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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Washim District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Washim District    Washim    1
Total infected patients are 1 in Washim District and total population of Washim District is 1196714. Total Infected Patients in Maharashtra State are 8172 .
Locality Name : Nawali ( नवी )
Taluka Name : Risod
District : Washim
State : Maharashtra
Region : Vidarbha
Division : Amravati
Language : Marathi
Current Time 12:12 PM
Date: Saturday , Mar 29,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07251

Assembly constituency : Risod assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Amit Subhashrao Zanak
Lok Sabha constituency : Akola parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dhotre Sanjay Shamrao
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 444504
Post Office Name : Sirpur
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Commodities Prices : Risod Market / Mandi

National Highways Reachable To Nawali
Nationa High Way :NH753A        
Rivers Near Nawali
Purna :पूर्णा :पूर्णा        
Penganga :ペーンガンガー :पैनगंगा        

                      About Nawali

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Nawali is a Village in Risod Taluka in Washim District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Amravati Division . It is located 39 KM towards west from District head quarters Washim. 12 KM from Risod. 505 KM from State capital Mumbai

Nawali Pin code is 444504 and postal head office is Sirpur .

Netansa ( 4 KM ) , Gowardhan ( 4 KM ) , Penbori ( 6 KM ) , Jogeshwari ( 6 KM ) , Shelgaonrajgure ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Nawali. Nawali is surrounded by Malegaon Taluka towards East , Mehkar Taluka towards west , Lonar Taluka towards west , Sengaon Taluka towards South .

Risod , Mehkar , Lonar , Washim are the near by Cities to Nawali.

Nawali 2011 Census Details

Nawali Local Language is Marathi. Nawali Village Total population is 1811 and number of houses are 363. Female Population is 47.7%. Village literacy rate is 72.5% and the Female Literacy rate is 30.7%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 1811
Total No of Houses 363
Female Population % 47.7 % ( 864)
Total Literacy rate % 72.5 % ( 1313)
Female Literacy rate 30.7 % ( 556)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.5 % ( 9)
Scheduled Caste Population % 23.9 % ( 433)
Working Population % 54.4 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 247
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 46.6 % ( 115)

Nawali Census More Deatils.

Politics in Nawali

Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , BBM , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Nawali

1)Nandhana 2
2)Koyali Bu 2
3)Mangavadi 2
4)Mangul Jhanak 1
5)Koyali Bu Jayakhed


By Rail

There is no railway station near to Nawali in less than 10 km. Kata Road Rail Way Station (near to Washim) , Washim Rail Way Station (near to Washim) are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns.

By Road

Risod , Mehkar , Washim are the nearby by towns to Nawali having road connectivity to Nawali

Colleges near Nawali

Pandit Neharu Jr College Kawatha
Address :
Swami Vivekanand Vidyalay Vyad
Address :
Mahatma Gandhi Junior College Lehani
Address :

Schools in Nawali

Zpps Nawali
Address : nawali , risod , washim , Maharashtra . PIN- 444504 , Post - Sirpur

Govt Health Centers near Nawali

1) Gowardhan , Sub Centre Gowardhan , Gowardhan , Anganwadi Center
2) Mangul Zanak , Sub Centre Mangul Zanak , Mangul Zanak , Gram Panchayat
3) Netansa , Sub Centre Netansa , Netansa , Gram Panchayat

   Bus Stops in Nawali,Risod

Deulgaon Banda Bus Stop

Deulgaon Banda; Maharashtra 444510; India
16.3 KM distance      Detail

ST Stand Risod

Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
18.7 KM distance      Detail

Shirpur (Jain)

SH208; Shirpur; Maharashtra 444504; India
19.3 KM distance      Detail

Mangwadi Bus Stop

MH SH 183; Mangwadi; Maharashtra 444506; India
22.2 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Nawali,Risod


Navali; महाराष्ट्र 444504; India
0.6 KM distance      CashStatus

State Bank of India ATM

Risod; Washim; SH-208; Malegaon Risod Road; Washim; Washim; Maharashtra 444506; India
9.8 KM distance      CashStatus

The Akola District Central Co-op. Bank Ltd.

Near Sbi; Mehkar Road; Kenwad; Risod; Washim; Kenwad; Maharashtra 444503; India
10.1 KM distance      CashStatus

State Bank of India ATM

Risod; Washim; SH-207; Mehkar Malegaon Karanja Road; Washim; Washim; Maharashtra 444506; India
10.2 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Nawali,Risod

Tanishka Info Media

Loni Phata; Risod; Maharashtra; Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
18.6 KM distance      Detail

Sadanan Cinema Hall

Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
18.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Nawali,Risod

Chandanshesh Maharaj Mandir

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
2.0 KM distance      Detail

