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Cherpalli Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Bijapur District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Locality Name :
( चेरपल्ली )
Tehsil Name : Bhopal Patnam
District : Bijapur
State : Chattisgarh
Language : Chhattisgarhi and Hindi
Current Time 06:09 PM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 608 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07851
Assembly constituency : Bijapur assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Vikram Mandavi
Lok Sabha constituency : Bastar parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : DEEPAK BAIJ
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 494448
Post Office Name : Madded
Commodities Prices : Bhopalpattnam Market / Mandi
Tehsil Name : Bhopal Patnam
District : Bijapur
State : Chattisgarh
Language : Chhattisgarhi and Hindi
Current Time 06:09 PM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 608 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 07851
Assembly constituency : Bijapur assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Vikram Mandavi
Lok Sabha constituency : Bastar parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : DEEPAK BAIJ
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 494448
Post Office Name : Madded
Commodities Prices : Bhopalpattnam Market / Mandi
Cherpalli Live Weather
Temperature: 27.2 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 63%
Wind : 1.57 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "AllÄ\u0081palli"
observed on 20 Mins Back
Temperature: 27.2 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 63%
Wind : 1.57 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "AllÄ\u0081palli"
observed on 20 Mins Back
Cherpalli Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
20.4°C to 25.9°C
light rain, broken clouds, scattered clouds
20.4°C to 25.9°C
light rain, broken clouds, scattered clouds
19.3°C to 32.0°C
few clouds, clear sky
19.3°C to 32.0°C
few clouds, clear sky
19.5°C to 32.4°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
19.5°C to 32.4°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
20.6°C to 34.5°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds, clear sky
20.6°C to 34.5°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds, clear sky
19.2°C to 33.8°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
19.2°C to 33.8°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
National Highways Reachable To Cherpalli
Nationa High Way :NH63
Nationa High Way :NH353C
Nationa High Way :NH63
Nationa High Way :NH353C
Rivers Near Cherpalli
Are Vagu
Panjar Vegu
Are Vagu
Panjar Vegu
About Cherpalli
Correct below Info and add more info about CherpalliCherpalli is a Village in Bhopal Patnam Tehsil in Bijapur District of Chattisgarh State, India. It is located 52 KM towards west from District head quarters Bijapur. 351 KM from State capital Raipur
Cherpalli Pin code is 494448 and postal head office is Madded .
Cherpalli is surrounded by Mahadevpur Tehsil towards west , Wazeed Tehsil towards South , Sironcha Tehsil towards west , Mutharam (Mahadevpur) Tehsil towards west .
Bade Bacheli , Mandamarri , Ramagundam , Bellampalle are the near by Cities to Cherpalli.
Cherpalli 2011 Census Details
Cherpalli Local Language is Chhattisgarhi. Cherpalli Village Total population is 943 and number of houses are 204. Female Population is 48.8%. Village literacy rate is 57.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 20.5%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 943 |
Total No of Houses | 204 |
Female Population % | 48.8 % ( 460) |
Total Literacy rate % | 57.7 % ( 544) |
Female Literacy rate | 20.5 % ( 193) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 69.6 % ( 656) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 5.6 % ( 53) |
Working Population % | 61.3 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 142 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 52.8 % ( 75) |
Cherpalli Census More Deatils.
Politics in Cherpalli
Indian National Congress , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Cherpalli
3)Chinna Kavali
HOW TO REACH Cherpalli
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Cherpalli in less than 10 km.Schools near Cherpalli
Govt Health Centers near Cherpalli
1) SHC Rudraram , SHC RUDRARM , sector Bhopalpattnam , MEN ROAD RUDRAM2) CHC Bhopalpattanam , CHC Bhopalpattanam , sector BHAIRAMGARH , Hospital road chikudpali
3) SHC Bhopalpatnam , SHC BHOPALPATNAM , sector Bhopalpattnam , SUB STATION ELECTRICAL
Schools in Cherpalli,Bhopal Patnam
Electronic Shops in Cherpalli,Bhopal Patnam
Super Markets in Cherpalli,Bhopal Patnam
Local Parks in Cherpalli,Bhopal Patnam
Police Stations near Cherpalli,Bhopal Patnam
Governement Offices near Cherpalli,Bhopal Patnam
About Cherpalli &
How to reach Cherpalli
Tourist Places Near By Cherpalli
Schools in Cherpalli
Colleges in Cherpalli
Temperature & weather of Cherpalli
places in Cherpalli
Cherpalli photos
More Information
How to reach Cherpalli
Tourist Places Near By Cherpalli
Schools in Cherpalli
Colleges in Cherpalli
Temperature & weather of Cherpalli
places in Cherpalli
Cherpalli photos
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Near Cities
Bade Bacheli 102 KM near
Mandamarri 108 KM near
Ramagundam 108 KM near
Bellampalle 109 KM near
Bade Bacheli 102 KM near
Mandamarri 108 KM near
Ramagundam 108 KM near
Bellampalle 109 KM near
Near By Taluks
Bhopal Patnam 0 KM near
Mahadevpur 44 KM near
Wazeed 45 KM near
Sironcha 47 KM near
Bhopal Patnam 0 KM near
Mahadevpur 44 KM near
Wazeed 45 KM near
Sironcha 47 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Rajahmundry Airport 272 KM near
Vijayawada Airport 289 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 304 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 322 KM near
Rajahmundry Airport 272 KM near
Vijayawada Airport 289 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 304 KM near
Sonegaon Airport 322 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Medaram 64 KM near
Bhamragarh Wildlife Sanctuary 77 KM near
Dantewada 113 KM near
Sirpur 125 KM near
Warangal 137 KM near
Medaram 64 KM near
Bhamragarh Wildlife Sanctuary 77 KM near
Dantewada 113 KM near
Sirpur 125 KM near
Warangal 137 KM near
Near By Districts
Bijapur 49 KM near
Dantewada 117 KM near
Warangal 141 KM near
Narayanpur 152 KM near
Bijapur 49 KM near
Dantewada 117 KM near
Warangal 141 KM near
Narayanpur 152 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Bellampalli Rail Way Station 110 KM near
Manchiryal Rail Way Station 111 KM near
Bellampalli Rail Way Station 110 KM near
Manchiryal Rail Way Station 111 KM near