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Sonpuri B
Sonpuri B Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Bilaspur District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Bilaspur | Bilaspur | 1 |
Locality Name :
Sonpuri B
( सोनपुरी बी )
Tehsil Name : Mungeli
District : Bilaspur
State : Chattisgarh
Language : Chhattisgarhi and Hindi, Agariya, Bagheli
Current Time 06:02 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 268 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07755
Assembly constituency : Mungeli assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Punnulal Mohle
Lok Sabha constituency : Bilaspur parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : ARUN SAO
Serpanch Name :
Main Village Name : SONPURI B
Commodities Prices : Munguli Market / Mandi
Tehsil Name : Mungeli
District : Bilaspur
State : Chattisgarh
Language : Chhattisgarhi and Hindi, Agariya, Bagheli
Current Time 06:02 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 268 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07755
Assembly constituency : Mungeli assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Punnulal Mohle
Lok Sabha constituency : Bilaspur parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : ARUN SAO
Serpanch Name :
Main Village Name : SONPURI B
Commodities Prices : Munguli Market / Mandi
Sonpuri B Live Weather
Temperature: 15.3 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 61%
Wind : 2.29 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Mungeli"
observed on 21 Mins Back
Temperature: 15.3 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 61%
Wind : 2.29 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Mungeli"
observed on 21 Mins Back
Sonpuri B Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
17.1°C to 29.8°C
clear sky
17.1°C to 29.8°C
clear sky
15.5°C to 30.1°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, light rain
15.5°C to 30.1°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, light rain
15.2°C to 28.4°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
15.2°C to 28.4°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
14.9°C to 28.8°C
clear sky
14.9°C to 28.8°C
clear sky
14.4°C to 28.3°C
clear sky
14.4°C to 28.3°C
clear sky
National Highways Reachable To Sonpuri B
Nationa High Way :NH130A
Nationa High Way :NH130A
Rivers Near Sonpuri B
About Sonpuri B
Correct below Info and add more info about Sonpuri BSonpuri B is a small Village/hamlet in Mungeli Tehsil in Bilaspur District of Chattisgarh State, India. It comes under SONPURI B Panchayath. It is located 57 KM towards west from District head quarters Bilaspur. 109 KM from State capital Raipur
Sonpuri B is surrounded by Lormi Tehsil towards North , Pathariya Tehsil towards East , Nawagarh Tehsil towards South , Pandariya Tehsil towards west .
Mungeli , Kawardha , Bilaspur , Bemetra are the near by Cities to Sonpuri B.
This Place is in the border of the Bilaspur District and Durg District. Durg District Nawagarh is South towards this place .
Demographics of Sonpuri B
Chhattisgarhi is the Local Language here.Politics in Sonpuri B
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Sonpuri B
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Sonpuri B in less than 10 km.Pincodes near Sonpuri B
495334 ( Mungeli ) , 491337 ( Nawagarh (Durg) ) , 495115 ( Lormi )Colleges near Sonpuri B
Govt. College Setganga
Address :
Schools near Sonpuri B
Rajiv Gandhi H.s. Surda
Address : surda , mungeli , bilaspur (chhattisgarh) , Chattisgarh . PIN- 495334 , Post - Mungeli
Ms Govt Ramgarh
Address : ram garh , mungeli , bilaspur (chhattisgarh) , Chattisgarh . PIN- 495334 , Post - Mungeli
Ps Chattisgarh Shishu M., Chha
Address : chhatan , mungeli , bilaspur (chhattisgarh) , Chattisgarh . PIN- 495334 , Post - Mungeli
Priyadarshani Ms Kanteli
Address : kanteli , mungeli , bilaspur (chhattisgarh) , Chattisgarh . PIN- 495334 , Post - Mungeli
Govt Health Centers near Sonpuri B
1) SHC Guthera , SHC Building Ghuthera , Ghuthera ,2) DH MUNGELI , Community Health Center Building , Block Office Mungeli , Near Citi Kotwali Mungeli
3) SHC Jhiliyapur , Anganbadi Building , Jhiliyapur ,
Sub Villages in Sonpuri B
Hospitals in Sonpuri B,Mungeli
Christian Hospital Mungeli
Next to Rambo Memorial English Medium School; Mungeli; Chhattisgarh 495334; India
2.6 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Sonpuri B,Mungeli
Indian Oil Petrol Pump
Mangla; Kabirdham; SH-10; Mungeli Road; Mungeli; Mungeli; Chhattisgarh 495334; India
3.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Sonpuri B,Mungeli
sukhnandan education society
The Professional Couriers; Akankshya Std/pco; Near Daupara Chowk;; Mungeli; Chhattisgarh 495334; India
3.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
About Sonpuri B &
How to reach Sonpuri B
Tourist Places Near By Sonpuri B
Schools in Sonpuri B
Colleges in Sonpuri B
Temperature & weather of Sonpuri B
places in Sonpuri B
Sonpuri B photos
More Information
How to reach Sonpuri B
Tourist Places Near By Sonpuri B
Schools in Sonpuri B
Colleges in Sonpuri B
Temperature & weather of Sonpuri B
places in Sonpuri B
Sonpuri B photos
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Near Cities
Mungeli 3 KM near
Kawardha 49 KM near
Bilaspur 50 KM near
Bemetra 51 KM near
Mungeli 3 KM near
Kawardha 49 KM near
Bilaspur 50 KM near
Bemetra 51 KM near
Near By Taluks
Mungeli 0 KM near
Lormi 20 KM near
Pathariya 28 KM near
Nawagarh 28 KM near
Mungeli 0 KM near
Lormi 20 KM near
Pathariya 28 KM near
Nawagarh 28 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Raipur Airport 112 KM near
Jabalpur Airport 214 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 328 KM near
Khajuraho Airport 395 KM near
Raipur Airport 112 KM near
Jabalpur Airport 214 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 328 KM near
Khajuraho Airport 395 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Kawardha 51 KM near
Bilaspur 52 KM near
Amarkantak 73 KM near
Janjgir-Champa 92 KM near
Janjgir 104 KM near
Kawardha 51 KM near
Bilaspur 52 KM near
Amarkantak 73 KM near
Janjgir-Champa 92 KM near
Janjgir 104 KM near
Near By Districts
Kabirdham 53 KM near
Bilaspur 55 KM near
Raipur 105 KM near
Durg 121 KM near
Kabirdham 53 KM near
Bilaspur 55 KM near
Raipur 105 KM near
Durg 121 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Kargi Road Rail Way Station 47 KM near
Belha Rail Way Station 48 KM near
Kargi Road Rail Way Station 47 KM near
Belha Rail Way Station 48 KM near