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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Sindhudurg District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Sindhudurg District | Sindhudurg | 1 |
Taluka Name : Kankavali
District : Sindhudurg
State : Maharashtra
Region : Konkan
Division : Konkan
Language : Marathi and Konkani And English
Current Time 11:59 AM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 45 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02367
Assembly constituency : Kankavli assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Nitesh Narayan Rane
Lok Sabha constituency : Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Vinayak Raut
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 416801
Post Office Name : Talera (Sindhudurg)
Commodities Prices : Kolhapur(Malkapur) Market / Mandi
Temperature: 36.7 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 24%
Wind : 4.01 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "RÄ\u0081jÄ\u0081pur"
observed on Now
22.8°C to 37.7°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
21.9°C to 36.2°C
scattered clouds, clear sky, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
20.9°C to 37.2°C
broken clouds, few clouds, scattered clouds
20.5°C to 36.5°C
few clouds, clear sky
20.4°C to 37.8°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, broken clouds
OverView of Wargaon
Wargaon is a historical place, which is nearby Pombhurle village. A Social reformer Balshastri Jambhekar (a father of Marathi Journalism) a highly qualified pundit was from Pombhurle village. He is known as a 'Darpankar'. He was the 1st person to start a daily news paper 'DARPAN' in Marathi in early days of the British empire. He founded the 'DARPAN' daily news paper in both English & Marathi. 6th January is celebrated a Journalism Day. In this occasion, we remember Balshastri Jambher.
In his childhood, when he was walking on border of Wargaon & Pombhurle, he saw the quarrel between two british police men. When one of the police, registered complaint against the other, the matter goes to the court of law. When judge asked about any witness present on the place, one of the police said that "one child was there. Who might have heared the matter. But I can't say that he will explain, what we say..." The judge ordered to bring the child to the court. When the little Balshastri came & told regarding the matter in their language (English language), Judge gave the correct judgement and penalty was given to the culprit. The little Balshastri then became the father of Marathi Journalism, founded the daily newspaper 'Darpan' in English as well as in Marathi.
Next Late Mr. Mahadeo Vishram Kesarkar, a Building Contractor, Developer, Social Worker, from
Wargaon Village. The Slab contract of Siddhivinayak Temple in Dadar, Mumbai, Matoshri of Balasaheb Thakare & many other building contracts was successfully completed by Late Mr. Mahadeo Vishram Kesarkar. British Govt. had given him award named 'SIR' for his social activities.
Two Corporaters from Mumbai namely Mr.Datta Nare, Mr.Dattraram Sitaram Nar and one Shakha Pramukh Mr.Anant (Bala) Nar from Wargaon village. Some others social workers specially Late Mr.Bala Valangu from Wargaon village.
'Chintan Haa Chintamani' a history made popular radio program on the philosopy of Sadguru Shri Wamanrao Pai is on the name of Mr. Janardan Nar, who is his follower & he is also from Wargaon village.
Wargaon Bhajan Samrat Shri Madhusudan Namaye At Wargaon 35 Kulgokulwadi Varkari Sampraday Buwa Late - Shri Sitaram Pandurang Petkulkar 35 Kulgokulwadi Tamasha Singer Buwa Late - Shri Bapu Namaye
Edit below overview about Wargaon
Nationa High Way :NH66
Nationa High Way :NH166
Warna River
Terekhol :ತೇರೇಖೋಲ :तेरेखोल
About Wargaon
Wargaon is a Village in Kankavali Taluka in Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Konkan region . It belongs to Konkan Division . It is located 51 KM towards North from District head quarters Oros. 29 KM from Kankavali. 340 KM from State capital Mumbai
Wargaon Pin code is 416801 and postal head office is Talera (Sindhudurg).
Kurangavne ( 4 KM ) , Saliste ( 4 KM ) , Undil ( 4 KM ) , Kharepatan ( 5 KM ) , Sherpe ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Wargaon. Wargaon is surrounded by Rajapur Taluka towards North , Deogad Taluka towards west , Kankavali Taluka towards South , Gagan Bavada Taluka towards East .
