Distance from Shanubhoganahalli (Bannerghatta) to Kims Hospital/Makkalakoota is 15 KM approx.

Auto fare from Shanubhoganahalli (Bannerghatta) to Kims Hospital/Makkalakoota is 168 rs. approx.

Driving Directions from Shanubhoganahalli (Bannerghatta) to Kims Hospital/Makkalakoota

Strat from Shanubhoganahalli (Bannerghatta)

Then go 0.09 K.M. to Bilavaradahalli

Then go 0.18 K.M. to Weavers Colony

Then go 0.37 K.M. to Basavanapura Gate

Then go 0.96 K.M. to Gottigere

Then go 1.25 K.M. to Kalena Agrahara

Then go 0.52 K.M. to Loyola Industrial Training Centre

Then go 0.52 K.M. to Meenakshi Temple

Then go 0.78 K.M. to Hulimavu Gate

Then go 0.64 K.M. to Honeywell (Bannerghatta Road)

Then go 0.38 K.M. to Arekere Gate

Then go 0.62 K.M. to Iim Bangalore

Then go 0.49 K.M. to Bilekahalli

Then go 0.8 K.M. to J P Nagar 3rd Phase

Then go 0.75 K.M. to Gd Mara (J P Nagar 3rd Phase)

Then go 0.31 K.M. to Jayadeva Hospital

Then go 0.32 K.M. to Jayanagar 9th Block East End

Then go 0.54 K.M. to Jayanagar Pump House

Then go 0.53 K.M. to Carmel Convent

Then go 0.51 K.M. to Sanjay Gandhi Hospital (Old)

Then go 0.59 K.M. to Jayanagar 4th Block Church

Then go 0.31 K.M. to Jayanagar 4th Block

Then go 0.36 K.M. to Jayanagar 3rd Block

Then go 0.56 K.M. to Madhavan Park

Then go 0.42 K.M. to South End Circle

Then go 0.34 K.M. to Vijaya College

Then go 0.51 K.M. to Teachers College

Then go 0.41 K.M. to Lalbagh West Gate

Then go 0.62 K.M. to Sajjan Rao Circle

Then go 0.63 K.M. to Kims Hospital/Makkalakoota

Note:These Directions are extracted from BMTC Route 366MA . One ways are not considered while preparing route


Following are the Direct BMTC Busses available from Shanubhoganahalli (Bannerghatta) to Kims Hospital/Makkalakoota

215Z         ( K R Market to Bannerghatta Circle )
366MA         ( K R Market to Byatarayanadoddi )

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