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       Jaman Khata

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   Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Dehradun District

City Name District Name Total Covid cases
   Dehradun District    Dehradun    22
   Dehradun    Dehradun    3
Total infected patients are 25 in Dehradun District and total population of Dehradun District is 1698560. Total Infected Patients in Uttarakhand State are 51 .
Locality Name : Jaman Khata ( जमन खता )
Block Name : Vikasnagar
District : Dehradun
State : Uttarakhand
Language : Hindu and Sindhi, Punjabi, Garhwali And Urdu.
Current Time 09:50 AM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 648 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 01360

Assembly constituency : Vikasnagar assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Munna Singh Chauhan
Lok Sabha constituency : Tehri Garhwal parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Enter Serpanch Name : Update
Pin Code : 248142
Post Office Name : Herbertpur
correct Pin Code,if wrong

Commodities Prices : Vikasnagar Market / Mandi

Jaman Khata Live Weather     
Temperature: 26.8 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 23%
Wind : 1.08 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "VikÄ\u0081snagar"
observed on Now
Jaman Khata Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
20.6°C to 33.8°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds

17.0°C to 30.5°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, light rain, clear sky

17.3°C to 32.2°C
clear sky, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds, light rain, scattered clouds

17.2°C to 29.5°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, light rain, scattered clouds

16.4°C to 27.6°C
light rain, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky

National Highways Reachable To Jaman Khata
Nationa High Way :NH707A        
Rivers Near Jaman Khata
Yamuna :যমুনা :યમુના :यमुना :ಯಮುನಾ :यमुना :யமுனை :Ямуна :https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ar-WXIFaX7UdgQuO6WpVrTr6YYsQ        
Yamuna :যমুনা :યમુના :यमुना :ಯಮುನಾ :यमुना :யமுனை :Ямуна :https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ar-WXIFaX7UdgQuO6WpVrTr6YYsQ        

                      About Jaman Khata

Correct below Info and add more info about Jaman Khata

Jaman Khata is a Village in Vikasnagar Block in Dehradun District of Uttarakhand State, India. It is located 30 KM towards west from District head quarters Dehradun. 0 KM from Vikasnagar. 31 KM from State capital Dehradun

Jaman Khata Pin code is 248142 and postal head office is Herbertpur .

Baluwala ( 2 KM ) , Badama Wala ( 3 KM ) , Jassowlala ( 4 KM ) , Khushhal Pur ( 4 KM ) , Kedarawala ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Jaman Khata. Jaman Khata is surrounded by Sahaspur Block towards East , Paonta Sahib Block towards west , Kalsi Block towards North , Dehradun Block towards East .

Mussoorie , Dehradun , Nahan , Jagadhri are the near by Cities to Jaman Khata.

This Place is in the border of the Dehradun District and Sirmaur District. Sirmaur District Paonta Sahib is west towards this place . It is near to the Himachal Pradesh State Border.

Jaman Khata 2011 Census Details

Jaman Khata Local Language is Hindu. Jaman Khata Village Total population is 4158 and number of houses are 815. Female Population is 48.3%. Village literacy rate is 70.5% and the Female Literacy rate is 31.1%.


Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 4158
Total No of Houses 815
Female Population % 48.3 % ( 2010)
Total Literacy rate % 70.5 % ( 2932)
Female Literacy rate 31.1 % ( 1295)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.4 % ( 15)
Scheduled Caste Population % 15.2 % ( 630)
Working Population % 38.5 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 538
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 46.5 % ( 250)

Jaman Khata Census More Deatils.

Politics in Jaman Khata

BJP , UJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.

Polling Stations /Booths near Jaman Khata

1)Maratandel Anfleld Grant

HOW TO REACH Jaman Khata

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Jaman Khata in less than 10 km.

