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Hanumantia Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Nayagarh District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Locality Name :
( ହନୁମାନଟିଏ )
Tehsil Name : Odagaon
District : Nayagarh
State : Odisha
Language : Oriya and Hindi
Current Time 11:46 AM
Date: Sunday , Dec 22,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 18 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 06753
Assembly constituency : Nayagarh assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : arun kumar sahoo
Lok Sabha constituency : Puri parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : PINAKI MISRA
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 752090
Post Office Name : Kural
Commodities Prices : Bahadajholla Market / Mandi
Tehsil Name : Odagaon
District : Nayagarh
State : Odisha
Language : Oriya and Hindi
Current Time 11:46 AM
Date: Sunday , Dec 22,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 18 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 06753
Assembly constituency : Nayagarh assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : arun kumar sahoo
Lok Sabha constituency : Puri parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : PINAKI MISRA
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 752090
Post Office Name : Kural
Commodities Prices : Bahadajholla Market / Mandi
Hanumantia Live Weather
Temperature: 21.9 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 70%
Wind : 2.56 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Buguda"
observed on 1 Mins Back
Temperature: 21.9 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 70%
Wind : 2.56 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Buguda"
observed on 1 Mins Back
Hanumantia Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
17.0°C to 23.7°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
17.0°C to 23.7°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
16.6°C to 25.9°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
16.6°C to 25.9°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
19.0°C to 26.9°C
overcast clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
19.0°C to 26.9°C
overcast clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
18.2°C to 28.7°C
clear sky
18.2°C to 28.7°C
clear sky
18.0°C to 28.9°C
clear sky, few clouds
18.0°C to 28.9°C
clear sky, few clouds
Rivers Near Hanumantia
About Hanumantia
Correct below Info and add more info about HanumantiaHanumantia is a small Village/hamlet in Odagaon Tehsil in Nayagarh District of Odisha State, India. It is located 26 KM towards west from District head quarters Nayagarh. 14 KM from Odagaon. 119 KM from State capital Bhubaneswar
Hanumantia Pin code is 752090 and postal head office is Kural .
Giridipalli ( 4 KM ) , Rohibanka ( 4 KM ) , Sunamuhin ( 4 KM ) , Pantikhari ( 8 KM ) , Ranganipatna ( 8 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Hanumantia. Hanumantia is surrounded by Jagannathprasad Tehsil towards west , Nuagaon Tehsil towards North , Buguda Tehsil towards South , Nayagarh Tehsil towards East .
Asika , Hinjilicut , Ganjam , Berhampur are the near by Cities to Hanumantia.
Hanumantia 2011 Census Details
Hanumantia Local Language is Oriya. Hanumantia Village Total population is 899 and number of houses are 210. Female Population is 46.8%. Village literacy rate is 67.1% and the Female Literacy rate is 28.0%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 899 |
Total No of Houses | 210 |
Female Population % | 46.8 % ( 421) |
Total Literacy rate % | 67.1 % ( 603) |
Female Literacy rate | 28.0 % ( 252) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 1.9 % ( 17) |
Working Population % | 35.9 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 105 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 52.4 % ( 55) |
Hanumantia Census More Deatils.
Politics in Hanumantia
BJD is the major political party in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Hanumantia
1)Gunthasahi Nu Pry. School2)Narayani Pry. School Itamati (r. No-2)
3)Uchhaba Nodal U.p School Arada
4)Lenkudipada Pry. School (r. No-2)
5)Madhukesh Bidyapitha Nagamunduliol
HOW TO REACH Hanumantia
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Hanumantia in less than 10 km.Colleges near Hanumantia
S.l.a.college, Godipada
Address :
A.s.womens' College (junior)
Address :
Sarankul College
Address :
Address :
Schools in Hanumantia
Kesapania Nod. U.p.s.
