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Devgarh Map     
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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Pratapgarh District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Pratapgarh District    Pratapgarh    2
Total infected patients are 2 in Pratapgarh District and total population of Pratapgarh District is 868231. Total Infected Patients in Rajasthan State are 2126 .
Locality Name : Devgarh ( देवगढ़ )
Tehsil Name : Pratapgarh
District : Pratapgarh
State : Rajasthan
Division : Udaipur
Language : Hindi and Rajasthani
Current Time 11:28 PM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 455 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01479

Assembly constituency : Bari Sadri assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Gautam Kumar
Lok Sabha constituency : Chittorgarh parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Chandra Prakash Joshi
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 312605
Post Office Name : Pratap garh (Chittorgarh)
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Commodities Prices : Piplya Market / Mandi

Devgarh Live Weather     
Temperature: 28.0 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 22%
Wind : 1.66 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "PratÄ\u0081pgarh"
observed on 1 Hours Back
Devgarh Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
25.3°C to 27.2°C
clear sky

23.8°C to 37.2°C
clear sky

23.5°C to 36.7°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, broken clouds

23.6°C to 35.9°C
clear sky, few clouds

21.1°C to 34.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds

Edit below overview about Devgarh

OverView of Devgarh

Community living there is Rajput, jain,muslim etc.Rathore and sisodiya are rajput clans living there.
Edit below overview about Devgarh

National Highways Reachable To Devgarh
Nationa High Way :NH156        
Rivers Near Devgarh

                      About Devgarh

Devgarh is a Village in Pratapgarh Tehsil in Pratapgarh District of Rajasthan State, India. It belongs to Udaipur Division . It is located 17 KM towards west from District head quarters Pratapgarh. 13 KM from Pratapgarh. 399 KM from State capital Jaipur

Devgarh Pin code is 312605 and postal head office is Pratap garh (Chittorgarh).

Luhariya ( 7 KM ) , Ram Puriya ( 7 KM ) , Achal Pur ( 9 KM ) , Gyaspur ( 10 KM ) , Jolar ( 11 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Devgarh. Devgarh is surrounded by Peepal Khoont Tehsil towards South , Dhariawad Tehsil towards west , Arnod Tehsil towards South , Ghatol Tehsil towards South .

Pratapgarh , Mandsaur , Neemuch , Banswara are the near by Cities to Devgarh.

Devgarh 2011 Census Details

Devgarh Local Language is Hindi. Devgarh Village Total population is 1349 and number of houses are 272. Female Population is 51.7%. Village literacy rate is 41.0% and the Female Literacy rate is 14.8%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 1349
Total No of Houses 272
Female Population % 51.7 % ( 698)
Total Literacy rate % 41.0 % ( 553)
Female Literacy rate 14.8 % ( 200)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 75.9 % ( 1024)
Scheduled Caste Population % 2.4 % ( 33)
Working Population % 49.7 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 286
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 51.7 % ( 148)

Devgarh Census More Deatils.

Politics in Devgarh

Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Devgarh

1)Govt. Senior Sacondary (right Part) School Dhamotar
2)Govt. Senior Sacondary School (right Part) Bardiya
3)Govt. Secondary School Bilot
4)Govt. Upper Primary School Pinodara
5)Govt.upp. Primary School Bhoot Kheda


By Rail

There is no railway station near to Devgarh in less than 10 km.

Colleges near Devgarh

Government P. G. College Of Pratapgarh
Address : Government P. G. College Of Pratapgarh

Schools in Devgarh

Address : devgarh , pratapgarh , pratapgarh(raj.) , Rajasthan . PIN- 312621

Govt Health Centers near Devgarh

1) Devgarh , PHC , PHC Building ,
2) Ranpur , Sub Center Bhavan Ranpur , ,
3) Bordi , , ,

   Bus Stops in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

State Transport Bus Stand

Gopal Ganj; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail

Bus Station

New Maruti Nagar; Gopal Ganj; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail


Hanuman Nagar; Basad; Rajasthan 312605; India
22.2 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

State Bank of India ATM

Partapgarh; Pratapgarh; NH-113; Pratapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.9 KM distance      CashStatus

Bank of India ATM

Pratapgarh; NH-113; Pratapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.2 KM distance      CashStatus


New Maruti Nagar; Nai Abaadi; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.2 KM distance      CashStatus


New Maruti; Nai Abaadi; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.7 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Archana Talkies

Gopal Ganj; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail

Ashoka Multiplex

Pratapgarh - Chhotisadri Rd; New Maruti Nagar; Jhandagali; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail

Samta Talkies

Pratapgarh;; Aliasgar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.8 KM distance      Detail

Samta Hotel

National Highway 113; Near Samta Talkies; Aliasgar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Gayatri Mandir

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
14.0 KM distance      Detail

Mungra Mahadev

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312616; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail

