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Jowkulakothapalli Map
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Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Anantapur District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Anantapur District | Anantapur | 36 |
Anantapur | Anantapur | 5 |
Hindupur | Anantapur | 3 |
R K Function Hall Backside | Anantapur | 2 |
Lepakshi | Anantapur | 2 |
Kalyana Durgam | Anantapur | 1 |
Hindupur Mandal | Anantapur | 1 |
Naik Nagar | Anantapur | 1 |
Kothacheruvu | Anantapur | 1 |
Aravinda Nagar | Anantapur | 1 |
Locality Name :
( జిఓకులకోతపల్లి )
Mandal Name : Amadagur
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh
Region : Rayalaseema
Language : Telugu and Urdu
Current Time 04:52 PM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 615 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08498
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 515561
Post Office Name : Obula Devara Cheruvu
Alternate Village Name : JKpalli HW , Jowkalakothapalli
Commodities Prices : Mulakalacheruvu Market / Mandi
Mandal Name : Amadagur
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh
Region : Rayalaseema
Language : Telugu and Urdu
Current Time 04:52 PM
Date: Wednesday , Mar 12,2025 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Elevation / Altitude: 615 meters. Above Seal level
Telephone Code / Std Code: 08498
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Serpanch Name :
Pin Code : 515561
Post Office Name : Obula Devara Cheruvu
Alternate Village Name : JKpalli HW , Jowkalakothapalli
Commodities Prices : Mulakalacheruvu Market / Mandi
Jowkulakothapalli Live Weather
Temperature: 33.1 °C
few clouds
Humidity: 24%
Wind : 5.31 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "BÄ\u0081gepalli"
observed on Now
Temperature: 33.1 °C
few clouds
Humidity: 24%
Wind : 5.31 mt/sec towards E
StationName : "BÄ\u0081gepalli"
observed on Now
Jowkulakothapalli Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
21.6°C to 32.3°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
21.6°C to 32.3°C
few clouds, scattered clouds, broken clouds
21.4°C to 35.3°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds
21.4°C to 35.3°C
broken clouds, overcast clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds
22.8°C to 36.4°C
broken clouds, clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
22.8°C to 36.4°C
broken clouds, clear sky, few clouds, scattered clouds
23.0°C to 36.7°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
23.0°C to 36.7°C
scattered clouds, overcast clouds, broken clouds
22.9°C to 36.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
22.9°C to 36.0°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds
Edit below overview about Jowkulakothapalli
Edit below overview about Jowkulakothapalli
OverView of Jowkulakothapalli
Jowkulakottha palli has one SAI BABA TEMPLEEdit below overview about Jowkulakothapalli
National Highways Reachable To Jowkulakothapalli
Nationa High Way :NH42
Nationa High Way :NH44
Nationa High Way :NH42
Nationa High Way :NH44
Rivers Near Jowkulakothapalli
Papagni :ಪಾಪಾಗ್ನಿ :పాపాగ్ని
Kushavati :ಕುಶಾವತಿ
Papagni :ಪಾಪಾಗ್ನಿ :పాపాగ్ని
Kushavati :ಕುಶಾವತಿ
About Jowkulakothapalli
Jowkulakothapalli is a Village in Amadagur Mandal in Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Rayalaseema region . It is located 112 KM towards South from District head quarters Anantapur. 454 KM from State capital Hyderabad
Jowkulakothapalli Pin code is 515561 and postal head office is Obula Devara Cheruvu .
Jowkulakothapalli is surrounded by Obuladevarecheruvu Mandal towards North , Nallacheruvu Mandal towards East , Tanakal Mandal towards East , Bagepalli Mandal towards South .
Kadiri , Hindupur , Chintamani , Sidlaghatta are the near by Cities to Jowkulakothapalli.
Jowkalakothapalle 2011 Census Details
Jowkulakothapalli Local Language is Telugu. Jowkalakothapalle Village Total population is 3818 and number of houses are 966. Female Population is 49.4%. Village literacy rate is 51.7% and the Female Literacy rate is 18.3%.
Census Parameter | Census Data |
Total Population | 3818 |
Total No of Houses | 966 |
Female Population % | 49.4 % ( 1887) |
Total Literacy rate % | 51.7 % ( 1972) |
Female Literacy rate | 18.3 % ( 699) |
Scheduled Tribes Population % | 0.6 % ( 22) |
Scheduled Caste Population % | 7.9 % ( 303) |
Working Population % | 58.8 % |
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 | 382 |
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 | 47.9 % ( 183) |
Jowkalakothapalle Census More Deatils.
