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Railon Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Fatehgarh Sahib District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Fatehgarh Sahib District | Fatehgarh Sahib | 2 |
Locality Name :
( ਰੈਲੋਂ )
Tehsil Name : Bassi Pathana
District : Fatehgarh Sahib
State : Punjab
Language : Punjabi and Hindi
Current Time 10:07 AM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 273 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01763
Assembly constituency : Bassi Pathana assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Rupinder Singh
Lok Sabha constituency : Fatehgarh Sahib parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : AMAR SINGH
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 140412
Post Office Name : Bassi (Fatehgarh Sahib)
Alternate Village Name : Raillon
Commodities Prices : Bassi Pathana Market / Mandi
Tehsil Name : Bassi Pathana
District : Fatehgarh Sahib
State : Punjab
Language : Punjabi and Hindi
Current Time 10:07 AM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 273 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01763
Assembly constituency : Bassi Pathana assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Rupinder Singh
Lok Sabha constituency : Fatehgarh Sahib parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : AMAR SINGH
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 140412
Post Office Name : Bassi (Fatehgarh Sahib)
Alternate Village Name : Raillon
Commodities Prices : Bassi Pathana Market / Mandi
Railon Live Weather
Temperature: 30.7 °C
few clouds
Humidity: 19%
Wind : 3.45 mt/sec towards NW
StationName : "Basi"
observed on 0 Mins Back
Temperature: 30.7 °C
few clouds
Humidity: 19%
Wind : 3.45 mt/sec towards NW
StationName : "Basi"
observed on 0 Mins Back
Railon Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
21.6°C to 35.0°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
21.6°C to 35.0°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
18.2°C to 33.0°C
light rain, clear sky, few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
18.2°C to 33.0°C
light rain, clear sky, few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
17.0°C to 34.0°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
17.0°C to 34.0°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
16.6°C to 32.5°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, light rain, scattered clouds
16.6°C to 32.5°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, light rain, scattered clouds
14.7°C to 30.2°C
light rain, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
14.7°C to 30.2°C
light rain, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
Edit below overview about Railon
Edit below overview about Railon
OverView of Railon
In Village Railon, Once a deadly viral disease was spread and in near by areas. The people of village was in dilemma and can't find any way to cure this disease. Then their prayers were listened by God. At that time, The ninth sikh guru, Guru Tegh Bhadaur Sahib Ji was near to this area. Village people came to Guru ji and prayed to save them from this deadly disease and requested Guru ji to come to Railon and blessed them. Then Guru ji by listening to their prayers and by seeing their condition accepted their request to come to their village. Guru ji was so kind hearted. Then Guru ji put their lotus feet in village railon and blessed all the villagers and cure their problems.Guru ji wrote a Hukamnama to village people, that hand written Hukamnama by Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib ji is preserved by village people till date with due respect. Now a days, the Gurduwara Patshai Nauvi is situated at this place, and Hand written Hukamnama by Guru ji is also present at the Gurduwara sahib.Edit below overview about Railon
National Highways Reachable To Railon
Nationa High Way :NH5
Nationa High Way :NH44
Nationa High Way :NH5
Nationa High Way :NH44
About Railon
Railon is a Village in Bassi Pathana Tehsil in Fatehgarh Sahib District of Punjab State, India. It is located 12 KM towards East from District head quarters Fatehgarh Sahib. 6 KM from Bassi Pathana. 31 KM from State capital Chandigarh
Railon Pin code is 140412 and postal head office is Bassi (Fatehgarh Sahib).
Dadiana ( 1 KM ) , Nand Pur ( 2 KM ) , Mehmad Pur ( 3 KM ) , Ghel ( 3 KM ) , Shahzad Pur ( 3 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Railon. Railon is surrounded by Khera Tehsil towards South , Fatehgarh Sahib Tehsil towards west , Kharar Tehsil towards East , Morinda Tehsil towards North .
Morinda , Kharar , Kurali , Mohali are the near by Cities to Railon.
This Place is in the border of the Fatehgarh Sahib District and Rupnagar District. Rupnagar District Morinda is North towards this place . Also it is in the Border of other district Ludhiana .
