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       Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Moradabad District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Moradabad District    Moradabad    104
   Moradabad    Moradabad    1
Total infected patients are 105 in Moradabad District and total population of Moradabad District is 4773138. Total Infected Patients in Uttar Pradesh State are 1891 .
Locality Name : Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem ( बरहपुरा माज़रा महेशपुर खेम )
Block Name : Bhagatpur Tanda
District : Moradabad
State : Uttar Pradesh
Division : Moradabad
Language : Hindi and Urdu, English, Khariboli, Haryanvi, Punjabi, Kumaoni
Current Time 04:36 AM
Date: Tuesday , Mar 04,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 206 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 0595

Assembly constituency : Moradabad Rural assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Mohd Nasir
Lok Sabha constituency : Moradabad parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr. S.T. HASAN
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 244402
Post Office Name : Pipalsana R.S.
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Alternate Village Name : Badhpura Mazra Maheshpur Khem

Commodities Prices : Tanda(Rampur) Market / Mandi

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem Live Weather     
Temperature: 14.9 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 61%
Wind : 2.38 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "TÄ\u0081nda"
observed on 13 Mins Back
Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
14.5°C to 30.4°C
light rain, scattered clouds, few clouds, clear sky

15.1°C to 29.3°C
clear sky

14.1°C to 31.3°C
clear sky

13.2°C to 32.8°C
clear sky, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds

National Highways Reachable To Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem
Nationa High Way :NH734        
Rivers Near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

                      About Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Correct below Info and add more info about Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem is a Village in Bhagatpur Tanda Block in Moradabad District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Moradabad Division . It is located 23 KM towards North from District head quarters Moradabad. 2 KM from Bhagtpur Tanda. 366 KM from State capital Lucknow

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem Pin code is 244402 and postal head office is Pipalsana R.S. .

Mahespur Khem ( 1 KM ) , Udawala ( 2 KM ) , Jahidpur Sikampur Mustahkam ( 2 KM ) , Niwar Khas ( 2 KM ) , Bahoranpur Kalan ( 2 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem. Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem is surrounded by Dilari Block towards west , Suar Block towards East , Saidnagar Block towards East , Moradabad Block towards South .

Suar , Moradabad , Thakurdwara , Rampur are the near by Cities to Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem.

This Place is in the border of the Moradabad District and Rampur District. Rampur District Suar is East towards this place .

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem 2011 Census Details

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem Local Language is Hindi. Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem Village Total population is 1623 and number of houses are 294. Female Population is 47.1%. Village literacy rate is 54.6% and the Female Literacy rate is 20.7%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 1623
Total No of Houses 294
Female Population % 47.1 % ( 765)
Total Literacy rate % 54.6 % ( 886)
Female Literacy rate 20.7 % ( 336)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Scheduled Caste Population % 40.9 % ( 663)
Working Population % 23.8 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 215
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 47.0 % ( 101)

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem Census More Deatils.

Politics in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

BJP , SP , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

1)Primary School Bangla Gaon Police Chowki Room-3
2)Primary School Parvatpur Dambu
3)Primary School Laxmipur Kattai Room-2
4)Primary School Maheshpur Khem Room-1
5)Primary School Kankarkheda

HOW TO REACH Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

By Rail

Jalpur Rail Way Station , Pipalsana Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem.

Colleges near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Shri Ram Gopal Singh Degree College Sultan Pur Dost
Address :
R.s.m. Inter College Rampur Ghogar
Address :
Rajkiya Mahavidhylaya, Sambhal , Moradabad ( Uttar Pradesh )
Address :
Ram Rakshpal Memorial Inter College
Address :
Azad Public Inter College Bilari Moradabad
Address : Mohalla Ansariyan Bilari Moradabad Uttar Pradesh

Schools near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Government Inter College
Address : bhoj pur , bhagatpur tanda , moradabad , Uttar Pradesh . PIN- 244601 , Post - Thakurdwara
Nehru Memorial Inter College
Address : chandpur , bhagatpur tanda , moradabad , Uttar Pradesh . PIN- 244001 , Post - Moradabad
Janta Inter College
Address : bilawala , bhagatpur tanda , moradabad , Uttar Pradesh . PIN- 244002
J.h.s. Aado Nagli
Address : aado nagli , bhagatpur tanda , moradabad , Uttar Pradesh . PIN- 244402 , Post - Pipalsana R.S.

