sattar College of Arts and Science
; Ner; Maharashtra 445102; India
5.3 KM distance Detail
more ..
About Pimpalgaon (duba) &
How to reach Pimpalgaon (duba)
Tourist Places Near By Pimpalgaon (duba)
Schools in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Colleges in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Temperature & weather of Pimpalgaon (duba)
places in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Pimpalgaon (duba) photos
More Information
How to reach Pimpalgaon (duba)
Tourist Places Near By Pimpalgaon (duba)
Schools in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Colleges in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Temperature & weather of Pimpalgaon (duba)
places in Pimpalgaon (duba)
Pimpalgaon (duba) photos
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Near Cities
Wadgaon Road 24 KM near
Yavatmal 27 KM near
Amravati 59 KM near
Ghatanji 63 KM near
Wadgaon Road 24 KM near
Yavatmal 27 KM near
Amravati 59 KM near
Ghatanji 63 KM near
Near By Taluks
Ner 6 KM near
Darwha 27 KM near
Yavatmal 29 KM near
Babhulgaon 30 KM near
Ner 6 KM near
Darwha 27 KM near
Yavatmal 29 KM near
Babhulgaon 30 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Sonegaon Airport 153 KM near
Nanded Airport 175 KM near
Chikkalthana Airport 303 KM near
Latur Airport 308 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 153 KM near
Nanded Airport 175 KM near
Chikkalthana Airport 303 KM near
Latur Airport 308 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Amravati 58 KM near
Sevagram 86 KM near
Washim 101 KM near
Hingoli 129 KM near
Chikhaldara Wildlife Sanctuary 133 KM near
Amravati 58 KM near
Sevagram 86 KM near
Washim 101 KM near
Hingoli 129 KM near
Chikhaldara Wildlife Sanctuary 133 KM near
Near By Districts
Yavatmal 27 KM near
Amravati 57 KM near
Wardha 87 KM near
Washim 101 KM near
Yavatmal 27 KM near
Amravati 57 KM near
Wardha 87 KM near
Washim 101 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Chandur Rail Way Station 41 KM near
Dhamangaon Rail Way Station 46 KM near
Chandur Rail Way Station 41 KM near
Dhamangaon Rail Way Station 46 KM near