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Madargaon Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Bidar District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Bidar District | Bidar | 6 |
Bidar | Bidar | 2 |
Bilal Colony | Bidar | 1 |
Lalwani Rd | Bidar | 1 |
Shahgunj | Bidar | 1 |
Golekbana | Bidar | 1 |
Basavakalyan | Bidar | 1 |
Kiramani Colony | Bidar | 1 |
Locality Name :
( ಮಾಡರ್ಗೋನ್ )
Taluk Name : Humnabad
District : Bidar
State : Karnataka
Division : Gulbarga
Language : Kannada and Marathi, Dakhni Urdu And Hindi
Current Time 01:38 AM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 607 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08483
Assembly constituency : Homnabad assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Siddu Patil
Lok Sabha constituency : Bidar parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 585329
Post Office Name : Hoodgi
Commodities Prices : Basava Kalayana Market / Mandi
Taluk Name : Humnabad
District : Bidar
State : Karnataka
Division : Gulbarga
Language : Kannada and Marathi, Dakhni Urdu And Hindi
Current Time 01:38 AM
Date: Thursday , Mar 13,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 607 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08483
Assembly constituency : Homnabad assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Siddu Patil
Lok Sabha constituency : Bidar parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 585329
Post Office Name : Hoodgi
Commodities Prices : Basava Kalayana Market / Mandi
Madargaon Live Weather
Temperature: 26.8 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 24%
Wind : 2.8 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "HomnÄ\u0081bÄ\u0081d"
observed on 11 Mins Back
Temperature: 26.8 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 24%
Wind : 2.8 mt/sec towards SE
StationName : "HomnÄ\u0081bÄ\u0081d"
observed on 11 Mins Back
Madargaon Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
26.4°C to 26.4°C
clear sky
26.4°C to 26.4°C
clear sky
25.0°C to 35.9°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
25.0°C to 35.9°C
clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
26.5°C to 37.9°C
few clouds, clear sky, scattered clouds, overcast clouds
26.5°C to 37.9°C
few clouds, clear sky, scattered clouds, overcast clouds
25.7°C to 38.0°C
few clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
25.7°C to 38.0°C
few clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
26.8°C to 38.2°C
scattered clouds, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
26.8°C to 38.2°C
scattered clouds, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
Edit below overview about Madargaon
Edit below overview about Madargaon
OverView of Madargaon
Madargaon is very fantastic historic place there is very big and famous Sri Mallikarjun temple.From this village one Person Mr.Mahendrakumar he is elected for Vidhan Sabha as MLA in 1996 and one person elected for KMF Chairmen his name is Baburao Patil and one person elect for for Zilla Pancyat Member his name is Rajshekar patil. so it is a very well educated and well historical place.Madargaon central government railways also provide gulbarga to Hyderabad. And Very kind heart man and former president shri. Madivalappa hucche sir also live in madargaon. And good culture, educated peoples living here. Jan 21 my village mallikarjun temple festival very biggest fest celebrate all people and near village people also.
Edit below overview about Madargaon
National Highways Reachable To Madargaon
Nationa High Way :NH65
Nationa High Way :NH50
Nationa High Way :NH65
Nationa High Way :NH50
Rivers Near Madargaon
Manjira :Manjira :मांजरा :ಮಂಜೀರ :मांजरा :మంజీర
Mullamari :ಮುಲ್ಲಾಮಾರಿ
Manjira :Manjira :मांजरा :ಮಂಜೀರ :मांजरा :మంజీర
Mullamari :ಮುಲ್ಲಾಮಾರಿ
About Madargaon
Madargaon is a Village in Humnabad Taluk in Bidar District of Karnataka State, India. It belongs to Gulbarga Division . It is located 41 KM towards west from District head quarters Bidar. 3 KM from Humnabad. 629 KM from State capital Bangalore
Madargaon Pin code is 585329 and postal head office is Hoodgi .
Benchincholi ( 3 KM ) , Sitalgera ( 7 KM ) , Hudgi ( 7 KM ) , Talmadgi ( 9 KM ) , Hallikhed B ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Madargaon. Madargaon is surrounded by Bhalki Taluk towards North , Basavakalyan Taluk towards west , Bidar Taluk towards East , Chincholi Taluk towards South .
Bidar , Zahirabad , Nilanga , Umarga are the near by Cities to Madargaon.
Madargaon 2011 Census Details
Madargaon Local Language is Kannada. Madargaon Village Total population is 1361 and number of houses are 280. Female Population is 47.2%. Village literacy rate is 66.0% and the Female Literacy rate is 26.6%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1361 |
Total No of Houses | 280 |
Female Population % | 47.2 % ( 642) |
Total Literacy rate % | 66.0 % ( 898) |
Female Literacy rate | 26.6 % ( 362) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 9.2 % ( 125) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 16.6 % ( 226) |
Working Population % | 35.3 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 163 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 42.3 % ( 69) |
Madargaon Census More Deatils.
