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Kunduru Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Prakasam District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Prakasam District | Prakasam | 23 |
Ongole | Prakasam | 19 |
Chirala | Prakasam | 7 |
Kunkalamarru,karamchedu | Prakasam | 2 |
Kandukuru | Prakasam | 1 |
Kunkala Marru | Prakasam | 1 |
Markapur | Prakasam | 1 |
Islamapet | Prakasam | 1 |
Konakalamitta Mandal | Prakasam | 1 |
Locality Name :
( కుందూరు )
Mandal Name : Santhamaguluru
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh
Region : Andhra
Language : Telugu
Current Time 03:19 AM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 75 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08646
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 523303
Post Office Name : Kommalapadu
Alternate Village Name : Kundurru(East), Kunduru (West) , Kundurru
Commodities Prices : Tenali Market / Mandi
Mandal Name : Santhamaguluru
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh
Region : Andhra
Language : Telugu
Current Time 03:19 AM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 75 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08646
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 523303
Post Office Name : Kommalapadu
Alternate Village Name : Kundurru(East), Kunduru (West) , Kundurru
Commodities Prices : Tenali Market / Mandi
Kunduru Live Weather
Temperature: 23.3 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 87%
Wind : 2.14 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "Vinukonda"
observed on Now
Temperature: 23.3 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 87%
Wind : 2.14 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "Vinukonda"
observed on Now
Kunduru Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
22.6°C to 40.8°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds
22.6°C to 40.8°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds
23.5°C to 40.7°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky, few clouds
23.5°C to 40.7°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky, few clouds
22.2°C to 39.4°C
clear sky, few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
22.2°C to 39.4°C
clear sky, few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
22.4°C to 38.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, few clouds
22.4°C to 38.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, few clouds
Edit below overview about Kunduru
Edit below overview about Kunduru
OverView of Kunduru
Bank in Kundurru ANDHRA PRAGATHI GRAMEENA BANK IFSC Code Details and Kunduru Branch Information ANDHRA PRAGATHI GRAMEENA BANK - KUNDURU is located at ANDHRA PRADESH state, PRAKASAM district, KUNDURU city and the bank branch's address is [KUNDURU 523303 SANTHAMAGULUR MANDAL PRAKASAM DISTRICT]. Contact phone number / numbers - 08404- 273221. The IFSC Code is APGB0005062. Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - 005062. Individual bank branch's details are listed below. Bank :Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank State : Andhra Pradesh District :Prakasam Branch :Kunduru IFSC Code :APGB0005062 (5th character is zero)Branch Code : 005062 (Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)City : Kunduru Address : Kunduru 523303 Santhamagulur Mandal Prakasam District Contact : 08404- 273221.
Edit below overview about Kunduru
National Highways Reachable To Kunduru
Nationa High Way :NH544D
Nationa High Way :NH16
Nationa High Way :NH544D
Nationa High Way :NH16
Rivers Near Kunduru
Nallamada Vagu
Nallamada Vagu
About Kunduru
Kunduru is a Village in Santhamaguluru Mandal in Prakasam District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Andhra region . It is located 68 KM towards North from District head quarters Ongole. 12 KM from Santhamagulur. 251 KM from State capital Hyderabad
Kunduru Pin code is 523303 and postal head office is Kommalapadu .
Kommalapadu ( 5 KM ) , Makkenavaripalem ( 6 KM ) , Kukatlapalli ( 7 KM ) , Yelchuru ( 9 KM ) , Mukteswaram ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Kunduru. Kunduru is surrounded by Ballikurava Mandal towards East , Savalyapuram Mandal towards North , Vinukonda Mandal towards west , Rompicherla Mandal towards North .
Vinukonda , Chilakaluripet , Narasaraopet , Sattenapalle are the near by Cities to Kunduru.
This Place is in the border of the Prakasam District and Guntur District. Guntur District Rompicherla is North towards this place .
Kunduru (West) 2011 Census Details
Kunduru Local Language is Telugu. Kunduru (West) Village Total population is 3598 and number of houses are 911. Female Population is 49.0%. Village literacy rate is 41.4% and the Female Literacy rate is 16.6%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 3598 |
Total No of Houses | 911 |
Female Population % | 49.0 % ( 1762) |
Total Literacy rate % | 41.4 % ( 1489) |
Female Literacy rate | 16.6 % ( 598) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 9.6 % ( 344) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 3.6 % ( 128) |
Working Population % | 61.5 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 407 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 48.2 % ( 196) |
Kunduru (West) Census More Deatils.
