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Palkhang Academy
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Palkhang Academy School is Located in gyava gyalshing , gangtok Block and east sikkim District . it is Private School . The exact Address of the schools is gyava gyalshing , gangtok , east sikkim , Sikkim . PIN- 737101 , Post - Gangtok . It is newly Established school . It is Established in 2000 Year . Total 12 batches completed in this School from past 12 years . Classes running in this is School are upto 8 th . And it is Co-educatinal School .
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Address : samdur busty , gangtok , east sikkim , Sikkim . PIN- 737102 , Post - Tadong
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Address : upper syari 28 , gangtok , east sikkim , Sikkim . PIN- 737102 , Post - Tadong
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Address : deorali , gangtok , east sikkim , Sikkim . PIN- 737102 , Post - Tadong
T.n Sss
Address : development area , gangtok , east sikkim , Sikkim . PIN- 737101 , Post - Gangtok
West Point Sss
Address : tathangchen , gangtok , east sikkim , Sikkim . PIN- 737101 , Post - Gangtok
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