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       Rayan Moti
          Gujarat >> Kachchh >> Mandvi

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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Kachchh District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
Total infected patients are 0 in Kachchh District and total population of Kachchh District is 2090313. Total Infected Patients in Gujarat State are 1041 .
Locality Name : Rayan Moti ( રાયણ મોટી )
Taluka Name : Mandvi
District : Kachchh
State : Gujarat
Language : Gujarati and Sindhi, And Hindi, Kutchi
Current Time 08:53 PM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 5 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02834

Assembly constituency : Mandvi assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kunvarjibhai Narsinhbhai Halpati
Lok Sabha constituency : Kutch parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 370465
Post Office Name : Kachchh Mandvi Sanjipadi
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Alternate Village Name : Rayanimoti , Rayanmoti

Commodities Prices : Jamnagar Market / Mandi

Rayan Moti Live Weather     
Temperature: 27.0 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 54%
Wind : 5.75 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "MÄ\u0081ndvi"
observed on 1 Hours Back
Rayan Moti Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
24.3°C to 26.1°C
clear sky

23.7°C to 31.6°C
clear sky, broken clouds

22.2°C to 31.3°C
clear sky

21.7°C to 31.8°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds

22.3°C to 31.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky

Rivers Near Rayan Moti
Kharod :ખારોડ        

                      About Rayan Moti

Correct below Info and add more info about Rayan Moti

Rayan Moti is a Village in Mandvi Taluka in Kachchh District of Gujarat State, India. It is located 59 KM towards South from District head quarters Bhuj. 6 KM from Mandvi (Rural). 396 KM from State capital Gandhinagar

Rayan Moti Pin code is 370465 and postal head office is Kachchh Mandvi Sanjipadi .

Rayan Nani ( 2 KM ) , Nagalpar ( 2 KM ) , Koday ( 4 KM ) , Durgapar ( 4 KM ) , Mandvi (rural) ( 5 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Rayan Moti. Rayan Moti is surrounded by Mundra Taluka towards East , Bhuj Taluka towards North , Nakhatrana Taluka towards North , Abdasa Taluka towards west .

Mandvi , Bhuj , Mithapur , Salaya are the near by Cities to Rayan Moti.

It is near to arabian sea. There is a chance of humidity in the weather.

Rayan Moti 2011 Census Details

Rayan Moti Local Language is Gujarati. Rayan Moti Village Total population is 3822 and number of houses are 750. Female Population is 50.6%. Village literacy rate is 66.6% and the Female Literacy rate is 30.5%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 3822
Total No of Houses 750
Female Population % 50.6 % ( 1935)
Total Literacy rate % 66.6 % ( 2547)
Female Literacy rate 30.5 % ( 1166)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.9 % ( 34)
Scheduled Caste Population % 19.9 % ( 762)
Working Population % 36.9 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 540
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 46.1 % ( 249)

Rayan Moti Census More Deatils.

Politics in Rayan Moti

Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Rayan Moti

1)Rayan Moti - 2
3)Rayan Moti - 1
4)Rayan Moti - 3
5)Rayan Moti - 4


By Rail

There is no railway station near to Rayan Moti in less than 10 km.

Colleges near Rayan Moti

Veerayatan Institute Of Pharmacy
Address :
Nutan Education Trust Degree Pharmacy College
Address : Nutan Education Trust Degree Pharmacy College, Ram

Schools in Rayan Moti

Rayan Moti Primary School
Address : rayan moti , mandvi , kachchh , Gujarat . PIN- 370465 , Post - Kachchh Mandvi Sanjipadi
Rayan Moti Vadi Vistar -1
Address : rayan moti , mandvi , kachchh , Gujarat . PIN- 370465 , Post - Kachchh Mandvi Sanjipadi
Rayan Moti Vadi Vistar-2
Address : rayan moti , mandvi , kachchh , Gujarat . PIN- 370465 , Post - Kachchh Mandvi Sanjipadi

Govt Health Centers near Rayan Moti

1) Ref. Hospital Mandvi , 2-Dec , Layja Road Mandvi , Near nana bus stand

Sub Villages in Rayan Moti

   Bus Stops in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Nani Rayan Bus Stop

Rayan Nani; Gujarat 370460; India
2.6 KM distance      Detail

Rayan Patiyu Bus Stop

Mandvi - Sherdi Rd; Mandvi Rural; Gujarat 370465; India
2.9 KM distance      Detail


Koday; Gujarat 370460; India
3.7 KM distance      Detail

Madanpura Bus Stop

Madanpura; Patel Parbat Harji Rd; Madanpura; Gujarat 370460; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail

more .. Add Bus Stop

   ATMs in Rayan Moti,Mandvi


NEAR; Gurukul Rd; Gujarat 370201; India
5.8 KM distance      CashStatus

Central Bank of India ATM

Kutch; NH-8A; Kutch Road; Mandvi; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
7.1 KM distance      CashStatus

Axis Bank ATM

7.1 KM distance      CashStatus


Vohra Hajira; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
7.1 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Lakshmi Talkies

Swamiji Sheri; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
7.8 KM distance      Detail

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   Temples in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Shree LaxmiNarayan Temple; Moti Rayan;

