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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Upper Subansiri District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Tehsil Name : Baririjo
District : Upper Subansiri
State : Arunachal Pradesh
Language : English and Galo, Sino-tibetan
Current Time 12:53 PM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Telephone Code / Std Code: 03792
Assembly constituency : Dumporijo assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Rode Bui
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Serpanch Name :
Temperature: 16.1 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 55%
Wind : 1.65 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "Arunachal Pradesh"
observed on 18 Mins Back
14.0°C to 21.6°C
light rain, overcast clouds
15.3°C to 26.6°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
16.2°C to 27.7°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, light rain
14.8°C to 27.1°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, light rain, few clouds
13.9°C to 24.7°C
light rain, moderate rain, scattered clouds, clear sky
OverView of Panimuri Nuk
Panimuri village is a very prosperous village.
Orange garden and blue Subansiri River just enriches the beauty of the village.
The village is resided by Galo tribe. Naji, Tago(Gongo) are the local tribals.
Tani Naji and Tachak Gongo are the respective gaamburas to settles the local disputes.
The present ASM Smti. Radha Naji since 2007 has helped her villagers to overcome most of the local problems faced by them.
Under her guidance water reservoir tank for Drinking and household works was constructed, Hanging Bridge that connects the two Villages Panimuri and Nuk was reestablished, linking road mantainance was carried over too.
The village has a Govt. ME school to educate the young and talented generation of the Nation.
BRGF (Background Region Grand Fund), NRGEA (National Rural Guarantee Employee Act), RGGVY (Rajiv Gandhi Gram Vidhyuth Yogna) are some of Schemes running to overcome the Basic needs.
Rice, rgi, and Root potatoes are the basically grown. Fruits such as Orange, Pineapple, banana, sugarcane, water melon, cucumber etc are grown too.
Mopin is the tradition festival celebrated with pomp and show.
Under Dumporijo 26th constituency, Hon’ble Minister Shri. Takar Marde (Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Institutes) is the present MLA of the village.
Edit below overview about Panimuri Nuk
Sile Kro
Igo River
About Panimuri Nuk
Panimuri Nuk is a Village in Baririjo Tehsil in Upper Subansiri District of Arunachal Pradesh State, India. It is located 26 KM towards East from District head quarters Daporijo. 140 KM from State capital Itanagar
Panimuri Nuk is surrounded by Parsi-Parlo Tehsil towards North , Dumporijo Tehsil towards west , Tirbin Tehsil towards East , Gensi Tehsil towards East .
Silapathar , Dibrugarh , Pasighat , North Lakhimpur are the near by Cities to Panimuri Nuk.
Pani Muri 2011 Census Details
Panimuri Nuk Local Language is English. Pani Muri Village Total population is 55 and number of houses are 13. Female Population is 43.6%. Village literacy rate is 49.1% and the Female Literacy rate is 14.5%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 55 |
Total No of Houses | 13 |
Female Population % | 43.6 % ( 24) |
Total Literacy rate % | 49.1 % ( 27) |
Female Literacy rate | 14.5 % ( 8) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 80.0 % ( 44) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Working Population % | 72.7 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 5 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 60.0 % ( 3) |
Pani Muri Census More Deatils.
Politics in Panimuri Nuk
N.A , Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Panimuri Nuk
1)L.p. School2)L.p. School
3)Temporary Shed
4)L.p. School
5)L.p. School
HOW TO REACH Panimuri Nuk
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Panimuri Nuk in less than 10 km.Pincodes near Panimuri Nuk
791101 ( Basar (West Siang) ) , 791125 ( Likabali ) , 791001 ( Along )Schools near Panimuri Nuk
Govt Middle School, BaririjoGovt Health Centers near Panimuri Nuk
1) CHC Boleng , CHC Boleng , ,2) PHC Sarli , PHC Sarli , ,
3) PHC Yembung , PHC Yembung , ,
Hospitals in Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Dumporijo Christian Prayer Centre Kamru
National Highway 229; Medog; Nyingchi; Arunachal Pradesh 791122
20.0 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Higher Secondary School Dumporijo
National Highway 229; Medog; Nyingchi; Arunachal Pradesh 791122
20.0 KM distance Detail
Electronic Shops in Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Super Markets in Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Local Parks in Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Police Stations near Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Daporijo Police Station
National Highway 229; Medog; Nyingchi; Arunachal Pradesh 791122
20.3 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Panimuri Nuk,Baririjo
Daporijo PWD
National Highway 229; Medog; Nyingchi; Arunachal Pradesh 791122
20.3 KM distance Detail
How to reach Panimuri Nuk
Tourist Places Near By Panimuri Nuk
Schools in Panimuri Nuk
Colleges in Panimuri Nuk
Temperature & weather of Panimuri Nuk
places in Panimuri Nuk
Panimuri Nuk photos
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Silapathar 64 KM near
Dibrugarh 77 KM near
Pasighat 97 KM near
North Lakhimpur 105 KM near
Baririjo 0 KM near
Parsi-Parlo 12 KM near
Dumporijo 18 KM near
Tirbin 20 KM near
Chabua Airport 85 KM near
Lilabari Airport 91 KM near
Rowriah Airport 154 KM near
Salonibari Airport 239 KM near
Daporijo 26 KM near
Along 47 KM near
Dibrugarh 78 KM near
Mouling National Park (Jengging) 81 KM near
Ziro 85 KM near
Upper Subansiri 25 KM near
West Siang 47 KM near
Dhemaji 61 KM near
Dibrugarh 79 KM near
Dibrugarh Rail Way Station 76 KM near
Moranhat Rail Way Station 108 KM near