Address : hanumantia , odagaon , nayagarh , Sikkim . PIN- 752090 , Post - Kural
Govt Health Centers near Hanumantia
1) GOLAMUNDULA SC , , ,2) Bhatapada , Bhatapada , Bhatapada , Barabara forest bit
3) NILADRIPRASAD , Niladriprasad PHC , Niladriprasad , Niladriprasad
Hospitals in Hanumantia,Odagaon
Kasthi Dakua PHC; Bahadajhola
Mahipur - Bahadajhola Rd; Bahadajhola; Odisha 752082; India
10.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Hanumantia,Odagaon
Banabihari Filling Station Hindustan Petroleum
472; Jamu Sahi; Nayagarh; SH-21; Nayagarh Bhanjanagar Road; Nayagarh; Nayagarh; Odisha 752090; India
7.6 KM distance Detail
Hpcl Dealers AT Jamusahi SH 21; AT P.O Odagaon; Bhubaneshwar; Odisha 752081; India
7.6 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Hanumantia,Odagaon
Sri Jagannath ITI Bahadajhola
Nayagarh-Odagaon Rd; Bahadajhola; Odisha 752082; India
10.1 KM distance Detail
Dadhibam Jew Junior Mahavidyalaya; Bahadajhola
Bahadajhola; Odisha 752082; India
10.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Hanumantia,Odagaon
Komand High School
Komand; Nayagarh; SH-21; Nayagarh Bhanjanagar Road; Nayagarh; Nayagarh; Odisha 752081; India
3.9 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Hanumantia,Odagaon
Gandhi Park; Bahadajhola
Nayagarh-Odagaon Rd; Bahadajhola; Odisha 752082; India
10.1 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Hanumantia,Odagaon
R I Office
Makarapada; Nayagarh; SH-21; Nayagarh Bhanjanagar Road; Nayagarh; Nayagarh; Odisha 752090; India
3.9 KM distance Detail
The Junior Engineer Minor Irrigation Office
Nayagarh; Nayagarh; SH-21; Nayagarh Aska Road; Nayagarh Odagaon Road; Odagaan; Odagaan; Odisha 752081; India
10.9 KM distance Detail
About Hanumantia &
How to reach Hanumantia
Tourist Places Near By Hanumantia
Schools in Hanumantia
Colleges in Hanumantia
Temperature & weather of Hanumantia
places in Hanumantia
Hanumantia photos
More Information
How to reach Hanumantia
Tourist Places Near By Hanumantia
Schools in Hanumantia
Colleges in Hanumantia
Temperature & weather of Hanumantia
places in Hanumantia
Hanumantia photos
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Near Cities
Asika 57 KM near
Hinjilicut 66 KM near
Ganjam 78 KM near
Berhampur 85 KM near
Asika 57 KM near
Hinjilicut 66 KM near
Ganjam 78 KM near
Berhampur 85 KM near
Near By Taluks
Odagaon 13 KM near
Jagannathprasad 17 KM near
Nuagaon 21 KM near
Buguda 28 KM near
Odagaon 13 KM near
Jagannathprasad 17 KM near
Nuagaon 21 KM near
Buguda 28 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Bhubaneswar Airport 111 KM near
Vishakhapatnam Airport 344 KM near
Raipur Airport 396 KM near
Ranchi Airport 416 KM near
Bhubaneswar Airport 111 KM near
Vishakhapatnam Airport 344 KM near
Raipur Airport 396 KM near
Ranchi Airport 416 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Chilika 47 KM near
Berhampur 86 KM near
Gopalpur 92 KM near
Phulbani 98 KM near
Puri 111 KM near
Chilika 47 KM near
Berhampur 86 KM near
Gopalpur 92 KM near
Phulbani 98 KM near
Puri 111 KM near
Near By Districts
Nayagarh 25 KM near
Ganjam 81 KM near
Kandhamal 98 KM near
Anugul 107 KM near
Nayagarh 25 KM near
Ganjam 81 KM near
Kandhamal 98 KM near
Anugul 107 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Balugaon Rail Way Station 47 KM near
Chilka Rail Way Station 50 KM near
Balugaon Rail Way Station 47 KM near
Chilka Rail Way Station 50 KM near