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List Of Villages in Thonoknyu
Thonoknyu Tehsil MAP
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Language : English
and Khasi, Garo
Current Time
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Vehicle Registration Number:NL-03
RTO Office : Tuensang
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Assembly MLA :
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Current Time
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
Vehicle Registration Number:NL-03
RTO Office : Tuensang
Assembly constituency : assembly constituency
Assembly MLA :
Lok Sabha constituency : parliamentary constituency
Parliament MP :
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Tuensang District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Thonoknyu Live Weather
Temperature: 20.8 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 34%
Wind : 1.24 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "Tuensang"
observed on Now
Temperature: 20.8 °C
broken clouds
Humidity: 34%
Wind : 1.24 mt/sec towards W
StationName : "Tuensang"
observed on Now
Thonoknyu Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
5.9°C to 18.4°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
5.9°C to 18.4°C
scattered clouds, broken clouds, overcast clouds
5.6°C to 18.9°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds
5.6°C to 18.9°C
overcast clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, few clouds
5.8°C to 19.3°C
clear sky, few clouds
5.8°C to 19.3°C
clear sky, few clouds
5.9°C to 19.9°C
clear sky
5.9°C to 19.9°C
clear sky
6.0°C to 19.6°C
clear sky
6.0°C to 19.6°C
clear sky
Rivers Near Thonoknyu
Tizu River in Distance 41.6
Zunki in Distance 8.9
Tsutha in Distance 27.6
Diyung in Distance 57.0
Tizu River in Distance 41.6
Zunki in Distance 8.9
Tsutha in Distance 27.6
Diyung in Distance 57.0
Tourist Places near By Thonoknyu
Tuensang (Tuensang) Phek (Phek) Mokokchung (Mokokchung) Wokha (Wokha) Mon (Mon)
Tuensang (Tuensang) Phek (Phek) Mokokchung (Mokokchung) Wokha (Wokha) Mon (Mon)
About Thonoknyu Tehsil
Thonoknyu is a Tehsil in Tuensang District of Nagaland State, India. Thonoknyu Tehsil Head Quarters is Thonoknyu Village town .Tuensang City , Zunheboto City , Mokokchung City , Wokha City are the nearby Cities to Thonoknyu.
Thonoknyu consist of 11 Villages and 11 Panchayats .
Tuensang (Tuensang) , Phek (Phek) , Mokokchung (Mokokchung) , Wokha (Wokha) , Mon (Mon) are the near by Important tourist destinations to see.
Demographics of Thonoknyu Tehsil
English is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Khasi, Garo . Total population of Thonoknyu Tehsil is 13,631 living in 2,080 Houses, Spread across total 11 villages and 11 panchayats . Males are 7,380 and Females are 6,251Thonoknyu Tehsil Political Map
HOW TO REACH Thonoknyu Tehsil
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Thonoknyu Tehsil in less than 10 km.Pin codes of Thonoknyu Tehsil
798626 ( Noklak )
Hotels Near by Thonoknyu
Registered Companies in Thonoknyu Tehsil
More Thonoknyu Registered CompaniesBusStation in Thonoknyu
ATMs in Thonoknyu
Cinema Theaters in Thonoknyu
Temples in Thonoknyu
Hotels and Lodges in Thonoknyu
Hospitals in Thonoknyu
Petrol Bunks in Thonoknyu
Colleges in Thonoknyu
Schools in Thonoknyu
Near By Cities
Tuensang 34 KM near
Zunheboto 48 KM near
Mokokchung 62 KM near
Wokha 77 KM near
Tuensang 34 KM near
Zunheboto 48 KM near
Mokokchung 62 KM near
Wokha 77 KM near
Near By Taluks
Thonoknyu 0 KM near
Shamator 18 KM near
Pungro 20 KM near
Kiphire 22 KM near
Thonoknyu 0 KM near
Shamator 18 KM near
Pungro 20 KM near
Kiphire 22 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Rowriah Airport 126 KM near
Dimapur Airport 132 KM near
Chabua Airport 187 KM near
Lilabari Airport 189 KM near
Rowriah Airport 126 KM near
Dimapur Airport 132 KM near
Chabua Airport 187 KM near
Lilabari Airport 189 KM near
Near By Districts
Kiphire 21 KM near
Tuensang 35 KM near
Zunheboto 49 KM near
Mokokchung 62 KM near
Kiphire 21 KM near
Tuensang 35 KM near
Zunheboto 49 KM near
Mokokchung 62 KM near
Near By RailWay Station
Mariani Junction Rail Way Station 110 KM near
Amguri Junction Rail Way Station 114 KM near
Mariani Junction Rail Way Station 110 KM near
Amguri Junction Rail Way Station 114 KM near
Near By Bus Station