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.6 KM distance      Detail


Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.6 KM distance      Detail

Niskalanki Narayan Tample

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
1.9 KM distance      Detail

હનુમાનજી નું મંદિર

Kutch; Gujarat 370465; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Mosques in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Koday FatehMohammadVali Dargah

Kutch; Gujarat 370460; India
4.1 KM distance      Detail


Durgapur; Gujarat 370465; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Durgapur Muslim Jamat Eidgah

Durgapur; Gujarat 370465; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Hotels ,Lodges in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

sati jamat khana

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.2 KM distance      Detail


Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.7 KM distance      Detail

Shivkrupa Moti Rayan

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.9 KM distance      Detail


Durgapur; Gujarat 370465; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Momai Krupa Lodge

GJ SH 47; Gujarat 370460; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Rayan Bhojnalaya

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.6 KM distance      Detail


Bharapar - Mandvi Road; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
3.9 KM distance      Detail


Moti Nagalpur; Gujarat 370460; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail


Durgapur; Gujarat 370465; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail

Shaan -E-Punjab

Mandvi; Gujarat 370460; India
6.0 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Rayan Moti,Mandvi


Moti Nagalpur; Gujarat 370460; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Shree Mandvi Leva Patel Samaj

Mandvi; Gujarat; India
5.4 KM distance      Detail

Sahjanand Hospital

Kutch; Gujarat 370460; India
5.4 KM distance      Detail

Jankalyan Cancer Research Hospice And Dialysis Centre

NH 8A; Maska; Gujarat 370455; India
6.0 KM distance      Detail

more ..

   Petrol Bunks in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Sidheswar Petroleum~IOCL

Mandvi - Bhuj Hwy; Gujarat 370460; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail


Kutch; Gujarat 370460; India
5.1 KM distance      Detail

Jalaram Petrolpump

Mandvi Rural; Gujarat 370465; India
6.0 KM distance      Detail

HP Petrolium

Mandvi - Bhuj Hwy; Gujarat 370460; India
6.0 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Swami Ghanshyam Jivandasji Institute of Management & IT

Swaminarayan Gurukul;Bhuj - Mandvi Highway; Koday Pul; 370460; India
4.2 KM distance      Detail


Moti Nagalpur; Gujarat 370460; India
4.7 KM distance      Detail


Kutch; Gujarat 370460; India
5.0 KM distance      Detail


Mandvi Bhuj Highway; Kodaypul; Koday; Gujarat 370460; India
5.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Govt. Highschool; Rayan Moti

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.6 KM distance      Detail

Shree Sarkari Madhymik Shala; Rayan Moti

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.6 KM distance      Detail

Sanskar Kendra

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.7 KM distance      Detail

Bhabhutita Primary School

Rajpar Timbo; Gujarat 370450; India
1.4 KM distance      Detail

Nani Rayan Primer School

Rayan Nani; Gujarat 370460; India
2.7 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Rudra Mobile Shop

;; Moti Nagalpur; Gujarat 370460; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail

Nilkanth Furniture & Fabrication

Mandvi Rural; Gujarat 370465; India
5.1 KM distance      Detail


Mandvi; Gujarat 370460; India
5.7 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Rajshree Agency; Patanjali

Near Taramati Garden; Gala Nagar; Mandvi; Gujarat 370460; India
6.9 KM distance      Detail

laxmi Super Store

Godhra; Gujarat 370450; India
11.5 KM distance      Detail

Talab Store

; Asambia; Gujarat 370435; India
15.2 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Rayan Moti,Mandvi

Uma Upavan

Mukhi Vishram Meghji Ramjiyani Rd; Madanpura; Gujarat 370460; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail


Moti Nagalpur; Gujarat 370460; India
4.7 KM distance      Detail

Taramati Bag

Gala Nagar; Mandvi; Gujarat 370460; India
6.8 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Rayan Moti,Mandvi

City police station

National Highway 8A; Umiya Nagar; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
7.1 KM distance      Detail

Mandvi Marine Police Station

Swamiji Sheri; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
7.3 KM distance      Detail
more ..

   Governement Offices near Rayan Moti,Mandvi

sati office senter

Rayan Moti; Gujarat 370465; India
0.2 KM distance      Detail

Gram Panchayat Office

Moti Nagalpur; Gujarat 370460; India
4.8 KM distance      Detail

Taluka Panchayat Quarters

Umiya Nagar; Mandvi; Gujarat 370465; India
7.1 KM distance      Detail
more ..

About Rayan Moti & History

How to reach Rayan Moti

Tourist Places Near By Rayan Moti

Schools in Rayan Moti

Colleges in Rayan Moti

Temperature & weather of Rayan Moti

places in Rayan Moti

Rayan Moti photos

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Salaya  76 KM near     
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Mundra  41 KM near     
Bhuj  56 KM near     
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Kandla Airport   89 KM near     
Govardhanpur Airport   91 KM near     
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Bhuj   56 KM near     
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Dwarka   93 KM near     
Jamnagar   98 KM near     
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Kachchh   56 KM near     
Jamnagar   98 KM near     
Porbandar   157 KM near     
Rajkot   180 KM near     
Near By RailWay Station
Bhuj Rail Way Station   59 KM near     
Okha Rail Way Station   61 KM near     

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