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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Nizamabad District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Nizamabad District | Nizamabad | 62 |
Kamareddy District | Kamareddy | 11 |
Mandal Name : Varni
District : Nizamabad
State : Telangana
Region : Telangana
Language : Telugu
Current Time 07:42 AM
Date: Monday , Mar 10,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 375 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08467
Assembly constituency : Banswada assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Srinivas Reddy Parige (POCHARAM)
Lok Sabha constituency : Zahirabad parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : B.B.PATIL
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 503206
Post Office Name : Mosra
Alternate Village Name : Laxmapoor
Commodities Prices : Varni Market / Mandi
Temperature: 22.7 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 66%
Wind : 2.98 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "BÄ\u0081nswÄ\u0081da"
observed on 10 Mins Back
23.5°C to 35.5°C
clear sky
21.4°C to 36.6°C
clear sky
23.3°C to 38.4°C
clear sky
25.0°C to 39.2°C
clear sky
26.2°C to 39.3°C
clear sky, few clouds, overcast clouds
OverView of Laxmapur
Its very nice village in this we have four major village they are karegaon thanda mediplly thanda saidpur matkalva laxmi sagar thanda lingapuram these are very well developed villages in this village we have much agricultural field, sanitation, irrigation. Beautiful village view, peaceful. villagers are humble. Village leaders are honest and inspiring. It has a great agricultural land, water supply, power supply. but basically it has poor educational and transportation facilities.
Edit below overview about Laxmapur
Nationa High Way :NH161BB
Manjira :Manjira :मांजरा :ಮಂಜೀರ :मांजरा :మంజీర
Kowlas nala
About Laxmapur
Laxmapur is a Village in Varni Mandal in Nizamabad District of Telangana State, India. It belongs to Telangana region . It is located 23 KM towards South from District head quarters Nizamabad. 4 KM from Varni.
Laxmapur Pin code is 503206 and postal head office is Mosra .
Thimmapur ( 3 KM ) , Shankora ( 4 KM ) , Chandur ( 6 KM ) , Jakora ( 6 KM ) , Humnapur ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Laxmapur. Laxmapur is surrounded by Birkoor Mandal towards west , Yedapalle Mandal towards North , Banswada Mandal towards South , Gandhari Mandal towards East .
Bodhan , Nizamabad , Kamareddy , Medak are the near by Cities to Laxmapur.
Laxmapur 2011 Census Details
Laxmapur Local Language is Telugu. Laxmapur Village Total population is 1403 and number of houses are 336. Female Population is 48.5%. Village literacy rate is 49.5% and the Female Literacy rate is 18.4%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1403 |
Total No of Houses | 336 |
Female Population % | 48.5 % ( 681) |
Total Literacy rate % | 49.5 % ( 695) |
Female Literacy rate | 18.4 % ( 258) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 4.9 % ( 69) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 9.0 % ( 126) |
Working Population % | 53.6 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 136 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 39.0 % ( 53) |
Laxmapur Census More Deatils.
Politics in Laxmapur
TDP , TRS , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Laxmapur
1)Mandal Parishad Upper Primary School2)Kunipur
3)Mandal Praishad Upper Primary School
4)Mandal Parishad Primary School
By Road
Bodhan is the Nearest Town to Laxmapur. Bodhan is 20 km from Laxmapur. Road connectivity is there from Bodhan to Laxmapur.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Laxmapur in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Bodhan. are the railway Stations near to Bodhan. You can reach from Bodhan to Laxmapur by road after .Colleges near Laxmapur
G J C, VarniSchools in Laxmapur
Mpups LaxmapurGovt Health Centers near Laxmapur
1) SubCentre, Chandur , SUBCENTER CHANDUR , MAHILA MANDALI , BESIDE PINDI GIRINI2) SubCentre, GODMEGAON , 2-116/A , Tadkal Road , Water tank
Sub Villages in Laxmapur
Hospitals in Laxmapur,Varni
Ravi Hospital
دارغا بادا باهاد Bada pahad Rd; Jalalpoor; Telangana 503201; India
4.4 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Laxmapur,Varni
9.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Laxmapur,Varni
Plot no : 426/a; Varni Road; Mallaram; Nizamabad; Telangana 503003; Telangana 503003; India
10.5 KM distance Detail
more ..
Police Stations near Laxmapur,Varni
సత్యనారాయణపురం పోలిస్ స్టేషన్
బోధన్ రోడ్; Banswada - Bodhan Rd; Varni; Telangana 503201; India
10.9 KM distance Detail
Varni Police Station
bodhan road; Bodhan - Nizamabad Rd; AP POLICE TRAINING CENTRE; Varni; Telangana 503201; India
10.9 KM distance Detail
How to reach Laxmapur
Tourist Places Near By Laxmapur
Schools in Laxmapur
Colleges in Laxmapur
Temperature & weather of Laxmapur
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Bodhan 18 KM near
Nizamabad 19 KM near
Kamareddy 49 KM near
Medak 68 KM near
Varni 3 KM near
Yedapalle 18 KM near
Birkoor 18 KM near
Banswada 19 KM near
Nanded Airport 112 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 169 KM near
Latur Airport 179 KM near
Sholapur Airport 266 KM near
Medak 68 KM near
Bidar 93 KM near
Hyderabad 154 KM near
Hingoli 177 KM near
Gulbarga 201 KM near
Nizamabad 22 KM near
Bidar 93 KM near
Nanded 111 KM near
Medak 113 KM near
Nizamabad Junction Rail Way Station 23 KM near
Basar Rail Way Station 42 KM near