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Ninga Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Begusarai District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Begusarai District | Begusarai | 9 |
Locality Name :
( नींगा )
Block Name : Barauni
District : Begusarai
State : Bihar
Division : Darbhanga
Language : Maithili and Hindi, Urdu
Current Time 03:28 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 48 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 06279
Assembly constituency : Begusarai assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kundan Kumar
Lok Sabha constituency : Begusarai parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Giriraj Singh
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 851112
Post Office Name : Barauni
Block Name : Barauni
District : Begusarai
State : Bihar
Division : Darbhanga
Language : Maithili and Hindi, Urdu
Current Time 03:28 AM
Date: Friday , Dec 27,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 48 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 06279
Assembly constituency : Begusarai assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Kundan Kumar
Lok Sabha constituency : Begusarai parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP : Giriraj Singh
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 851112
Post Office Name : Barauni
Ninga Live Weather
Temperature: 15.6 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 57%
Wind : 0.69 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "Begusarai"
observed on 20 Mins Back
Temperature: 15.6 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 57%
Wind : 0.69 mt/sec towards N
StationName : "Begusarai"
observed on 20 Mins Back
Ninga Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
14.7°C to 26.8°C
clear sky
14.7°C to 26.8°C
clear sky
14.7°C to 27.2°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds, overcast clouds
14.7°C to 27.2°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds, overcast clouds
14.5°C to 26.7°C
few clouds, clear sky
14.5°C to 26.7°C
few clouds, clear sky
13.9°C to 25.6°C
clear sky
13.9°C to 25.6°C
clear sky
Edit below overview about Ninga
Edit below overview about Ninga
OverView of Ninga
Ninga is a Panchayat of Barauni Block. There is many villages in this panchayat - Ninga, Mirzapur Chand, Ladaura, Shivrauna, Baluara, Ekdara etc. It is in this Panchayat One Mukhiya ( Gram Pradhan), One Sarpanch, Two Panchayat Samiti Sadasya, Seventeen Ward Member & Pancha. This panchayat is connected to District Head Quarter Begusarai by road. Ninga is just 3 Km far from NH 31 (Harpur Dhala). There is also available High Tech Facility in this Panchayat, as- Rail Reservation, Air Ticket, Online Education Classes, Digital Seva, UID Facility, Banking, Insurance, online work etc. by Sahaj Vasudha Kendra Ninga / Common Service Center Ninga. This center has been running since 2007. So all type of IT available in this panchyat since 2007. In this panchayat two road cross. One starts Singhaul NH 31 and goes to Maida Babhangama & Pakthaul and other Road Starts Harpur Dhala NH 31 and goes to Sahuri and Birpur Block. There is Seven Temples and Seven Mosques in this Panchayat. One High School, Two Middle School and Three Primary schools are available in this panchayat.Edit below overview about Ninga
National Highways Reachable To Ninga
Nationa High Way :NH122
Nationa High Way :NH31
Nationa High Way :NH122
Nationa High Way :NH31
Rivers Near Ninga
Burhi Gandak
Sun Kosi
Burhi Gandak
Sun Kosi
About Ninga
Ninga is a Village in Barauni Block in Begusarai District of Bihar State, India. It belongs to Darbhanga Division . It is located 8 KM towards North from District head quarters Begusarai. 4 KM from Barauni. 113 KM from State capital Patna
Ninga Pin code is 851112 and postal head office is Barauni .
Maidababhangama ( 1 KM ) , Fatehpur ( 3 KM ) , Parra ( 3 KM ) , Mosadpur ( 4 KM ) , Amraur Kiratpur ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Ninga. Ninga is surrounded by Begusarai Block towards East , Birpur Block towards North , Teghra Block towards west , Cheria Bariarpur Block towards North .
Begusarai , Mokama , Mokameh , Barahiya are the near by Cities to Ninga.
This Place is in the border of the Begusarai District and Patna District. Patna District Mokama is South towards this place .