HOW TO REACH Jowkulakothapalli
By Road
Kadiri is the Nearest Town to Jowkulakothapalli. Kadiri is 34 km from Jowkulakothapalli. Road connectivity is there from Kadiri to Jowkulakothapalli.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Jowkulakothapalli in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Kadiri. are the railway Stations near to Kadiri. You can reach from Kadiri to Jowkulakothapalli by road after .By Bus
Thanakallu APSRTC Bus Station , Kadiri APSRTC Bus Station , Gorantla APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Jowkulakothapalli .APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here.Colleges near Jowkulakothapalli
Govt Jr College Amadaguru
Address : Govt Jr College Amadaguru
Prathibha Jr College, Mahabubnagar
Address : Mahabubnagar
Schools near Jowkulakothapalli
Kgbv Amadagur
Address : amadagur , amadagur , anantapur , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 515556 , Post - Amadagur
S.r.krishna Vidyaniketan
Address : mohammadabad , amadagur , anantapur , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 515561 , Post - Obula Devara Cheruvu
Zphs Pulakuntlapalli
Address : pulakuntlapalle , amadagur , anantapur , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 515556 , Post - Amadagur
Zphs Chinaganipalli
Address : chinaganipalle , amadagur , anantapur , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 515556 , Post - Amadagur
Govt Health Centers near Jowkulakothapalli
3) Sc M.M.Cross , Apr-33 , Kolimi Bazar ,
Sub Villages in Jowkulakothapalli
Petrol Bunks in Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
HP Petrol Pump ODC
Hindupur - Kadiri Hwy; Obuladevaracheruvu; Andhra Pradesh 515561; India
13.3 KM distance Detail
Survey NO.224; Nallacheruvu Mandal OLD NH 205 (NEW NH 42) Kadri; Kadapa; Andhra Pradesh 515551; India
22.8 KM distance Detail
more ..
Colleges in Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
Krishna Edu Solutions
Kammavari Palli Rd; Chinagani Palli; Andhra Pradesh 515556; India
7.7 KM distance Detail
Vignan TTC; Rehoboth Church
Hindupur - Kadiri Hwy; Obuladevaracheruvu; Andhra Pradesh 515561; India
14.0 KM distance Detail
VIGNAN Agricultural Diploma College
Obuladevaracheruvu; Andhra Pradesh 515561; India
14.0 KM distance Detail
more ..
Schools in Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
Sree Pragathi Vidya Niketan
o. d. c; Amadagur - Kadiri Rd; Andhra Pradesh 515556; India
4.4 KM distance Detail
Electronic Shops in Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
harshad sound systems&decorations
Obuladevaracheruvu; Andhra Pradesh 515561; India
13.8 KM distance Detail
Super Markets in Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
Akram General Store
Akram General Store; Kadiri- highway; Obuladevara cheruvu; Hindupur; Andhra Pradesh; India
13.8 KM distance Detail
Local Parks in Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
M.N.R Gardens
Bellurevandlapalle; Mandal; district.; Tanakallu; Andhra Pradesh; India
18.0 KM distance Detail
Police Stations near Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
Nallacheruvu Police Station
NH205; Nallacheruvu; Andhra Pradesh 515551; India
23.4 KM distance Detail
Governement Offices near Jowkulakothapalli,Amadagur
MeeSeva Center
tahasildar office;Obula Devara Cheruvu;anantapur;andhra pradesh; Andhra Pradesh 515561; India
13.9 KM distance Detail
MeeSeva Center
H No.5-197-A; Hanumanthareddy Complex; Main Road;Kodakamarla Ananthapur-515531; Kondakomarla; Andhra Pradesh 515531; India
20.4 KM distance Detail
About Jowkulakothapalli &
How to reach Jowkulakothapalli
Tourist Places Near By Jowkulakothapalli
Schools in Jowkulakothapalli
Colleges in Jowkulakothapalli
Temperature & weather of Jowkulakothapalli
places in Jowkulakothapalli
Jowkulakothapalli photos
More Information
How to reach Jowkulakothapalli
Tourist Places Near By Jowkulakothapalli
Schools in Jowkulakothapalli
Colleges in Jowkulakothapalli
Temperature & weather of Jowkulakothapalli
places in Jowkulakothapalli
Jowkulakothapalli photos
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Near Cities
Kadiri 30 KM near
Hindupur 62 KM near
Chintamani 65 KM near
Sidlaghatta 68 KM near
Kadiri 30 KM near
Hindupur 62 KM near
Chintamani 65 KM near
Sidlaghatta 68 KM near
Near By Taluks
Amadagur 0 KM near
Obuladevarecheruvu 13 KM near
Nallacheruvu 21 KM near
Tanakal 22 KM near
Amadagur 0 KM near
Obuladevarecheruvu 13 KM near
Nallacheruvu 21 KM near
Tanakal 22 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Bengaluru International Airport 97 KM near
Tirupati Airport 188 KM near
Mysore Airport 260 KM near
Salem Airport 283 KM near
Bengaluru International Airport 97 KM near
Tirupati Airport 188 KM near
Mysore Airport 260 KM near
Salem Airport 283 KM near
Near By Tourist Places
Puttaparthi 40 KM near
Lepakshi 50 KM near
Horsley Hills 57 KM near
Nandi Hills 79 KM near
Kadapa 119 KM near
Puttaparthi 40 KM near
Lepakshi 50 KM near
Horsley Hills 57 KM near
Nandi Hills 79 KM near
Kadapa 119 KM near
Near By Districts
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Bangalore Rural 91 KM near
Kolar 98 KM near
Anantapur 107 KM near
Chikballapur 70 KM near
Bangalore Rural 91 KM near
Kolar 98 KM near
Anantapur 107 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Kadiri Rail Way Station 30 KM near
Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthi Nilayam Rail Way Station 42 KM near
Kadiri Rail Way Station 30 KM near
Sri Sathya Sai Prashanthi Nilayam Rail Way Station 42 KM near