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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Kaithal District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Kaithal District | Kaithal | 2 |
Tehsil Name : Kaithal
District : Kaithal
State : Haryana
Division : Ambala
Language : Hindi and Punjabi
Current Time 03:15 PM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 237 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01749
Assembly constituency : Guhla assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Ishwar Singh
Lok Sabha constituency : Kurukshetra parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : NAYAB SINGH
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 136027
Post Office Name : Siwan Gate Kaithal
Commodities Prices : Siwan Market / Mandi
Temperature: 35.5 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 13%
Wind : 5.58 mt/sec towards NW
StationName : "Kaithal"
observed on 9 Mins Back
20.2°C to 35.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds
18.6°C to 36.2°C
broken clouds, clear sky, scattered clouds
16.9°C to 34.4°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
16.4°C to 32.8°C
overcast clouds, light rain, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
16.5°C to 35.6°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
OverView of Manas
This village has a Jat community. Most of the villagers has there own peace of land. Two major crop are producete here like wheat and Rice. North side of the village is down level it gets affect during the raining.
The land of village is very fertilise. Only Higher secondary school is there. Five Gotra's Jat community is there. Bhall Gotra majority is there. There is MANSROVAR TAL (Talab) (POND) is there. During the month of Saravan one small fare is also happen behind the school. Very old temple. There is two Mandhir in the village One Mandhir BABA is a land lord. There is one Army officer who take his (BABA) land on rent. Then he greb this and he refused to vacant this Approx since 1998 whole village MANAS attacked on that land and vacated the same.
Main Gotra of the village are Bhall, Rangi, Karte, Chattha and other.
When i completed my 5th class in 1975 there is primary School. Village people interested in the Indian Army also- Some old Fauji are Lequitent Wazir singh, Jamana ram, Jaykaran and Ranbir singh.
Village people are Raselar also. Like Shree Baru ram bhall.
Edit below overview about Manas
Nationa High Way :NH152;352
Nationa High Way :NH44
About Manas
Manas is a Village in Kaithal Tehsil in Kaithal District of Haryana State, India. It belongs to Ambala Division . It is located 10 KM towards west from District head quarters Kaithal. 9 KM from Kaithal. 128 KM from State capital Chandigarh
Manas Pin code is 136027 and postal head office is Siwan Gate Kaithal .
Sirta ( 3 KM ) , Franswala ( 4 KM ) , Chhot ( 4 KM ) , Patti Afgan ( 4 KM ) , Bhanpura ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Manas. Manas is surrounded by Kaithal Tehsil towards East , Siwan Tehsil towards North , Kalayat Tehsil towards South , Guhla Tehsil towards North .
Kaithal , Cheeka , Patran , Pehowa are the near by Cities to Manas.
Manas 2011 Census Details
Manas Local Language is Hindi. Manas Village Total population is 6703 and number of houses are 1218. Female Population is 47.3%. Village literacy rate is 52.9% and the Female Literacy rate is 20.7%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 6703 |
Total No of Houses | 1218 |
Female Population % | 47.3 % ( 3170) |
Total Literacy rate % | 52.9 % ( 3543) |
Female Literacy rate | 20.7 % ( 1387) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 25.0 % ( 1674) |
Working Population % | 32.2 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 918 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 45.2 % ( 415) |
Manas Census More Deatils.
Politics in Manas
JJP , Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC , INLD are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Manas
By Rail
Sajuma Rail Way Station , Quatabpur Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Manas.Colleges near Manas
Saraswati College Of Technical EducationSchools in Manas
Gsss ManasGovt Health Centers near Manas
1) MUNAK , , ,2) Kurar , , ,
3) Mewli kalan , , , near malab mode
Hospitals in Manas,Kaithal
Nain clinic siwan road kaithal
Kaithal Rd; Arjun Nagar; Siwan; Haryana 136027; India
6.3 KM distance Detail
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Petrol Bunks in Manas,Kaithal
Village Padla Dist. Kaithal; Haryana 132027; India
3.9 KM distance Detail
HPC Petrol Pump Village Babaldhana Tehsil Kaithal; Panipat; Haryana 136027; India
4.5 KM distance Detail
Hpcl Dealers Village Guhna Guhna - Quatbgarh Road; Panipat; Haryana 136027; India
4.6 KM distance Detail
Vivah Karma Filling Station Essar Oil Petrol Pump
8; Karnal - Kaithal Rd; Manjhla; Kaithal; Haryana 136034; India
6.2 KM distance Detail
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Colleges in Manas,Kaithal
Kithana College of Education
Jind-Kaithal Road; Kaithal District; Kithana; Haryana 136044; India
4.9 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Manas,Kaithal
Rajkiya Prathmik Pathshala
Garipadla; Kaithal; SH-8; Khanauri Road; Kaithal; Kaithal; Haryana 136034; India
2.5 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Manas,Kaithal
Maa Naina Devi Satring Store
Kaithal Rd; Dasmesh Colony; Saniar Heri; Haryana 136027; India
6.1 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Manas,Kaithal
Kaithal City Police Station
Tehsil Rd; Old City; Kaithal; Haryana 136027; India
8.0 KM distance Detail
New Grain Market Police Station
179; New Grain Market Road; Rajni Colony; Kaithal; Haryana 136027; India
8.5 KM distance Detail
Women Police Station
Gobind Colony; Adarsh Nagar; Kaithal; Haryana 136027; India
8.8 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Manas,Kaithal
Government Depot
Malik Nagar ; Opposite Pappu Sweets; Kaithal; Haryana 136027; India
6.8 KM distance Detail
HSWC District Office
Pathafghan; Kaithal; SH-11; Kaithal Road; Kaithal; Kaithal; Haryana 136034; India
6.8 KM distance Detail
Manjeet Chauhan Advocate
Sangam palace near hind cinema; Kaithal; Haryana 136027; India
7.8 KM distance Detail
How to reach Manas
Tourist Places Near By Manas
Schools in Manas
Colleges in Manas
Temperature & weather of Manas
places in Manas
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Kaithal 9 KM near
Cheeka 28 KM near
Patran 32 KM near
Pehowa 34 KM near
Cheeka 8 KM near
Kaithal 9 KM near
Siwan 12 KM near
Kalayat 18 KM near
Chandigarh Airport 117 KM near
Ludhiana Airport 144 KM near
Muzaffarnagar Airport 152 KM near
Indira Gandhi International Airport 178 KM near
Kurukshetra 53 KM near
Patiala 63 KM near
Karna lake 70 KM near
Fatehgarh-Sahib 70 KM near
Sangrur 75 KM near
Kaithal 9 KM near
Kurukshetra 59 KM near
Jind 62 KM near
Patiala 63 KM near
Sajuma Rail Way Station 7.1 KM near
Quatabpur Rail Way Station 7.3 KM near
Kaithal Rail Way Station 8.4 KM near
Narwana Junction Rail Way Station 37 KM near
Tohana Rail Way Station 47 KM near