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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Rangareddi District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Vikarabad District | Vikarabad | 37 |
Ranga Reddy District | Ranga Reddy | 25 |
Medchal Malkajgiri District | Medchal Malkajgiri | 8 |
Nagarkurnool District | Nagarkurnool | 2 |
Chandanagar | Ranga Reddy | 1 |
Qutbullapur | Medchal Malkajgiri | 1 |
Kokapet | Ranga Reddy | 1 |
Mandal Name : Chevella
District : Rangareddi
State : Telangana
Region : Telangana
Language : Telugu and Urdu
Current Time 11:23 PM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 582 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08417
Assembly constituency : Chevella assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kale Yadaiah
Lok Sabha constituency : Chelvella parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr. G. Ranjith Reddy
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 501503
Post Office Name : Chevella
Alternate Village Name : Mudimyal
Commodities Prices : Gudimalkapur Market / Mandi
Temperature: 29.0 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 23%
Wind : 0.5 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "SrÄ«rÄ\u0081mnagar"
observed on 1 Hours Back
26.4°C to 28.8°C
broken clouds
25.0°C to 37.1°C
scattered clouds, clear sky
24.6°C to 37.1°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
25.2°C to 37.6°C
few clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
24.7°C to 37.4°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
OverView of Mudimiyal
Ch. Arjun singh gurjar :zamindar of village tudila and near by other 11 villages(gurikha, ekhara, tukeda, nounera, mahe, lahchura, katwah haji, malanpur, singhwari, madhou ka pura, jhawalpura) who was famous for his self-styled kingship. He rose his sword against scindia to safe guard famous dacoits donger and buturi sikarwar from scindia and opposed his offer of zagir of two more village in return of the dacoits. He attacked many zamindar's of bhind, gwalior and collected taxes from them. He gave thousands of land to jats, brahmans, harijans in his tenure.
Edit below overview about Mudimiyal
Nationa High Way :Old NH7
Nationa High Way :NH765
Musi River :మూసి
About Mudimiyal
Mudimiyal is a Village in Chevella Mandal in Rangareddi District of Telangana State, India. It belongs to Telangana region . It is located 14 KM towards East from District head quarters Hyderabad. 10 KM from Chevella.
Mudimiyal Pin code is 501503 and postal head office is Chevella .
Gollapally ( 5 KM ) , Palgutta ( 6 KM ) , Kanakamamidi ( 6 KM ) , Pedda Mangalaram ( 7 KM ) , Kammeta ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Mudimiyal. Mudimiyal is surrounded by Chevella Mandal towards west , Shankarpally Mandal towards North , Shabad Mandal towards South , Rajendranagar Mandal towards East .
Singapur , Farooqnagar , Hyderabad , Vicarabad are the near by Cities to Mudimiyal.
Mudimyal 2011 Census Details
Mudimiyal Local Language is Telugu. Mudimyal Village Total population is 1458 and number of houses are 325. Female Population is 49.7%. Village literacy rate is 52.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 21.7%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1458 |
Total No of Houses | 325 |
Female Population % | 49.7 % ( 724) |
Total Literacy rate % | 52.7 % ( 769) |
Female Literacy rate | 21.7 % ( 317) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 39.6 % ( 578) |
Working Population % | 48.8 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 193 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 53.9 % ( 104) |
Mudimyal Census More Deatils.
Politics in Mudimiyal
INC , TDP , TRS , TDP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Mudimiyal
5)Malka Pur
HOW TO REACH Mudimiyal
By Road
Vikarabad is the Nearest Town to Mudimiyal. Vikarabad is 20 km from Mudimiyal. Road connectivity is there from Vikarabad to Mudimiyal.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Mudimiyal in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Vikarabad. are the railway Stations near to Vikarabad. You can reach from Vikarabad to Mudimiyal by road after .Colleges near Mudimiyal
Mannan Institute Of Science And TechnologySchools in Mudimiyal
Mpups MudimiyalGovt Health Centers near Mudimiyal
1) SubCentre, Mudimyal , GOVT , SC WADA , OPP CHURCH2) SubCentre, Kesaram , , SC COLONY , NEAR GRAMPANCHAITY
Hospitals in Mudimiyal,Chevella
VM Kirana General Store
Shankarpalli - Chevella Rd; Dharmasagar; Telangana 501503; India
4.9 KM distance Detail
Sri Balaji General Hospital
Kesaram; Rangareddy; SH-4; Hyderabad Vikarabad Road; Chevella; Chevella; Telangana 501504; India
5.7 KM distance Detail
Dr. Patnam Mahender Reddy General Hospital
Rangareddy; SH-4; Hyderabad Vikarabad Road; Chevella; Chevella; Telangana 501503; India
7.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Mudimiyal,Chevella
Pragna Bharath Institute of Technology
Chevella Mandal; Ranga Reddy District; Mudimyal; Telangana 501503; India
1.5 KM distance Detail
more ..
Electronic Shops in Mudimiyal,Chevella
0m Sri Manikata Moter Multi Brand Showroom&Bikezone
opposite HP petrol pump chevella; India
7.7 KM distance Detail
Sri Laxminarsimha Swamy Automobiles
Chevella Rd; Chevella; Telangana 501503; India
7.7 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Mudimiyal,Chevella
Premia Gardenia
Moinabad Mandal; Kethi Reedy Pally Village Road; Telangana 501504; India
5.9 KM distance Detail
Galaxy - Nature by Day; Sky by Night
1-36;; Yethbarpalle; Telangana 501504; India
6.7 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Mudimiyal,Chevella
MeeSeva Center
G Dayakar Goud;Grcg Complex Chevella; Hyderabad X Road ; Chevella; Chevella(V);; Chevella; Telangana 501503; India
7.8 KM distance Detail
How to reach Mudimiyal
Tourist Places Near By Mudimiyal
Schools in Mudimiyal
Colleges in Mudimiyal
Temperature & weather of Mudimiyal
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Singapur 19 KM near
Farooqnagar 31 KM near
Hyderabad 35 KM near
Vicarabad 35 KM near
Moinabad 8 KM near
Chevella 9 KM near
Shankarpally 16 KM near
Shabad 17 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 29 KM near
Latur Airport 245 KM near
Nanded Airport 253 KM near
Sholapur Airport 271 KM near
Hyderabad 34 KM near
Medak 90 KM near
Bidar 104 KM near
Gulbarga 162 KM near
Nagarjunsagar 163 KM near
Rangareddi 13 KM near
Hyderabad 34 KM near
Medak 39 KM near
Mahbubnagar 77 KM near
Shankarpalli Rail Way Station 17 KM near
Lingampalli Rail Way Station 23 KM near