Colleges near Jaman Khata

Dayanand Anglo Vedic Post Greguate Collage Vikasnagar
Address :

Schools near Jaman Khata

Scholars Home Academy
Address : dharmawala , vikasnagar , dehradun , Uttarakhand . PIN- 248142 , Post - Herbertpur
Madrsa Islamia Rahimia Azizya
Address : dhakrani colony , vikasnagar , dehradun , Uttarakhand . PIN- 248142 , Post - Herbertpur
Sarswti Vidya Mandir Herbertpur
Address : harbatpur 8 , vikasnagar , dehradun , Uttarakhand . PIN- 248142 , Post - Herbertpur
A.p.k.p. H. Ashopk Ashram Chilio
Address : chilio , vikasnagar , dehradun , Uttarakhand . PIN- 248125 , Post - Dakpathar

Govt Health Centers near Jaman Khata

1) Khunna SC , SC Khunna , Khunna ,
2) Kaitri SC , SC Kaitri , Kaitri ,
3) CHC Chakrata , CHC Chakrata , CHC Chakrata ,

   Bus Stops in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Dakpathar Bus Stop

Dakpatthar; Uttarakhand 248125; India
9.1 KM distance      Detail

Bhagani Bus Stop

Bhagani; Himachal Pradesh 173025; India
9.6 KM distance      Detail

Dudhla Bus Stop

Dudhla; Himachal Pradesh 173025; India
11.7 KM distance      Detail

NH 72 Bus Stand

Chakrata Road; Selakui; Uttarakhand 248011; India
12.9 KM distance      Detail

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   ATMs in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

SBI Kiosk Banking

Mohit Associates; Dak Pathar Road; Vikasnagar; Uttarakhand 248198; India
3.1 KM distance      CashStatus

Union Bank of India ATM

Herbertpur; Dehradun; NH-72; Chakrata Road; Dehradun; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248001; India
4.1 KM distance      CashStatus

Punjab & Sind Bank ATM

Herbertpur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
4.4 KM distance      CashStatus

Canara Bank ATM

Herbertpur; Dehradun; NH-72; Chakrata Road; Dehradun; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248001; India
4.5 KM distance      CashStatus

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   Cinema Theaters in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

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   Temples in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Prachin Shiv Mandir

Barotiwala - Vikasnagar Rd; Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

Prachin Siv Mandir

Barotiwala - Vikasnagar Rd; Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

महादेव एवं बजरंगबली मंदिर

रोड बैरागी वाला; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Lord Shiva Temple

Village Jampnipur Tappar; Dehradun; Uttarakhand; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

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   Mosques in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Masjid Raheemi

; Chharba; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.8 KM distance      Detail

Masjid Umar

Chharba; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.6 KM distance      Detail

Qureshia Masjid

Chharba; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.9 KM distance      Detail

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   Hotels ,Lodges in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Arvind Sweet Shop

bharam datt chowk vikasnagar; India
1.4 KM distance      Detail

Mahveer Rana Fast Food Counr

Barotiwala - Vikasnagar Rd; Barotiwala; Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

Bhai Manmohan Singh ji

Village Binoba Nagar Chharba; Post office Sahaspur; Dehra Dun Uttrakhand; Chharba; Uttarakhand 248197; India
2.2 KM distance      Detail

SFF housing society; balluwala

Prithvipur Jungle; Uttarakhand 248197; India
4.0 KM distance      Detail

Harshu Dj & sound service

Street no. 10;word; Street Number 5; Rambagh; Herbertpur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
4.1 KM distance      Detail

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   Restaurants in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Mahveer Rana Fast Food Shop

Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

कवि बेकर्स

Barotiwala - Vikasnagar Rd; Barotiwala; Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

Rathor Misthan Bhandar ; Emarti Jlebi

Rajbala road; Khera Pahuwa; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.0 KM distance      Detail

Pine View Restaurant

Lakhanwala; Herbertpur; Dehradun;; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.1 KM distance      Detail

कवि बेकर्स

Barotiwala - Vikasnagar Rd; Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.2 KM distance      Detail

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   Hospitals in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar


Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

Ayurvedic Davakhana

Rajbala road; Khera Pahuwa; Uttarakhand 248197; India
3.1 KM distance      Detail

lehmon hospital

Atten Bagh; Uttarakhand 248142; India
3.4 KM distance      Detail

Herbertpur Christian Hospital

Atten Bagh; Uttarakhand 248142; India
3.6 KM distance      Detail

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   Petrol Bunks in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

HP Petrol Pump

Ambala - Poanta Sahib - Herbertpur - Dehradun - Rishikesh National Hwy; Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.2 KM distance      Detail

Bharat Petroleum Petrol Pump

Langha Rd; Dehradun District; Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248198; India
1.3 KM distance      Detail

Siddharth Kisan Sewa Kendra Filling Station

Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.2 KM distance      Detail


AT JAMINPUR (HERBERTPUR); DEHRADUN; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.7 KM distance      Detail

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   Colleges in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Government Polytechnic Vikasnagar

Jassowala; Sahaspur; Vikasnagar; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.3 KM distance      Detail

School of Nursing (herbertpur christian hospital)

Atten Bagh; Uttarakhand 248142; India
3.6 KM distance      Detail

S.B. Post Graduate College

Dinkar Colony; Vikasnagar; Uttarakhand 248198; India
4.5 KM distance      Detail

Boxa Jan Jati Krishak Inter College

Vikasnagar; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248198; India
4.6 KM distance      Detail

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   Schools in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar


Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.5 KM distance      Detail


Jassowala; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.6 KM distance      Detail


Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.9 KM distance      Detail

Government Inter College Barotiwala

Khera Pahuwa; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.5 KM distance      Detail

Primary School; Baluwala

Khera Pahuwa; Uttarakhand 248197; India
3.0 KM distance      Detail
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   Electronic Shops in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Krishna Stationery

Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.1 KM distance      Detail

Kishore Electricals Shop

Barotiwala - Vikasnagar Rd; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.7 KM distance      Detail

Prem Electric And Repairing Works

Langha Rd; Chharba; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.3 KM distance      Detail
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   Super Markets in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Kavi Pooja Store

Rajbala road; Jaman Khata; Uttarakhand 248198; India
1.4 KM distance      Detail

Sukhbinder General Shop

248198; Barotiwala; Jamni Pur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
1.6 KM distance      Detail


Hospital Road; Qureshyaan Colony; Punjabi Colony; Vikasnagar; Uttarakhand 248198; India
5.3 KM distance      Detail
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   Local Parks in Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Udia garden

Atten Bagh; Uttarakhand 248142; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

Udiya Bagh

Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248142; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

Hospital Road Triangle

Hospital Road; Punjabi Colony; Vikasnagar; Uttarakhand 248198; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Police Stations near Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Police Station; Vikasnagar

Dinkar Colony; Vikasnagar; Uttarakhand 248198; India
4.4 KM distance      Detail

Reporting Police Chowki Herbertpur

Herbertpur; Dehradun; NH-72; Chakrata Road; Dehradun; Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248001; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail

Police Station Herbertpur

Chakarata Rd; Herbertpur; Uttarakhand 248142; India
4.9 KM distance      Detail
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   Governement Offices near Jaman Khata,Vikasnagar

Panchayat Bhawan Attnbag

Dehradun; Uttarakhand 248142; India
2.9 KM distance      Detail

Attenbagh Gram Panchayat

Atten Bagh; Uttarakhand 248142; India
3.8 KM distance      Detail

Sub Registrar office Vikasnagar Tehsil Dehradun

Atten Bagh; Uttarakhand 248142; India
4.3 KM distance      Detail
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About Jaman Khata & History

How to reach Jaman Khata

Tourist Places Near By Jaman Khata

Schools in Jaman Khata

Colleges in Jaman Khata

Temperature & weather of Jaman Khata

places in Jaman Khata

Jaman Khata photos

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Near By RailWay Station
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Doiwala Rail Way Station   48 KM near     

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