Politics in Madargaon
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , Indian National Congress (INC) , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Madargaon
1)Govt. Higher Primary School Building2)Govt. Model Primary School Building
3)Govt. Higher Primary School Building (left Side)
4)Govt. Higher Primary School Building (left Side)
5)Govt. Higher Primary School Building (left Side )
HOW TO REACH Madargaon
By Road
Homnabad is the Nearest Town to Madargaon. Homnabad is 15 km from Madargaon. Road connectivity is there from Homnabad to Madargaon.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Madargaon in less than 10 km.Colleges near Madargaon
Ram And Raj P U College Humnabad (ff 064)
Address :
Basaveshwar Science And Arts P U College
Address :
Siddharoodha Degree College Of Arts And Commerce Hallikhed B
Address :
Devamallamma Gurushanthappa Mamdy Womens Degree College Of Science
Address : Noorandappa Mamdy Vidya Bhavan
Schools in Madargaon
Govt Hps Madargaon
Address : madargaon , humnabad , bidar , Karnataka . PIN- 585329 , Post - Hoodgi
Govt Health Centers near Madargaon
1) Belkera , Belkera , ,2) Mudhol (B) , , ,
3) Sonala , , ,
Sub Villages in Madargaon
Petrol Bunks in Madargaon,Humnabad
HP Petrol Pump
HPC Dealers S NO 289 N H 9 Hudgi Humnabad; Belgaum; Karnataka 585330; India
7.7 KM distance Detail
sangameshwar petroleum
Humnabad Road; Homnabad Rural; Humnabad; Karnataka 585330; India
8.4 KM distance Detail
Sri Sai Vithal Mainalli Petroleum Bharat Petroleum
Humnabad Station FOB; Homnabad Rural; Humnabad; Karnataka 585330; India
9.0 KM distance Detail
Agni Filling Station Indian Oil
Homnabad Rural; Bidar; NH-9; Mumbai Highway; Humnabad; Humnabad; Karnataka 585412; India
9.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Madargaon,Humnabad
Dr.B R Ambedkar Degree And PU college; Hallikhed B
Hallikhed B; Karnataka 585414; India
9.7 KM distance Detail
Institute Of Health Safety & Environment IHSE Humnabad
Humnabad; Karnataka 585330; India
9.9 KM distance Detail
Ramchandra Veerappa Arts and Science College
Near KEB Office; NH-9; Humnabad; Bidar; Karnataka 585330; India
10.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
Police Stations near Madargaon,Humnabad
Police Station Hallikhed (B)
Taluk; Humnabad; Hallikhed - Mannaekhelli Rd; Hallikhed B; Karnataka 585414; India
10.5 KM distance Detail
Trafic Police Station
Humnabad Police Station and Colony; Humnabad; Karnataka 585330; India
10.9 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Madargaon,Humnabad
Minority Office Humnabad
Near Jamia Masjid; Humnabad; Karnataka 585330; India
10.1 KM distance Detail
About Madargaon &
How to reach Madargaon
Tourist Places Near By Madargaon
Schools in Madargaon
Colleges in Madargaon
Temperature & weather of Madargaon
places in Madargaon
Madargaon photos
More Information
How to reach Madargaon
Tourist Places Near By Madargaon
Schools in Madargaon
Colleges in Madargaon
Temperature & weather of Madargaon
places in Madargaon
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Near Cities
Bidar 40 KM near
Zahirabad 50 KM near
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Bidar 40 KM near
Zahirabad 50 KM near
Nilanga 67 KM near
Umarga 70 KM near
Near By Taluks
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Bhalki 30 KM near
Basavakalyan 31 KM near
Bidar 35 KM near
Humnabad 2 KM near
Bhalki 30 KM near
Basavakalyan 31 KM near
Bidar 35 KM near
Near By Air Ports
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Latur Airport 117 KM near
Sholapur Airport 152 KM near
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport 160 KM near
Nanded Airport 173 KM near
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Gulbarga 72 KM near
Medak 129 KM near
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Bidar 42 KM near
Gulbarga 72 KM near
Medak 129 KM near
Tuljapur 138 KM near
Solapur 153 KM near
Near By Districts
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Bidar 40 KM near
Gulbarga 71 KM near
Medak 105 KM near
Latur 106 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Bhalki Rail Way Station 32 KM near
Bidar Rail Way Station 39 KM near
Bhalki Rail Way Station 32 KM near
Bidar Rail Way Station 39 KM near