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Mota Jampur
Mota Jampur Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Banas Kantha District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Locality Name :
Mota Jampur
( મોટા જામપુર )
Taluka Name : Kankrej
District : Banas Kantha
State : Gujarat
Language : Gujarati and Hindi
Current Time 01:03 AM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 108 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02735
Assembly constituency : Kankrej assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Amrutji Motiji Thakor
Lok Sabha constituency : Patan parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 385555
Post Office Name : Thara
Commodities Prices : Thara Market / Mandi
Taluka Name : Kankrej
District : Banas Kantha
State : Gujarat
Language : Gujarati and Hindi
Current Time 01:03 AM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 108 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 02735
Assembly constituency : Kankrej assembly constituency
Assembly MLA : Amrutji Motiji Thakor
Lok Sabha constituency : Patan parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 385555
Post Office Name : Thara
Commodities Prices : Thara Market / Mandi
Mota Jampur Live Weather
Temperature: 14.1 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 33%
Wind : 2.8 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Un"
observed on Now
Temperature: 14.1 °C
clear sky
Humidity: 33%
Wind : 2.8 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Un"
observed on Now
Mota Jampur Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
13.9°C to 13.9°C
clear sky
13.9°C to 13.9°C
clear sky
12.8°C to 26.8°C
clear sky, few clouds
12.8°C to 26.8°C
clear sky, few clouds
13.4°C to 27.0°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
13.4°C to 27.0°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
13.2°C to 27.5°C
few clouds, clear sky
13.2°C to 27.5°C
few clouds, clear sky
13.7°C to 28.1°C
clear sky
13.7°C to 28.1°C
clear sky
National Highways Reachable To Mota Jampur
Nationa High Way :NH68
Nationa High Way :NH68
Rivers Near Mota Jampur
West Banas
West Banas
About Mota Jampur
Correct below Info and add more info about Mota JampurMota Jampur is a Village in Kankrej Taluka in Banas Kantha District of Gujarat State, India. It is located 73 KM towards west from District head quarters Palanpur. 12 KM from . 128 KM from State capital Gandhinagar
Mota Jampur Pin code is 385555 and postal head office is Thara .
Totana ( 4 KM ) , Kasara ( 4 KM ) , Nana Jampur ( 4 KM ) , Khariya ( 5 KM ) , Amarnesda ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Mota Jampur. Mota Jampur is surrounded by Harij Taluka towards South , Patan Taluka towards East , Radhanpur Taluka towards west , Deodar Taluka towards North .
Radhanpur , Patan , Deesa , Sidhpur are the near by Cities to Mota Jampur.
Mota Jampur 2011 Census Details
Mota Jampur Local Language is Gujarati. Mota Jampur Village Total population is 3793 and number of houses are 716. Female Population is 47.4%. Village literacy rate is 48.9% and the Female Literacy rate is 17.9%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 3793 |
Total No of Houses | 716 |
Female Population % | 47.4 % ( 1798) |
Total Literacy rate % | 48.9 % ( 1856) |
Female Literacy rate | 17.9 % ( 680) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.0 % ( 0) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 6.0 % ( 229) |
Working Population % | 47.6 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 610 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 48.7 % ( 297) |
Mota Jampur Census More Deatils.
Politics in Mota Jampur
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in this area.Polling Stations /Booths near Mota Jampur
1)Motta Jampur-32)Motta Jampur-1
HOW TO REACH Mota Jampur
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Mota Jampur in less than 10 km.Colleges near Mota Jampur
Adarsh Arts College, Dhanera
Address : Dhanera, Dhanera
Schools in Mota Jampur
Mansungaji Na Odha Pri. Sch.
Address : mota jampur , kankarej , banas kantha , Gujarat . PIN- 385555 , Post - Thara
Mota Jampur Pri. Sch.
Address : mota jampur , kankarej , banas kantha , Gujarat . PIN- 385555 , Post - Thara
Govt Health Centers near Mota Jampur
1) Bhabhar , CHC Bhabhar , Opp Rest House , Nr Radhanpur Road2) Adivada , , Near By Bus Station , Near By Bus Station
3) Bechraji , , Sankhalpur-Becharaji Road , Nr Krishana Instritute
Sub Villages in Mota Jampur
Hospitals in Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Brahmani Clinic; Dr.Tushar
Tana Road; Ayodhya Nagar; Thara; Gujarat 385555; India
7.4 KM distance Detail
Brahmani Clinic; Thara
Tana Road; Ayodhya Nagar; Thara; Gujarat 385555; India
7.4 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Indian Oil Petrol Pump
NH-14; Banaskantha Road; Post Tana Dist Kankrej; Thara; Gujarat 385550; India
8.1 KM distance Detail
AT PO Roda Harij-thara Highway TAL Harij; Ahmedabad; Gujarat 384240; India
8.5 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Kankrej arts & commerce college
college Rd; Indiranagar Rd; Indiranagar; Near Takhatpura; Thara; Gujarat 385555; India
8.9 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Mcm vaidh shakti vidhayalaya
Jampur Char Rasta; Gujarat State Highway 864; Mota Jampur; Gujarat; India
3.1 KM distance Detail
Electronic Shops in Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Ashirwad Sales Agency
Kamdhenu Complex; Tana Road; Thara; Gujarat 385555; India
7.8 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Police Station-Kankrej
NH-14; Banaskantha Road; Banaskantha; Kankrej; Gujarat 385550; India
8.3 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Mota Jampur,Kankrej
Taluka Panchayat
Banaskantha; SH-130; Banaskantha Road; Shihori; Shihori; Gujarat 385550; India
17.6 KM distance Detail
About Mota Jampur &
How to reach Mota Jampur
Tourist Places Near By Mota Jampur
Schools in Mota Jampur
Colleges in Mota Jampur
Temperature & weather of Mota Jampur
places in Mota Jampur
Mota Jampur photos
More Information
How to reach Mota Jampur
Tourist Places Near By Mota Jampur
Schools in Mota Jampur
Colleges in Mota Jampur
Temperature & weather of Mota Jampur
places in Mota Jampur
Mota Jampur photos
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Near Cities
Radhanpur 28 KM near
Patan 30 KM near
Deesa 56 KM near
Sidhpur 57 KM near
Radhanpur 28 KM near
Patan 30 KM near
Deesa 56 KM near
Sidhpur 57 KM near
Near By Taluks
Kankrej 11 KM near
Harij 20 KM near
Patan 29 KM near
Radhanpur 33 KM near
Kankrej 11 KM near
Harij 20 KM near
Patan 29 KM near
Radhanpur 33 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Ahmedabad Airport 136 KM near
Kandla Airport 225 KM near
Civil Airport 236 KM near
Dabok Airport 245 KM near
Ahmedabad Airport 136 KM near
Kandla Airport 225 KM near
Civil Airport 236 KM near
Dabok Airport 245 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Patan 30 KM near
Modhera 51 KM near
Banaskantha 71 KM near
Mehsana 72 KM near
Danta Ambaji 103 KM near
Patan 30 KM near
Modhera 51 KM near
Banaskantha 71 KM near
Mehsana 72 KM near
Danta Ambaji 103 KM near
Near By Districts
Patan 29 KM near
Banas Kantha 70 KM near
Mahesana 72 KM near
Gandhinagar 124 KM near
Patan 29 KM near
Banas Kantha 70 KM near
Mahesana 72 KM near
Gandhinagar 124 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Bhildi Junction Rail Way Station 37 KM near
Disa Rail Way Station 52 KM near
Bhildi Junction Rail Way Station 37 KM near
Disa Rail Way Station 52 KM near