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Vallabh Vad Map
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City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Village Name :
Vallabh Vad
( વલ્લભ વાળ )
Taluka Name : Mandvi
District : Kachchh
State : Gujarat
Language : Gujarati and Sindhi, And Hindi, Kutchi
Current Time 03:08 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 5 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02834
Ward : Ward
Assembly constituency : Mandvi assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kunvarjibhai Narsinhbhai Halpati
Lok Sabha constituency : Kutch parliamentary constituency
Commodities Prices : Jamnagar Market / Mandi
Taluka Name : Mandvi
District : Kachchh
State : Gujarat
Language : Gujarati and Sindhi, And Hindi, Kutchi
Current Time 03:08 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 5 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02834
Ward : Ward
Assembly constituency : Mandvi assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kunvarjibhai Narsinhbhai Halpati
Lok Sabha constituency : Kutch parliamentary constituency
Commodities Prices : Jamnagar Market / Mandi
Vallabh Vad Live Weather
Temperature: 25.2 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 18%
Wind : 6.65 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "MÄ\u0081ndvi"
observed on 2 Hours Back
Temperature: 25.2 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 18%
Wind : 6.65 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "MÄ\u0081ndvi"
observed on 2 Hours Back
Vallabh Vad Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
18.0°C to 26.3°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
18.0°C to 26.3°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
16.7°C to 26.7°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, few clouds, clear sky
16.7°C to 26.7°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, few clouds, clear sky
17.4°C to 27.6°C
clear sky, few clouds
17.4°C to 27.6°C
clear sky, few clouds
18.0°C to 28.0°C
clear sky
18.0°C to 28.0°C
clear sky
18.4°C to 28.1°C
clear sky
18.4°C to 28.1°C
clear sky
Rivers Near Vallabh Vad
Kharod :ખારોડ
Kharod :ખારોડ
About Vallabh Vad
Correct below Info and add more info about Vallabh VadVallabh Vad is a Locality in Mandvi City in Gujarat State, India.
Mandvi , Bhuj , Mithapur , Salaya are the nearby Cities to Mandvi.
It is near to arabian sea. There is a chance of humidity in the weather.
Demographics of Vallabh Vad
Gujarati is the Local Language here.Politics in Vallabh Vad
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Vallabh Vad
5)Bhadai Moti - 1
HOW TO REACH Vallabh Vad
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Vallabh Vad in less than 10 km.Pincodes near Vallabh Vad
370460 ( Koday ) , 370465 ( Kachchh Mandvi Sanjipadi ) , 370435 ( Bidada )Govt Health Centers near Vallabh Vad
1) Ref. Hospital Mandvi , 2-Dec , Layja Road Mandvi , Near nana bus standPetrol Bunks in Vallabh Vad,Mandvi
HP Petrol Pump S/NO. 263; Vill. Sherdi TAL. Mandvi; Rajkot; Gujarat 370465; India
11.0 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Vallabh Vad,Mandvi
Swami Ghanshyam Jivandasji Institute of Management & IT
Swaminarayan Gurukul;Bhuj - Mandvi Highway; Koday Pul; 370460; India
8.8 KM distance Detail
Veerayatan Institute of Pharmacy; Jakhania
Jakhania; Bhuj-Mandvi Highway; Mandvi; Kutch; Gujarat 370460; India
9.1 KM distance Detail
Mandvi Bhuj Highway; Kodaypul; Koday; Gujarat 370460; India
9.6 KM distance Detail
Swami Ghanshyam Jivandasji MBA College
Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul; Bhuj Mandvi Highway; Gujarat 370001; India
9.6 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Vallabh Vad,Mandvi
Donvadi Vistar Primary School
Way to Ayu Mataji Temple Don; Mandvi; Gujarat 370450; India
3.2 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Vallabh Vad,Mandvi
Rajshree Agency; Patanjali
Near Taramati Garden; Gala Nagar; Mandvi; Gujarat 370460; India
13.5 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Vallabh Vad,Mandvi
Uma Upavan
Mukhi Vishram Meghji Ramjiyani Rd; Madanpura; Gujarat 370460; India
6.4 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Vallabh Vad,Mandvi
City police station
National Highway 8A; Umiya Nagar; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
13.3 KM distance Detail
About Vallabh Vad &
How to reach Vallabh Vad
Tourist Places Near By Vallabh Vad
Schools in Vallabh Vad
Colleges in Vallabh Vad
Temperature & weather of Vallabh Vad
places in Vallabh Vad
Vallabh Vad photos
More Information
How to reach Vallabh Vad
Tourist Places Near By Vallabh Vad
Schools in Vallabh Vad
Colleges in Vallabh Vad
Temperature & weather of Vallabh Vad
places in Vallabh Vad
Vallabh Vad photos
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Near Cities
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Bhuj 53 KM near
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Near By Air Ports
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Mandvi 10 KM near
Bhuj 52 KM near
Gandhidham 91 KM near
Dwarka 98 KM near
Jamnagar 102 KM near
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Kachchh 52 KM near
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Near By RailWay Station
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Bhuj Rail Way Station 55 KM near
Okha Rail Way Station 66 KM near