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       Newada Gopalpur

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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Mau District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Mau District    Mau    1
Total infected patients are 1 in Mau District and total population of Mau District is 2205170. Total Infected Patients in Uttar Pradesh State are 1891 .
Locality Name : Newada Gopalpur ( नेवादा गोपालपुर )
Block Name : Fatehpur Madaun
District : Mau
State : Uttar Pradesh
Division : Azamgarh
Language : Hindi and Urdu
Current Time 09:30 PM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 69 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 05461

Assembly constituency : Madhuban assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Ram Bilash Chauhan
Lok Sabha constituency : Ghosi parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 221601
Post Office Name : Dubari
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Commodities Prices : Vilthararoad Market / Mandi

Newada Gopalpur Live Weather     
Temperature: 26.8 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 23%
Wind : 2.68 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "Bilthra"
observed on Now
Newada Gopalpur Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
23.7°C to 26.9°C
clear sky

22.2°C to 40.0°C
clear sky, few clouds

25.0°C to 39.6°C
few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds

24.7°C to 40.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds

22.0°C to 38.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds, clear sky

National Highways Reachable To Newada Gopalpur
Nationa High Way :NH227A        
Nationa High Way :NH727A;NH727B        
Rivers Near Newada Gopalpur
:نهر كارنالي;كارنالي Ghaghara :نهر غاغهرا :Ghaghara River :घाघरा :कर्णाली :دریائے گھاگھرا :加格拉河 :غاغهرا        

                      About Newada Gopalpur

Correct below Info and add more info about Newada Gopalpur

Newada Gopalpur is a Village in Fatehpur Madaun Block in Mau District of Uttar Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Azamgarh Division . It is located 38 KM towards North from District head quarters Mau. 8 KM from Fatehpur Mandao. 338 KM from State capital Lucknow

Newada Gopalpur Pin code is 221601 and postal head office is Dubari .

Lauasadh ( 1 KM ) , Kuwarpurwa ( 2 KM ) , Amma Bhelaur ( 2 KM ) , Tighara ( 2 KM ) , Kandhrapur ( 3 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Newada Gopalpur. Newada Gopalpur is surrounded by Siar Block towards South , Bhagalpur Block towards East , Dohri Ghat Block towards west , Barhaj Block towards North .

Lar , Adari , Rudrapur , Deoria are the near by Cities to Newada Gopalpur.

This Place is in the border of the Mau District and Ballia District. Ballia District Siar is South towards this place . Also it is in the Border of other district Deoria .

Newada Gopalpur 2011 Census Details

Newada Gopalpur Local Language is Hindi. Newada Gopalpur Village Total population is 2182 and number of houses are 310. Female Population is 50.1%. Village literacy rate is 61.0% and the Female Literacy rate is 27.0%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 2182
Total No of Houses 310
Female Population % 50.1 % ( 1093)
Total Literacy rate % 61.0 % ( 1332)
Female Literacy rate 27.0 % ( 590)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 2.7 % ( 59)
Scheduled Caste Population % 24.0 % ( 523)
Working Population % 26.8 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 324
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 42.6 % ( 138)

Newada Gopalpur Census More Deatils.

Politics in Newada Gopalpur

SP , BSP are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Newada Gopalpur

1)P0p0 Parshurampur Kaksh S0-2
2)P0p0 Usarikhurd U0 Bhag
3)P0p0 Bahrampur Pu0 Bhag
4)P0p0 Kutubpur
5)P0p0 Gontha Pu0 Bhag

HOW TO REACH Newada Gopalpur

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Newada Gopalpur in less than 10 km.

Colleges near Newada Gopalpur

Primary School
Address :

Schools in Newada Gopalpur

U P S Bhavaru Pur
Address : newada gopalpur , fathepur mandaon , mau , Uttar Pradesh . PIN- 221601 , Post - Dubari
U P S Newada Gopalpur
Address : newada gopalpur , fathepur mandaon , mau , Uttar Pradesh . PIN- 275307 , Post - Semari Jamal Pur

Govt Health Centers near Newada Gopalpur

1) Sonadih , Sonadih , Sonadih ,
2) Upharuli , , ,
3) Bhind Kund , Bhind Kund , Bhind Kund ,

   Bus Stops in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Kamal Sagar Bus Stop

Mahmud Sarai; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
6.2 KM distance      Detail

Dubari More Bus Stop

मधुबन - दुबारी; Gayatri Puram; Madhuban; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
7.4 KM distance      Detail

Madhuban Bus Stand

Madhuban; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
8.4 KM distance      Detail

Akhop Bus Stop

Sasna Bahadurpur; Uttar Pradesh 221715; India
9.4 KM distance      Detail

more .. Add Bus Stop

   ATMs in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Panjab National Bank ATM

Mau; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.8 KM distance      CashStatus


6; Madhuban - Dubari Rd; Dubari; Madhuban - Dubari Rd; Dubari; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
4.0 KM distance      CashStatus

Union Bank ATM

221602; Maryadpur Bazar; Ajorpur; Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.7 KM distance      CashStatus

Bank Of India ATM

Habibpur Niyamatpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
6.0 KM distance      CashStatus

more ..

