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Sector 149
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Gautam Buddha Nagar District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Gautam Buddha Nagar District | Gautam Buddha Nagar | 96 |
NOIDA | Gautam Buddha Nagar | 17 |
Greater Noida | Gautam Buddha Nagar | 3 |
Gautam Buddh Nagar | Gautam Buddha Nagar | 1 |
Village Name :
Sector 149
( सेक्टर १४९ )
Block Name : Noida
District : Gautam Buddha Nagar
State : Uttar Pradesh
Division : Meerut
Language : Hindi and Urdu
Current Time 09:20 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 13,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 208 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 05735
Ward : Ward
Assembly constituency : Jewar assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Dhirendra Singh
Lok Sabha constituency : Gautam Buddha Nagar parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr. MAHESH SHARMA
Pin Code : 201310
Post Office Name : Knowledge Park-I
Commodities Prices : Dankaur Market / Mandi
Block Name : Noida
District : Gautam Buddha Nagar
State : Uttar Pradesh
Division : Meerut
Language : Hindi and Urdu
Current Time 09:20 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 13,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 208 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 05735
Ward : Ward
Assembly constituency : Jewar assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Dhirendra Singh
Lok Sabha constituency : Gautam Buddha Nagar parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Dr. MAHESH SHARMA
Pin Code : 201310
Post Office Name : Knowledge Park-I
Commodities Prices : Dankaur Market / Mandi
Sector 149 Live Weather
Temperature: 13.9 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 21%
Wind : 3.36 mt/sec towards NW
StationName : "ManjhÄ\u0081oli"
observed on 19 Mins Back
Temperature: 13.9 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 21%
Wind : 3.36 mt/sec towards NW
StationName : "ManjhÄ\u0081oli"
observed on 19 Mins Back
Sector 149 Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
13.2°C to 22.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
13.2°C to 22.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
12.1°C to 22.8°C
clear sky
12.1°C to 22.8°C
clear sky
12.2°C to 22.9°C
clear sky
12.2°C to 22.9°C
clear sky
12.0°C to 23.4°C
clear sky
12.0°C to 23.4°C
clear sky
12.0°C to 23.9°C
clear sky
12.0°C to 23.9°C
clear sky
Edit below overview about Sector 149
Edit below overview about Sector 149
OverView of Sector 149
The village kondli bangar has a very proud history it was established in the year of 1468 by sanai bhati who came from sakipur .He was the biggest landowner and moneylender of that time ,he owns more than 100 ploughs ,it is believed that he possesses superpower ,he also organised a massive Rajbhoj which was attained by all the kings and people all over india. His successors also lived efficiently even during the crown rule .Prahlad singh bhati was his greatest successor after him who rose to fame during 1940's ,he also gave protection to muslims during the last phase of independence, He was the most respected and wealthiest man of that time, he used to lend money all over delhi ncr, he has constructed the first mansion in dadri and he owns more than 3500 bighas of land . He has 7 sons from 4 wives out of which horam singh bhati and buddhi singh bhati lives in village itself , who are the eldest, their younger brothers lives in dadri in Prahlad mansion. Horam singh bhati has served as unopposed pradhan for 5 years and , he speeded the development in his area , all the voters requested him to fill the nomination again after the completion of his tenure but he refused and told them that they should also give chance to young leaders .Edit below overview about Sector 149
National Highways Reachable To Sector 149
Nationa High Way :NH248BB
Nationa High Way :NH44
Nationa High Way :NH248BB
Nationa High Way :NH44
About Sector 149
Sector 149 is a Locality in Noida City in Uttar Pradesh State, India. It is belongs to Meerut Division .
Sector 149 Pin code is 201310 and postal head office is Knowledge Park-I .
Sector 152 , Chuharpur Khadar , Sector 153 , Sector 151 , Sector 148 are the nearby Localities to Sector 149.
Greater Noida , Dadri , Faridabad , Ballabhgarh are the nearby Cities to Noida.
Demographics of Sector 149
Hindi is the Local Language here.Politics in Sector 149
BJP , BSP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Sector 149
1)Pry. School Ghaghaula R.no. 32)Kanya Path. T.a. Jahangirpur R.no. 1
3)Kendrya Vidhyalay Sector P-3 K.n. 1
4)Kendrya Vidhyalay Sector P-3 K.n. 2
5)Pry. School Muradgarhi R.no. 1
HOW TO REACH Sector 149
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Sector 149 in less than 10 km.Govt Health Centers near Sector 149
1) TUGALPUR UPHC , C/o Manga Ram , Tugalpur G.Noida , Pari Chouak , Near anshal Pari Chowk2) Basaindua , Basaindua , Basaindua ,
3) SURAJPUR UPHC , C/O Deepak Bhati , SurajPur . G.N Noida U.P , Court Bali gali , Oppositi Gurudwara
Schools in Sector 149,Noida
Electronic Shops in Sector 149,Noida
Super Markets in Sector 149,Noida
Local Parks in Sector 149,Noida
Police Stations near Sector 149,Noida
Governement Offices near Sector 149,Noida
About Sector 149 &
How to reach Sector 149
Tourist Places Near By Sector 149
Schools in Sector 149
Colleges in Sector 149
Temperature & weather of Sector 149
places in Sector 149
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How to reach Sector 149
Tourist Places Near By Sector 149
Schools in Sector 149
Colleges in Sector 149
Temperature & weather of Sector 149
places in Sector 149
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Faridabad Rail Way Station 19 KM near
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