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Gunipalli Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Anantapur District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Anantapur District | Anantapur | 36 |
Anantapur | Anantapur | 5 |
Hindupur | Anantapur | 3 |
R K Function Hall Backside | Anantapur | 2 |
Lepakshi | Anantapur | 2 |
Kalyana Durgam | Anantapur | 1 |
Hindupur Mandal | Anantapur | 1 |
Naik Nagar | Anantapur | 1 |
Kothacheruvu | Anantapur | 1 |
Aravinda Nagar | Anantapur | 1 |
Locality Name :
( గూనిపల్లి )
Mandal Name : Bukkapatnam
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh
Region : Rayalaseema
Language : Telugu and Urdu
Current Time 02:57 AM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 444 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08557
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 515154
Post Office Name : Pamudurthi
Alternate Village Name : Gunipalle
Commodities Prices : Mulakalacheruvu Market / Mandi
Mandal Name : Bukkapatnam
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh
Region : Rayalaseema
Language : Telugu and Urdu
Current Time 02:57 AM
Date: Friday , Mar 14,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 444 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08557
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 515154
Post Office Name : Pamudurthi
Alternate Village Name : Gunipalle
Commodities Prices : Mulakalacheruvu Market / Mandi
Gunipalli Live Weather
Temperature: 25.6 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 41%
Wind : 2.2 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "Puttaparthi"
observed on Now
Temperature: 25.6 °C
overcast clouds
Humidity: 41%
Wind : 2.2 mt/sec towards S
StationName : "Puttaparthi"
observed on Now
Gunipalli Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
24.3°C to 38.3°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds, clear sky
24.3°C to 38.3°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds, clear sky
23.9°C to 38.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
23.9°C to 38.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
24.1°C to 38.4°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, few clouds
24.1°C to 38.4°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, few clouds
23.7°C to 38.1°C
few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
23.7°C to 38.1°C
few clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds, clear sky
Edit below overview about Gunipalli
There are nearly 50 people in defence sector from this village among 3000 people.
Students from this village working for good corporate companies also.
The festivals celebrated are Moharam,Vinayakacavithi,Ugadhi,Deepavali,Sreramanavami. sankranthi,
The people are very hard working and friendly.
The yongsters of village are very crazy about hunting and sports.
Edit below overview about Gunipalli
OverView of Gunipalli
Gunipalli is very beautiful village with green fields.Being as a rural area 357 km to capital city and 60 km to ATP city it is showing very developments you will get anything in this village.Gunipalli is very near to very famous religious place Puttaparthi.It i s devekoped by God Satya Sai Baba.There are nearly 50 people in defence sector from this village among 3000 people.
Students from this village working for good corporate companies also.
The festivals celebrated are Moharam,Vinayakacavithi,Ugadhi,Deepavali,Sreramanavami. sankranthi,
The people are very hard working and friendly.
The yongsters of village are very crazy about hunting and sports.
the village students like sporys(chilakatti,golegundlu,pechullata,cricket,walliball ext..........)
Edit below overview about Gunipalli
National Highways Reachable To Gunipalli
Nationa High Way :NH342
Nationa High Way :NH42
Nationa High Way :NH342
Nationa High Way :NH42
Rivers Near Gunipalli
Penna :ಪೆನ್ನಾ :పెన్నా
Penna :ಪೆನ್ನಾ :పెన్నా
Penna :ಪೆನ್ನಾ :పెన్నా
Penna :ಪೆನ್ನಾ :పెన్నా
About Gunipalli
Gunipalli is a Village in Bukkapatnam Mandal in Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Rayalaseema region . It is located 66 KM towards South from District head quarters Anantapur. 0 KM from Bukkapatnam. 411 KM from State capital Hyderabad
Gunipalli Pin code is 515154 and postal head office is Pamudurthi .
Agraharam ( 5 KM ) , Yadalankapalli ( 5 KM ) , Elukuntla ( 5 KM ) , Kothakota ( 7 KM ) , Mangalamadaka ( 9 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Gunipalli. Gunipalli is surrounded by Mudigubba Mandal towards North , Nallamada Mandal towards South , Kothacheruvu Mandal towards west , Dharmavaram Mandal towards west .
Dharmavaram , Kadiri , Anantapur , Hindupur are the near by Cities to Gunipalli.
Gunipalle 2011 Census Details
Gunipalli Local Language is Telugu. Gunipalle Village Total population is 1937 and number of houses are 553. Female Population is 50.0%. Village literacy rate is 52.4% and the Female Literacy rate is 21.2%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 1937 |
Total No of Houses | 553 |
Female Population % | 50.0 % ( 969) |
Total Literacy rate % | 52.4 % ( 1015) |
Female Literacy rate | 21.2 % ( 410) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.1 % ( 1) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 14.9 % ( 289) |
Working Population % | 55.5 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 188 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 51.1 % ( 96) |
Gunipalle Census More Deatils.