Govt Health Centers near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

1) KudameerPur , KudameerPur , KudameerPur ,
2) Jahidpur , Jahidpur , Jahidpur ,
3) Nivar Khas , Nivar Khas , Nivar Khas ,

   Bus Stops in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Mohanpura Bus Stop

MDR 65W; Rafatpur; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
9.8 KM distance      Detail

Naya Gaon Bus Stop

MDR 65W; Milak Gajraula; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
10.6 KM distance      Detail

Mundi Milak Bus Stop

MDR 65W; Milak Gajraula; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
11.1 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda


MDR 65W; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.2 KM distance      CashStatus

Bank of Baroda ATM

Bareilly - Nainital Rd; Tanda Range; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.6 KM distance      CashStatus


Barwara Mazra; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
20.2 KM distance      CashStatus

Syndicate Bank ATM

Dalpatpur; Moradabad; NH-24; Moradabad Rampur Road; Moradabad; Moradabad; Uttar Pradesh 244001; India
22.0 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

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   Temples in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

श्री कामेश्वर महादेव मंदिर निवाड़ खास

Niwar Khas; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
4.7 KM distance      Detail

Maa Chamunda Devi Temple

Badli; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
7.9 KM distance      Detail

शिव मंदिर

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

दुर्गा माता मंदीर नावाबपुरा टांडा

uttrapradesh; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.4 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Eid Gaah

; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
7.6 KM distance      Detail

Maszid Abu Bakar

; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
7.8 KM distance      Detail

Mecca Masjid Badli

Badli; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
7.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Gulam Mohd. Cement & Tiles Trading Company

Moradabad; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
7.4 KM distance      Detail

Zahid Pahalwan Building

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.2 KM distance      Detail

RamSingh Kachori Shop

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Taj Sweet House

; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.5 KM distance      Detail

Majid Sweet House

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda


MDR 65W; Thiria Dan; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
7.2 KM distance      Detail

Kachodi Ki Dukan

Badli; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.0 KM distance      Detail

Shankar Tea Steal

Bhojpur - Kashipur Road; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.2 KM distance      Detail

Raaj Chiken Shop Md. Razi

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.6 KM distance      Detail

Salim Gohar And Qasim Sweets House And Tea Stall

Nainital Rd; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
9.2 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Golden Hospital

Moradabad; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
7.5 KM distance      Detail

Adiba Health Care Dr. M Dilshad S

Moradabad; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
7.6 KM distance      Detail

Adiba Health Care Centure

Bilakudan; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
8.1 KM distance      Detail

सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र टांडा रामपुर

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.2 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Badli Petrol Pump

Badli; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
7.8 KM distance      Detail

Indian Oil Petrol Pump

Belwara; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
8.1 KM distance      Detail

S.F Indane Gas Service

Bajpur; moradabad road; Rampur; Uttar Pradesh; India
8.4 KM distance      Detail

Naved Alam Pasu Aahar

; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

RS inter college

Dagarpur; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
7.2 KM distance      Detail

Chaudhary Basant singh Inter college

Dagarpur; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
7.6 KM distance      Detail

Savitri Devi Mahavidyalay

Chowki Wala Bhatta; Dhakka Nagliya; Rampur; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 224190; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Government inter college(gic)

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.6 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

R P S public juniur high school

Malhupura Hardo Dandi; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
5.7 KM distance      Detail

JRSM convent school

Sirswan Harchand; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
6.8 KM distance      Detail

Razique Computers Manpur Choki

Bhojpur - Kashipur Road; Sirswan Harchand; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

Utkarsh Short Hand and Type Center

Malwara Urf Manpur; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
7.0 KM distance      Detail

UPS berkheda

Bilakudan; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
7.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Bhoora Ato Sarvice

Bhojpur - Kashipur Road; Sirswan Harchand; Uttar Pradesh 244402; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

salim electricals shop

Mohalla Hajipura; Makka Masjid Road; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.1 KM distance      Detail

A.R. Spare Parts

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Irshad Confectionery

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.6 KM distance      Detail

M. S. Treding Company

MDR 65W; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.6 KM distance      Detail

Lala Vegetables Shop; Sahi Masjid

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

Ekta Vihar Park

Ekta Vihar East; Barwara Mazra; Uttar Pradesh 244104; India
19.8 KM distance      Detail

Ekta Vihar Park-3

Ekta Vihar Colony; Rampur Rd; Moradabad; Uttar Pradesh; India
20.0 KM distance      Detail

Ekta Vihar Park-2

Ekta Vihar Colony; Rampur Rd; Moradabad; Uttar Pradesh; India
20.1 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda


Rampur Rd; Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.4 KM distance      Detail

Karanpur Police Chowki

dalpatpur Road; 244902; Karanpur; Uttar Pradesh; India
17.7 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem,Bhagatpur Tanda

नगर पालिका परिषद् टांडा रामपुर

Tanda; Uttar Pradesh 244925; India
8.7 KM distance      Detail
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About Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem & History

How to reach Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Tourist Places Near By Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Schools in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Colleges in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Temperature & weather of Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

places in Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem

Barhpura Mazra Mahespur Khem photos

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Kashipur Junction Rail Way Station   28 KM near     

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