Veer Tejaji Maharaj Temple

Dudhali-Tanda; Rajasthan 312616; India
14.9 KM distance      Detail

Shree Ram Mandir

; Dudhali-Tanda; Rajasthan 312616; India
15.3 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Devgarh,Pratapgarh


Fortress; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.1 KM distance      Detail

Bai Ki Masjid

Salampura Rd; Salampura; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.3 KM distance      Detail

Burhani Masjid

Pratapgarh; Salampura; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

अमृत होटल

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312623; India
14.2 KM distance      Detail

Tanda Resort

Dudhali-Tanda; Rajasthan 312616; India
15.3 KM distance      Detail

Amrat Hotel

Bamotar; Rajasthan 312623; India
15.3 KM distance      Detail

Nageshwari Hostel

Bagwas; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312623; India
15.4 KM distance      Detail

Labana Nayak Hotel

Bamotar; Rajasthan 312623; India
15.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Devdhaam Resort

Devgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
2.2 KM distance      Detail

Damor Tea Restaurant Devgarh

MDR12; Samli Pathar; Rajasthan 312605; India
2.4 KM distance      Detail

Hotel Shiv lock

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan; India
15.1 KM distance      Detail

K S Ford Ford

Pratapgarh; NH-113; Partapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.6 KM distance      Detail

Rajputana Restaurant veg & Nonveg

Ratlam - Banswara Rd; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan; India
16.0 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Primary Health Center

Kachotiya; Pratapgarh; NH-113; Partapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
13.1 KM distance      Detail

Swasthya Bhavan; Pratapgarh

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail

Govt Pashu Hospital

Maruti Nagar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.8 KM distance      Detail

Ayurvedic Hospital

Sadar Bazar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Kushal Filling Station

Chittorgarh road; Bagwas; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.3 KM distance      Detail

Fuji Filling Station-Indian Oil Petrol Pump

Partapgarh; Pratapgarh; NH-113; Partapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.1 KM distance      Detail


BUS STAND ROAD PRATAPGAR; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail

HP Petrol pump

Aliasgar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

J.R. Girls College ; Pratapgarh

Salamgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
12.7 KM distance      Detail

Government Polytechnic College; Pratapgarh

Dhariawad Road; Near Police Line; Salamgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
13.5 KM distance      Detail

mahila vidya mandir tt college; bagwas; pratapgarh

312623; RD Complex; U-3; Unnamed Rd; Sector 3; Avas Vikas Colony; Sikandra; Agra; Rajasthan 282004; India
14.9 KM distance      Detail

Vatsalya PVT ITI

Behind Krishi Mandi; Housing Board road; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

swami vivekanand school

Devgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
0.8 KM distance      Detail

swami vivekanand asharm

Devgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
2.6 KM distance      Detail

govt. senior sec. school

Gyaspur Rd; Rohan Khera; Rajasthan 312605; India
10.6 KM distance      Detail

Government Primary High School

Dotar; Pratapgarh; NH-113; Partapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
13.3 KM distance      Detail

Government Primary School

Dholi Khera; Pratapgarh; NH-113; Partapgarh Road; Pratapgarh; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
14.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

vishnu computers

Devgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Behaves Electronically Shop

Dudhali-Tanda; Rajasthan 312616; India
15.4 KM distance      Detail

dishtv service

Sadar Bazar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

कर्मा सत्ती प्रतापगढ़

Salampura; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.5 KM distance      Detail

Chourasia Paan Bhandar

Private Bus stand; New Maruti Nagar; Gopal Ganj; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail

Ajit kumar Mukesh kumar kirana shop

bus station high school road; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan; India
16.7 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Devgarh,Pratapgarh

हिन्दुवा सुरज वीर महाराणा प्रताप स्मारक

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
14.6 KM distance      Detail


Housing Board; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.2 KM distance      Detail

Woodland Park

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.4 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Superintendant Of Police/ SP Office

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
14.5 KM distance      Detail

dysp office

Kherwara; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312623; India
15.8 KM distance      Detail

Police Station

sader; Sadar Bazar; Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
16.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Devgarh,Pratapgarh

Gramin Vikas Trust

Udaipur - Pratapgarh Road; Salamgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
14.8 KM distance      Detail

RTO Pratapgarh

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312623; India
15.0 KM distance      Detail

Gramin Vikas Trust

Pratapgarh; Rajasthan 312605; India
15.2 KM distance      Detail
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About Devgarh & History

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Tourist Places Near By Devgarh

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Neemuch  61 KM near     
Banswara  66 KM near     
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Peepal Khoont  29 KM near     
Dhariawad  30 KM near     
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Indore Airport   210 KM near     
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Banswara   64 KM near     
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Mandsaur   47 KM near     
Neemuch   60 KM near     
Banswara   63 KM near     
Near By RailWay Station
Piplia Rail Way Station   47 KM near     
Mandsor Rail Way Station   49 KM near     

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