HOW TO REACH Gunipalli
By Road
Kadiri is the Nearest Town to Gunipalli. Kadiri is 28 km from Gunipalli. Road connectivity is there from Kadiri to Gunipalli.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Gunipalli in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Kadiri. are the railway Stations near to Kadiri. You can reach from Kadiri to Gunipalli by road after .By Bus
Mudigubba APSRTC Bus Station , Bukkapatnam APSRTC Bus Station , Puttaparthi APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Gunipalli .APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here.Colleges near Gunipalli
Patti Junior College Bukkapatnam
Address : Patti Junior College Bukkapatnam
Government Degree College
Address : Bukkapatnam, Anantapur Dist. - 515144.
Schools in Gunipalli
Mpups Gunipalli
Address : gunipalle , bukkapatnam , anantapur , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 515154 , Post - Pamudurthi
Govt Health Centers near Gunipalli
1) Sc Gunipalli , Jan-50 , Main Road , Near Bus Stand2) Sc Elukunta , 1-69-A , Main Road , Near Anjaneyaswamy Temple
3) Sc Agraharam , Feb-68 , Yellamma Street , Near Panchayath Office
Hospitals in Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
Basha Clinic
Dorigallu Rd; Obula Devara Cheruvu; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.4 KM distance Detail
more ..
Petrol Bunks in Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
Naguri Fuel Suppliers-HP Petrol Pump
Anantapur; NH-205; Anantapur Tirupati Highway; Mudigubba; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.2 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
SDRR D.Ed College Principal J.Nagaraju
Gunjepalle; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
14.9 KM distance Detail
Sri Desai Raddappa Reddy SDRR Degree College
Madi Gubba; Anantapur; NH-205; Tadipatri Anantapur Highway; Mudigubba; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.0 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
mandalAnantapuramu; Bukkapatnam; Andhra Pradesh; India
5.2 KM distance Detail
Electronic Shops in Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
Charan Electronics
Opp Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.1 KM distance Detail
Sairam Airtel Office
Anantapur - Tirupati Hwy; Obula Devara Cheruvu; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.1 KM distance Detail
Star Electrical Works Sv
Obula Devara Cheruvu; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.1 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
Police Station
Malakavemala; Anantapur; NH-205; Anantapur Tirupati Highway; Anantapur; Anantapur; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
18.1 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Gunipalli,Bukkapatnam
MeeSeva Center; Hebron Church
D.NO:1/1690; Anil Internet; Main Road; Main Road; Mudigubba(V); Mudigubba(M); Anantapur(D);515511; National Highway 205; Obula Devara Cheruvu; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.1 KM distance Detail
Panchayat Office; Hebron Church
Dorigallu Rd; Obula Devara Cheruvu; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.2 KM distance Detail
MRO Office
Dorigallu Rd; Obula Devara Cheruvu; Mudigubba; Andhra Pradesh 515511; India
15.3 KM distance Detail
About Gunipalli &
How to reach Gunipalli
Tourist Places Near By Gunipalli
Schools in Gunipalli
Colleges in Gunipalli
Temperature & weather of Gunipalli
places in Gunipalli
Gunipalli photos
More Information
How to reach Gunipalli
Tourist Places Near By Gunipalli
Schools in Gunipalli
Colleges in Gunipalli
Temperature & weather of Gunipalli
places in Gunipalli
Gunipalli photos
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Near Cities
Dharmavaram 28 KM near
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Dharmavaram 28 KM near
Kadiri 35 KM near
Anantapur 64 KM near
Hindupur 74 KM near
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Mudigubba 20 KM near
Nallamada 20 KM near
Kothacheruvu 22 KM near
Bukkapatnam 1 KM near
Mudigubba 20 KM near
Nallamada 20 KM near
Kothacheruvu 22 KM near
Near By Air Ports
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Bengaluru International Airport 135 KM near
Tirupati Airport 212 KM near
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Near By Tourist Places
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Lepakshi 68 KM near
Horsley Hills 96 KM near
Kadapa 112 KM near
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Puttaparthi 19 KM near
Lepakshi 68 KM near
Horsley Hills 96 KM near
Kadapa 112 KM near
Nandi Hills 115 KM near
Near By Districts
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Chikballapur 107 KM near
Cuddapah 113 KM near
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Anantapur 64 KM near
Chikballapur 107 KM near
Cuddapah 113 KM near
Bangalore Rural 129 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthi Nilayam Rail Way Station 22 KM near
Dharmavaram Junction Rail Way Station 30 KM near
Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthi Nilayam Rail Way Station 22 KM near
Dharmavaram Junction Rail Way Station 30 KM near