   Cinema Theaters in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun


Rasulpur Adampur Urf R; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.6 KM distance      Detail

Sunnyk MuZic

Lakhani; Mubarakpur; Uttar Pradesh 275307; India
19.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Hanuman Mandir Lauwasath Mau

Lauasadh; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.4 KM distance      Detail

Shiva Temple

Luawasath Road; Lauasadh; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.8 KM distance      Detail

Naga kuti/shiv mandir

Laxmipur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
3.0 KM distance      Detail

Cali Chaura

Laxmipur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
3.2 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Mosques in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Dubari Masjid

Laxmipur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
3.4 KM distance      Detail

EidGaah Rasoolpur Adampur Urf Rampur

Rasulpur Adampur Urf R; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.4 KM distance      Detail

Noori Mosque

Salempur; India
5.7 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Hotels ,Lodges in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Ramparikha Prasad

Dubari - Goplapur Rd; Barahimpur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

Priyansh Singh Home

Bhirkul Sultanpur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

Ladhuwai Modh ;;Dimpu Singh

Mirpur Majhaua; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.9 KM distance      Detail


Salempur Rampur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
6.3 KM distance      Detail

Deepak Yadav Khet

Bhind Kund; Uttar Pradesh 221715; India
6.8 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Restaurants in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

durga electric

Mau; Uttar Pradesh; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Gupta Chhat Evam Fulki Centre Dubari Mau

Majhaua; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
3.1 KM distance      Detail

Chath Pooja Ghat Maryadpur Shiv Mandir

Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
4.7 KM distance      Detail

Pannalal Sweet

221602; Maryadpur Bazar; Ajorpur; Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.6 KM distance      Detail

KGN Restaurant

Maryadpur Bazar; Ajorpur; Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.6 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Hospitals in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Govt. Hospital Dubari

Majhaua; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
4.2 KM distance      Detail

Sahni Homoeo Chamber

221602; Maryadpur Bazar; Ajorpur; Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.5 KM distance      Detail

Sahani Homeo Chamber Maryadpur Bazar

221602; Maryadpur Bazar; Ajorpur; Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.6 KM distance      Detail


; 221602; Maryadpur Bazar; Ajorpur; Bazidpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.6 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Petrol Bunks in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Hindustan Petrolium

Chak Aniruddhbharti; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
4.3 KM distance      Detail

Jai Mangala Filling Station Dubari

Madhuban - Dubari Rd; Gayatri Puram; Madhuban; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
4.3 KM distance      Detail


Plot NO 262; Village Bastibandgan Post Patariya; Pargana Anguli Tehsil Shahganj; Varanasi; Uttar Pradesh 222139; India
6.6 KM distance      Detail

HP Petrol Pump

Fatehpur Mandao; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
7.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Late Shreeram Sundar Panday Savodya Inter Collage

Mau; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.8 KM distance      Detail

Rishi Ramnaresh Krishak P.G. College

Molanapur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.8 KM distance      Detail

Risi Ramnares Mshavighaly

Molanapur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.8 KM distance      Detail

Rishi Ramnaresh Krishak Mahavidyalaya Molanapur;Dubari

molanapur;dubari; India
2.8 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Schools in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Ashish Video Mixing Lab

Dubari - Goplapur Rd; Newada Gopalpur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
0.5 KM distance      Detail

Govt. Junior High School; Newada Gopalpur; Mau

Newada Gopalpur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
1.4 KM distance      Detail

Maharani High School Lauwasath Mau

Ahirupur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
1.4 KM distance      Detail

Shri Sai Public Academy; Lauwasath;Mau

Lauwasath; Uttar Pradesh; India
1.9 KM distance      Detail

Ram Sundar Pandey Degree College;Gaziapur;Mau

Mau; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.6 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Ajay D.J Light & Tent House

Dubari - Goplapur Rd; Newada Gopalpur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
0.5 KM distance      Detail


GHAZIAPUR; Gaziapur; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

radhe rdhe telecom

Mau; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail
more ..

   Super Markets in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Amma Gate Main Entry

Bhatiyan Dubari Road; Majhaua; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Maurya Communication Tour & Travells

dubari market near Kali chaura; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
3.2 KM distance      Detail

Krishna Jewellers

Maryadpur; Uttar Pradesh 221602; India
5.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Pandey Garden MITM

Mahui; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Candersekhar Park

Chak Habsapur; Uttar Pradesh 221716; India
13.2 KM distance      Detail

Tripathi Garden

Dharmpur Urf Kasawar; Uttar Pradesh 276306; India
13.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Police Station

molanapur;dubari; India
2.7 KM distance      Detail

Police Station

Madhuban; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
7.9 KM distance      Detail

Police Station Madhuban

Chandan Patti; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
7.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Newada Gopalpur,Fatehpur Madaun

Gram Panchayat Bhathiya

Bhatiya; Uttar Pradesh 221601; India
6.2 KM distance      Detail

Supply Office Madhuban

Jamin Manauli; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
8.3 KM distance      Detail

Madhuban Tahsheel

Madhuban; Uttar Pradesh 221603; India
8.4 KM distance      Detail
more ..

About Newada Gopalpur & History

How to reach Newada Gopalpur

Tourist Places Near By Newada Gopalpur

Schools in Newada Gopalpur

Colleges in Newada Gopalpur

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places in Newada Gopalpur

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Lar Road Rail Way Station   18 KM near     

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