Railon 2011 Census Details
Railon Local Language is Punjabi. Railon Village Total population is 1373 and number of houses are 248. Female Population is 46.2%. Village literacy rate is 73.4% and the Female Literacy rate is 30.8%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1373 |
Total No of Houses | 248 |
Female Population % | 46.2 % ( 635) |
Total Literacy rate % | 73.4 % ( 1008) |
Female Literacy rate | 30.8 % ( 423) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 37.8 % ( 519) |
Working Population % | 29.6 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 130 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 50.8 % ( 66) |
Railon Census More Deatils.
Politics in Railon
SAD , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Railon
1)Pohlo Majra2)Chunni Khurd
By Rail
Bassi Pathanan Rail Way Station , Noganwan Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Railon.Colleges near Railon
Public Girls College Chanarthal
Address :
University Collage,chunni Kalan
Address :
Maghi Memorial College For Women
Address : Maghi Complex,khanian Road, Amloh-147203
Baba Banda Singh College Of Engineering & Technology
Address : Fatehgarh Sahib-140407,punjab
Victor Institute Of Nursing
Address : Victor Institute Of Nursingranwan, District Fatehg
Schools in Railon
Guru Teg Bahadur Public School
Address : raillon , bassi pathana , fatehgarh sahib , Punjab . PIN- 140412 , Post - Bassi (Fatehgarh Sahib)
Gms Raillon
Address : raillon , bassi pathana , fatehgarh sahib , Punjab . PIN- 140412 , Post - Bassi (Fatehgarh Sahib)
Govt Health Centers near Railon
1) PHC Nandpur kalour , , ,2) Nandpur , , ,
3) Kalour , , ,
Petrol Bunks in Railon,Bassi Pathana
Indian Oil
Kheri Chowk; Chunni Kalan - Morinda Rd; Kharar; Punjab 140412; India
5.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Railon,Bassi Pathana
Government Elementary School
Dadiana - Railon Rd; Dadiana; Punjab 140412; India
1.8 KM distance Detail
Government Middle School
Gadhera; Bhaganpur - Gadhera Rd; Punjab 140407; India
2.4 KM distance Detail
Government Elementary School
Gadhera; Bhaganpur - Gadhera Rd; Punjab 140412; India
2.4 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Railon,Bassi Pathana
Bhagat Singh Park
Shivdaspur - Shahzadpur Rd; Shivdaspur; Punjab 140407; India
2.7 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Railon,Bassi Pathana
Police Lines Fatehgarh Sahib Mahadian Jodhpur Road
Fatehgarh Sahib; Punjab 140412; India
8.0 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Railon,Bassi Pathana
punjab school education board office
Modern Valley; Fatehgarh Sahib; Punjab 140407; India
11.1 KM distance Detail
About Railon &
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Tourist Places Near By Railon
Schools in Railon
Colleges in Railon
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places in Railon
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Near Cities
Morinda 13 KM near
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Morinda 13 KM near
Kharar 18 KM near
Kurali 20 KM near
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Near By Taluks
Bassi Pathana 6 KM near
Khera 8 KM near
Fatehgarh Sahib 14 KM near
Kharar 16 KM near
Bassi Pathana 6 KM near
Khera 8 KM near
Fatehgarh Sahib 14 KM near
Kharar 16 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Chandigarh Airport 31 KM near
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Chandigarh Airport 31 KM near
Ludhiana Airport 74 KM near
Simla Airport 88 KM near
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Chandigarh 30 KM near
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Chandigarh 30 KM near
Chandigarh 30 KM near
Rupnagar 35 KM near
Panchkula 38 KM near
Patiala 45 KM near
Near By Districts
Fatehgarh Sahib 12 KM near
S.A.S Nagar 24 KM near
Chandigarh 30 KM near
Rupnagar 35 KM near
Fatehgarh Sahib 12 KM near
S.A.S Nagar 24 KM near
Chandigarh 30 KM near
Rupnagar 35 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Sirhind Junction Rail Way Station 14 KM near
Mandi Gobindgarh Rail Way Station 21 KM near
Sirhind Junction Rail Way Station 14 KM near
Mandi Gobindgarh Rail Way Station 21 KM near