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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Mahendragarh District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Tehsil Name : Ateli Nangal
District : Mahendragarh
State : Haryana
Division : Gurgaon
Language : Hindi and Punjabi
Current Time 08:11 PM
Date: Sunday , Mar 09,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 290 meters. Above Seal level
Assembly constituency : Narnaul assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Om Prakash Yadav
Lok Sabha constituency : Bhiwani-Mahendragarh parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dharambir Singh S/o Bhale Ram
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 123021
Post Office Name : Mandi Ateli
Commodities Prices : Mohindergarh Market / Mandi
Temperature: 27.5 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 15%
Wind : 1.84 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "Ateli Mandi"
observed on 1 Hours Back
20.0°C to 29.6°C
few clouds, clear sky
19.1°C to 35.9°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
20.9°C to 36.8°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds
20.4°C to 36.5°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds
21.2°C to 38.2°C
overcast clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
OverView of Sagarpur
Sagarpur village is a hindu relision peoples village . its a very nice place and very good human live in this village. its distance to a small city ateli to this village only 9km so far.its a very big history village. here is all cast people live but dnt any issue for cast. Mostly people is educated means all boys n girls intersted in study. Mostly guys is in indian force like that ARMY, BSF, CRPF, ETC. and HARYANA POLICE N DELHI POLICE doing the job.
Its a developed village. my village temperature and weather is very diffrent Bcz its near to rajasthan so in summer here is very hot weather and in winnter lot of cold. here is lot of problem the rain so water lavel is goingto down and now mostly farmer is waist doing his crops.
Here is a nice "BABA HARNAM GIRI TEMPLE". in the december month every year all villagers make a big fair in remmber to that god.
Here is may be 600 house in this village. All house have a self location. its a very beautiful village in the location
In my village have a big problem to traveling bcz here is not any govt. bus srevice but u have self vehicle then not a problem to traviling to you.
in the indian history this village have lot of pround to itself and this village is old name '"IMRAHARA"
Edit below overview about Sagarpur
Nationa High Way :NH919
Nationa High Way :NH48
About Sagarpur
Sagarpur is a Village in Ateli Nangal Tehsil in Mahendragarh District of Haryana State, India. It belongs to Gurgaon Division . It is located 15 KM towards North from District head quarters Narnaul. 6 KM from Ateli. 344 KM from State capital Chandigarh
Sagarpur Pin code is 123021 and postal head office is Mandi Ateli .
Sihma ( 3 KM ) , Dublana ( 3 KM ) , Silarpur ( 3 KM ) , Duloth Jat ( 3 KM ) , Bhori ( 3 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Sagarpur. Sagarpur is surrounded by Narnaul Tehsil towards west , Mahendragarh Tehsil towards North , Kanina Tehsil towards North , Nimrana Tehsil towards East .
Narnaul , Mahendragarh , Bawal , Neem-Ka-Thana are the near by Cities to Sagarpur.
This Place is in the border of the Mahendragarh District and Rewari District. Rewari District Khol At Rewari is East towards this place . Also it is in the Border of other district Alwar . It is near to the Rajasthan State Border.
Sagarpur 2011 Census Details
Sagarpur Local Language is Hindi. Sagarpur Village Total population is 2186 and number of houses are 402. Female Population is 46.6%. Village literacy rate is 73.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 29.0%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 2186 |
Total No of Houses | 402 |
Female Population % | 46.6 % ( 1018) |
Total Literacy rate % | 73.7 % ( 1610) |
Female Literacy rate | 29.0 % ( 635) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 15.9 % ( 348) |
Working Population % | 45.8 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 216 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 38.4 % ( 83) |
Sagarpur Census More Deatils.
Politics in Sagarpur
HJCBL , BJP , INLD , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Sagarpur
1)Khaspur2)Dohar Kalan
3)Shahpur Doyam
By Rail
Mirzapur Bachhaud Rail Way Station , Ateli Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Sagarpur.Colleges near Sagarpur
G.r. College Of EducationSchools in Sagarpur
Ghs SagarpurGovt Health Centers near Sagarpur
1) Atali , , ,2) Sagarpur , , ,
3) PHC Bahu , , ,
Petrol Bunks in Sagarpur,Ateli Nangal
HPC Petrol Pump Vill. Sihma; Narnaul - Kanina Rd; Gurgaon; Haryana 123028; India
3.5 KM distance Detail
TO; Ateli Rd; NEAR HANUMAN TAMPAL; Narnaul; Haryana 123035; India
4.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Sagarpur,Ateli Nangal
Mahendragarh - Ateli Rd; Seehma; Haryana 123001; India
2.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Local Parks in Sagarpur,Ateli Nangal
Kesar Resort & Midway
SH 26 Bachhod Just Benhind 8 KM From Narnaul; Rewari Road (Haryana); SH 26; Narnaul; Haryana 123021; India
7.0 KM distance Detail
How to reach Sagarpur
Tourist Places Near By Sagarpur
Schools in Sagarpur
Colleges in Sagarpur
Temperature & weather of Sagarpur
places in Sagarpur
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Narnaul 16 KM near
Mahendragarh 17 KM near
Bawal 43 KM near
Neem-Ka-Thana 48 KM near
Ateli Nangal 6 KM near
Narnaul 17 KM near
Mahendragarh 18 KM near
Kanina 19 KM near
Indira Gandhi International Airport 112 KM near
Sanganeer Airport 169 KM near
Muzaffarnagar Airport 227 KM near
Kheria Airport 230 KM near
Narnaul 15 KM near
Bhindawas Lake 63 KM near
Bhiwani 79 KM near
Alwar 85 KM near
Manesar 86 KM near
Mahendragarh 15 KM near
Rewari 47 KM near
Jhajjar 77 KM near
Bhiwani 82 KM near
Mirzapur Bachhaud Rail Way Station 8.1 KM near
Ateli Rail Way Station 8.9 KM near
Mahendragarh Rail Way Station 18 KM near
Rewari Junction Rail Way Station 46 KM near