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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Kachchh District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Taluka Name : Abdasa
District : Kachchh
State : Gujarat
Language : Gujarati and Sindhi, And Hindi, Kutchi
Current Time 11:25 PM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 89 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02835
Assembly constituency : Abdasa assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Jadeja Pradhyumansinh Mahipatsinh
Lok Sabha constituency : Kutch parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 370511
Post Office Name : Sanghipuram
OverView of Vayor
Vayor is a beautiful village in Thesil - Aabadasa, Distt - Kutchh (Gujarat). It is approximately 130km from bhuj, u can visit through bus or your personal vehicle at our village vayor. There are many cement companies establish their unit at hear such as Jaypee Group, ABG Cement Ltd. (ABG Shipyard Group), Reliance Cement LTD. Also you can visit some tourist palace such as Narayan sarovar, Matana math, Ramvada Mandir, Ham Khudi (Temple of lord dariyalal), Siddheshwar Mahadev mandir (Kharai), Jaypee mandir Etc....... So, finally, I am saying that "Agar Vayor nahi dekha to Kutch nahi dekha"
Edit below overview about Vayor
About Vayor
Vayor is a Village in Abdasa Taluka in Kachchh District of Gujarat State, India. It is located 118 KM towards west from District head quarters Bhuj. 34 KM from . 473 KM from State capital Gandhinagar
Vayor Pin code is 370511 and postal head office is Sanghipuram .
Karamta ( 5 KM ) , Sarangvado ( 5 KM ) , Ukir ( 5 KM ) , Bhoa ( 6 KM ) , Charopdi Nani ( 7 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Vayor. Vayor is surrounded by Lakhpat Taluka towards North , Nakhatrana Taluka towards East , Mandvi Taluka towards East , Bhuj Taluka towards East .
Mandvi , Bhuj , Mithapur , Dwarka are the near by Cities to Vayor.
It is near to arabian sea. There is a chance of humidity in the weather.
Vayor 2011 Census Details
Vayor Local Language is Gujarati. Vayor Village Total population is 4027 and number of houses are 1129. Female Population is 32.6%. Village literacy rate is 67.6% and the Female Literacy rate is 15.5%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 4027 |
Total No of Houses | 1129 |
Female Population % | 32.6 % ( 1312) |
Total Literacy rate % | 67.6 % ( 2724) |
Female Literacy rate | 15.5 % ( 626) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.9 % ( 38) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 4.3 % ( 172) |
Working Population % | 56.0 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 528 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 44.9 % ( 237) |
Vayor Census More Deatils.
Politics in Vayor
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Vayor
3)Vayor - 1
5)Valka Nana
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Vayor in less than 10 km.Colleges near Vayor
Scientific International Training Institute.Schools in Vayor
Vayor Group ShalaGovt Health Centers near Vayor
1) Ref. Hospital Mandvi , 2-Dec , Layja Road Mandvi , Near nana bus standSub Villages in Vayor
Electronic Shops in Vayor,Abdasa
Preet Telecom
Jaypee Jetty Rd; Bapa Dayalu Nagar; Wagot; Gujarat 370511; India
1.6 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Vayor,Abdasa
Local Parks in Vayor,Abdasa
Governement Offices near Vayor,Abdasa
How to reach Vayor
Tourist Places Near By Vayor
Schools in Vayor
Colleges in Vayor
Temperature & weather of Vayor
places in Vayor
Vayor photos
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Mandvi 105 KM near
Bhuj 112 KM near
Mithapur 130 KM near
Dwarka 149 KM near
Abdasa 33 KM near
Lakhpat 34 KM near
Nakhatrana 67 KM near
Mandvi 95 KM near
Rudra Mata Airport 112 KM near
Kandla Airport 165 KM near
Govardhanpur Airport 191 KM near
Porbandar Airport 246 KM near
Mandvi 105 KM near
Bhuj 112 KM near
Dwarka 151 KM near
Gandhidham 169 KM near
Dholavira 182 KM near
Kachchh 112 KM near
Jamnagar 198 KM near
Porbandar 244 KM near
Rajkot 278 KM near
Bhuj Rail Way Station 113 KM near
Okha Rail Way Station 125 KM near