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Kunduru in less than 10 km. Narasaraopet Rail Way Station (near to Narasaraopet) , Satulur Rail Way Station (near to Narasaraopet) are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns.By Road
Narasaraopet are the nearby by towns to Kunduru having road connectivity to KunduruBy Bus
Valaparla APSRTC Bus Station , Vinukonda APSRTC Bus Station , Muppavaram APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Kunduru .APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here.Colleges near Kunduru
Govt Junior College? Santhamagulur
Address : Govt Junior College? Santhamagulur
Schools near Kunduru
Venkata Padma Sai Ps
Address : santhamagulur , santhamaguluru , prakasam , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 523302 , Post - Santhamagulur
Balaji Public School
Address : santhamagulur , santhamaguluru , prakasam , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 523302 , Post - Santhamagulur
Zphs Chavitipalem
Address : chavitipalem , santhamaguluru , prakasam , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 523302 , Post - Santhamagulur
Zphs Minnekallu
Address : tangedumalli , santhamaguluru , prakasam , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 523302 , Post - Santhamagulur
Govt Health Centers near Kunduru
1) Kundurru , 0-00 , Near Panchayathi Office , Opp Grameena Chaithanya Bank2) Kommalapadu , 0-00 , Panchayathi Office , Opp. Canara Bank
Hospitals in Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
Srinu Shop
Way To Peda Ambadipudi; Ambadipudi; Guntupalli; Andhra Pradesh 523301; India
13.9 KM distance Detail
Govt Hospital; SMR
government hospital; Santhamaguluru; Andhra Pradesh; India
14.0 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
HPC Dealer SH-2; Addanki Piduguralla Road Vydhena; Andhra Pradesh 523303; India
5.0 KM distance Detail
Sri Gayatri Petroleum Hindustan Petroleum
Vaidana; Prakasam; NH-5; Guntur Chennai Highway; Addanki; Addanki; Andhra Pradesh 523201; India
9.3 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
Govt Junior College
Govt Junior College; Santhamaguluru; Andhra Pradesh; India
13.9 KM distance Detail
more ..
Electronic Shops in Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
Electric repair shop
Addanki - Narasarao Pet Rd; Kommala Padu; Andhra Pradesh 523303; India
4.2 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
Vijaya Durga Milk Center & General Stores
Sajjapuram; Andhra Pradesh 523302; India
10.4 KM distance Detail
Lemati Seetha Ramaiah House And Shop
Kotha Mallayapalem; Andhra Pradesh 523301; India
14.9 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
Santhamaguluru Police Station
Adda Road; Prakasam District; Andhra Pradesh; India
12.7 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Kunduru,Santhamaguluru
MeeSeva Center
SH 2 - Addanki - Narketpalli State HighWay; Kommala Padu; Andhra Pradesh 523303; India
4.2 KM distance Detail
About Kunduru &
How to reach Kunduru
Tourist Places Near By Kunduru
Schools in Kunduru
Colleges in Kunduru
Temperature & weather of Kunduru
places in Kunduru
Kunduru photos
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How to reach Kunduru
Tourist Places Near By Kunduru
Schools in Kunduru
Colleges in Kunduru
Temperature & weather of Kunduru
places in Kunduru
Kunduru photos
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Near Cities
Vinukonda 20 KM near
Chilakaluripet 31 KM near
Narasaraopet 34 KM near
Sattenapalle 54 KM near
Vinukonda 20 KM near
Chilakaluripet 31 KM near
Narasaraopet 34 KM near
Sattenapalle 54 KM near
Near By Taluks
Santhamaguluru 10 KM near
Ballikurava 12 KM near
Savalyapuram 14 KM near
Vinukonda 20 KM near
Santhamaguluru 10 KM near
Ballikurava 12 KM near
Savalyapuram 14 KM near
Vinukonda 20 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Vijayawada Airport 123 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 233 KM near
Rajahmundry Airport 265 KM near
Tirupati Airport 300 KM near
Vijayawada Airport 123 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 233 KM near
Rajahmundry Airport 265 KM near
Tirupati Airport 300 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Guntur 72 KM near
Amaravathi 87 KM near
Nagarjunakonda 87 KM near
Nagarjunsagar 98 KM near
Vijayawada 105 KM near
Guntur 72 KM near
Amaravathi 87 KM near
Nagarjunakonda 87 KM near
Nagarjunsagar 98 KM near
Vijayawada 105 KM near
Near By Districts
Prakasam 65 KM near
Guntur 71 KM near
Krishna 146 KM near
Nalgonda 149 KM near
Prakasam 65 KM near
Guntur 71 KM near
Krishna 146 KM near
Nalgonda 149 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Vinukonda Rail Way Station 19 KM near
Narasaraopet Rail Way Station 30 KM near
Vinukonda Rail Way Station 19 KM near
Narasaraopet Rail Way Station 30 KM near