Devgarh , Kolhapur , Ratnagiri , Sawantwadi are the near by Cities to Wargaon.
Wargaon 2011 Census Details
Wargaon Local Language is Marathi. Wargaon Village Total population is 1631 and number of houses are 427. Female Population is 54.3%. Village literacy rate is 62.3% and the Female Literacy rate is 29.8%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1631 |
Total No of Houses | 427 |
Female Population % | 54.3 % ( 886) |
Total Literacy rate % | 62.3 % ( 1016) |
Female Literacy rate | 29.8 % ( 486) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.2 % ( 4) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 11.1 % ( 181) |
Working Population % | 58.7 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 143 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 53.1 % ( 76) |
Wargaon Census More Deatils.
Politics in Wargaon
PWP , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Wargaon
1)Zilha Parishad Prathamik Shala Tivare Khalchiwadi2)Zilha Parishad Prathamik Shala Vargaon No.3
3)Zilha Parishad Prathamik Shala Sherpe
4)Zilha Parishad Prathamik Shala Lore
5)Z P Purn Prathamik Shala Tirlot Marathi (dakshin )
By Road
Rajapur is the Nearest Town to Wargaon. Rajapur is 40 km from Wargaon. Road connectivity is there from Rajapur to Wargaon.By Rail
Vaibhavwadi Road Rail Way Station is the very nearby railway stations to Wargaon.Colleges near Wargaon
Kasarde Madhymik Vidylay KasardeSchools in Wargaon
Madhy. Vidyamandir WargaoGovt Health Centers near Wargaon
1) Gavane , 324 , tarle nad shirgon road ,2) RH Vaibhavwadi , Survey No. 40 / A / 6, Govt. Rural Hospital , Bhumapan Sub-Division No. 2 , Pimpali's Mal, Opp. Tahsil Office, Near Panchayat Samiti
3) Kelwali , , , at po nikhrewadi kelwali
Petrol Bunks in Wargaon,Kankavali
MUMBAI GOA RD TARALA; SINDHUDURG; Maharashtra 416801; India
6.4 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Wargaon,Kankavali
Anandibai Raorane Arts; Commerce & Science College; Vaibhavwadi
Vaibhavwadi; Maharashtra 416810; India
12.6 KM distance Detail
more ..
Super Markets in Wargaon,Kankavali
Shubham Traders
At;post-bhuibawada; Tal.vaibhavwadi Dist.sindhudurg; Maharashtra 416813; India
19.2 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Wargaon,Kankavali
Police Station
Police Station; MH SH 115; Vaibhavwadi; Maharashtra 416810; India
12.0 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Wargaon,Kankavali
Gram Sachivalay Umbarde
Unbarde; Umbarde; Sindhudurg; SH-114; Tithavali Gagan Bawada Road; Sindhudurga; Sindhudurga; Maharashtra 416810; India
11.2 KM distance Detail
Gram Sachivalay Bhuibavada
Bhuibavada; Sindhudurg; SH-114; Tithavali Gagan Bawada Road; Sindhudurga; Sindhudurga; Maharashtra 416810; India
19.2 KM distance Detail
How to reach Wargaon
Tourist Places Near By Wargaon
Schools in Wargaon
Colleges in Wargaon
Temperature & weather of Wargaon
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Devgarh 36 KM near
Kolhapur 71 KM near
Ratnagiri 73 KM near
Sawantwadi 77 KM near
Vaibhavawadi 13 KM near
Rajapur 24 KM near
Deogad 24 KM near
Kankavali 28 KM near
Kolhapur Airport 83 KM near
Sambre Airport 141 KM near
Dabolim Airport 141 KM near
Hubli Airport 223 KM near
Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary 28 KM near
Kunkeshwar 37 KM near
Vijaydurg 38 KM near
Sindhudurg 49 KM near
Malvan 56 KM near
Sindhudurg 49 KM near
Ratnagiri 73 KM near
Kolhapur 75 KM near
Sangli 118 KM near
Vaibhavwadi Road Rail Way Station 7.2 KM near
Rajapur Road Rail Way Station 15 KM near