Demographics of Ninga
Maithili is the Local Language here.Politics in Ninga
Bharatiya Janata Party , LJP , LJSP , BJP , RJD , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Ninga
1)Samudaik Bhavan Kunjar Toli South Wing2)B.s.s. Collejiyat High School Begusarai West Bulding Left Wing
3)Co Opretive Godam Baluara North Wing
4)Primary School Sahuri Navin North Wing
5)Primary School Rajapur
By Rail
Tilrath Rail Way Station , Bihat Halt Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Ninga. Barauni Flag Rail Way Station (near to Barauni) , Tilrath Rail Way Station (near to Begusarai) , Barauni Junction Rail Way Station (near to Barauni) , Begusarai Rail Way Station (near to Begusarai) are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns.By Road
Barauni , Begusarai are the nearby by towns to Ninga having road connectivity to NingaColleges near Ninga
Institute Of Hotel Management
Address : Near Ramashish Chowk, Opp. State Circuit House, Ha
Schools in Ninga
High School Mirjapur Chand
Address : at+post mirjapur chand
barauni begusarai
Govt Health Centers near Ninga
1) UPHC Ulao , Ulaw , In Behind of IOC , Behind of IOC, Begusarai2) UPHC Telia Pokhar , Teliya Pokhar , Teliya Pokhar, Begusarai , Teliya Pokhar
3) Sadar Hospital Begusarai , Begusarai , Begusarai Main Town , Sadar Hospital, Begusarai
Hospitals in Ninga,Barauni
Sky Health Center; Ninga; Begusarai
Bakhatpur Rd; Bakhatpur; Bihar 851131; India
1.3 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Ninga,Barauni
Indian Oil Petrol Pump
Gobindpur; Begusarai; NH-31; Begusarai; Begusarai; Bihar 851128; India
4.0 KM distance Detail
4.1 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Ninga,Barauni
NavBharat Private ITI College
37P; Barauni Industrial Area; Dewna; Ibrahimpur; Bihar 851210; India
4.7 KM distance Detail
Associated institute of Paramedical nursing
Pokhar; Singhoul; Begusarai; Bihar 851134; India
5.7 KM distance Detail
more ..
Electronic Shops in Ninga,Barauni
Rajdhani Telecom Maidababhangama
बथौली रोड; Maida Babhangawan; Bihar 851131; India
2.2 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Ninga,Barauni
saurabh sippy farm house Begusarai Bihar
54; सुशील नगर रोड;सुशिल नगर;अम्रौर किरतपुर; बिहार 851134; amrour kiratpur; Bihar 851134; India
4.3 KM distance Detail
About Ninga &
How to reach Ninga
Tourist Places Near By Ninga
Schools in Ninga
Colleges in Ninga
Temperature & weather of Ninga
places in Ninga
Ninga photos
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How to reach Ninga
Tourist Places Near By Ninga
Schools in Ninga
Colleges in Ninga
Temperature & weather of Ninga
places in Ninga
Ninga photos
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Near Cities
Begusarai 8 KM near
Mokama 19 KM near
Mokameh 20 KM near
Barahiya 24 KM near
Begusarai 8 KM near
Mokama 19 KM near
Mokameh 20 KM near
Barahiya 24 KM near
Near By Taluks
Barauni 4 KM near
Begusarai 7 KM near
Birpur 7 KM near
Teghra 11 KM near
Barauni 4 KM near
Begusarai 7 KM near
Birpur 7 KM near
Teghra 11 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Patna Airport 112 KM near
Gaya Airport 156 KM near
Ranchi Airport 281 KM near
Bagdogra Airport 293 KM near
Patna Airport 112 KM near
Gaya Airport 156 KM near
Ranchi Airport 281 KM near
Bagdogra Airport 293 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Munger 47 KM near
Samastipur 58 KM near
Nalanda 70 KM near
Bihar Sharif 71 KM near
Darbhanga 89 KM near
Munger 47 KM near
Samastipur 58 KM near
Nalanda 70 KM near
Bihar Sharif 71 KM near
Darbhanga 89 KM near
Near By Districts
Begusarai 8 KM near
Lakhisarai 36 KM near
Khagaria 44 KM near
Munger 46 KM near
Begusarai 8 KM near
Lakhisarai 36 KM near
Khagaria 44 KM near
Munger 46 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Tilrath Rail Way Station 3.9 KM near
Bihat Halt Rail Way Station 6.1 KM near
Begusarai Rail Way Station 8.9 KM near
Barauni Junction Rail Way Station 10 KM near
Tilrath Rail Way Station 3.9 KM near
Bihat Halt Rail Way Station 6.1 KM near
Begusarai Rail Way Station 8.9 KM near
Barauni Junction Rail Way Station 10 KM near