Hanumanji Mandir

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.4 KM distance      Detail

Hanuman mandir

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.4 KM distance      Detail

Renuka Mata Sansthan

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Nawali,Risod

Jama Mosque

Aregaon; महाराष्ट्र 443303; India
11.8 KM distance      Detail

Garib Nawaz Masjid

Dongaon; Maharashtra 443303; India
13.1 KM distance      Detail

Zaakera Masjid

Dongaon; Maharashtra 443303; India
13.3 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Nawali,Risod

Jay Shivray Hotel

Netansa; महाराष्ट्र 444504; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Hotel Nissan

Risod - Dongaon Road; Maharashtra 443303; India
7.1 KM distance      Detail

jay bhole tea centar

Masala Pen; Maharashtra 444504; India
9.4 KM distance      Detail

Sagar Computar Typing Kenwad

Kenwad; महाराष्ट्र 444503; India
10.1 KM distance      Detail

Ma Jagadamba Hotel & Coldrink Center

Aurangabad - Nagpur Rd; Kenwad; Maharashtra 444503; India
10.1 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Nawali,Risod

Santvan Kenwad.

Washim; Maharashtra; India
9.1 KM distance      Detail

कृष्णा मेवाड़ रेस्टोरेन्ट & कोल्डड्रिंक्स

Kuksa; Maharashtra 444503; India
9.5 KM distance      Detail

Vidharb Wine Bar & Restaurant

keshavnsgar; Masalapen; Maharashtra; India
9.7 KM distance      Detail

Trupti Wine &BAR

Kukasa; Maharashtra 444503; India
9.8 KM distance      Detail

Jay Laxmi Chat House

Risod - Malegoan - Akola Road; Masala Pen; Maharashtra 444504; India
9.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Nawali,Risod

Dr.shriknt deshmukh

At.post gowardhan ta; Risod; 444504; India
2.7 KM distance      Detail

Vishvlata Hospital

Gowardhan - Waghi Rd; Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.2 KM distance      Detail

vishvlata hospital and prasuti gruha

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.2 KM distance      Detail

Arogy Upa-kandra Gobhani

Gobhani; Maharashtra 444504; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Nawali,Risod

Essar petroleum

Masala Pen; Maharashtra 444504; India
9.5 KM distance      Detail

Indian Oil Petrol Pump

Risod; Washim; SH-207; Mehkar Malegaon Karanja Road; Washim; Washim; Maharashtra 444506; India
9.9 KM distance      Detail

Petrol Pump

Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
18.6 KM distance      Detail

Sosayti Petrol Pump Risod

Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
18.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Nawali,Risod

Dnyandeep Vidhyalaya penbori

Pen Bori; Maharashtra 444504; India
5.2 KM distance      Detail


Degaon Ta Dist; Risod; Maharashtra; India
10.5 KM distance      Detail

Rashtriya Vidyalaya Arts and Science Junior College

Malegaon; Washim; SH-208; Malegaon Risod Road; Washim; Washim; Maharashtra 444503; India
12.0 KM distance      Detail


Risod - Dongaon Road; Karda; Maharashtra 444506; India
12.6 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Nawali,Risod

Sant Mungsaji Lmdp Nawali

Washim; Maharashtra 444504; India
1.3 KM distance      Detail

Shri Renukamata Highschool

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.6 KM distance      Detail

Z P School Netansa

Netansa; महाराष्ट्र 444504; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Renukamata Vidyalaya

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
4.7 KM distance      Detail

Z P Primary School; Penbori

Pen Bori; Maharashtra 444504; India
5.7 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Nawali,Risod

Ganesh Mobile shop

Gobhani; Maharashtra 444504; India
7.0 KM distance      Detail

Syed Agency Tiwali

Wasari to Tiwali; Tiwali; Maharashtra 444504; India
8.9 KM distance      Detail

Deshmukh Motr Riwandin Centr

Tiwali; Maharashtra 444504; India
9.0 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Nawali,Risod

Bajrang Kirana Store

Gobhani; Maharashtra 444504; India
7.5 KM distance      Detail

Dr. Borkar Farm

Tiwali; Maharashtra 444504; India
7.8 KM distance      Detail

Shri Gajanan Kirana.

Tiwali; Maharashtra 444504; India
8.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Nawali,Risod

sawaji guruji nisarg mangal dham; gowardhan

Gowardhan; Maharashtra 444504; India
3.4 KM distance      Detail

आजम बागवान संत्रा बाग

Gohogaon; Maharashtra 443303; India
14.2 KM distance      Detail

Ganga Maa Udyan

SH208; Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
19.5 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Nawali,Risod

Police Station

Civil Lines; Risod; Maharashtra 444506; India
19.1 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Nawali,Risod

Primary Health Sub Center

Gobhani; Maharashtra 444504; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

Gram Panchayat

Shelgaon Rajgure; Maharashtra 444504; India
7.2 KM distance      Detail

Grampanchayat Karyalay ;BORI

Grampanchayat Rd; Boris; Maharashtra 402201; India
7.2 KM distance      Detail
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About Nawali & History

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Near By RailWay Station
Washim Rail Way Station   39 KM near     
Hingoli Deccan Rail Way Station   62 KM near     

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