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West Godavari
Penugonda Mandal Population
Penugonda Mandal in West Godavari District and Andhra Pradesh State Total population is 69317. Rural Population is 69317 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 69317 | 34837 | 34480 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 69317 | 34837 | 34480 |
List of Vilages in Penugonda Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Penugonda | 16038 | 4320 |
Sidhantham | 13188 | 3519 |
Cherukuwada | 7391 | 2068 |
Vadali | 5705 | 1666 |
Mulaparru | 4669 | 1278 |
Nadipudi | 3342 | 925 |
Chinamallam | 3341 | 909 |
Ramannapalem | 3059 | 782 |
Deva | 2946 | 833 |
Ilaparru | 2872 | 805 |
Kothalaparru | 2327 | 675 |
Tamarada | 1823 | 534 |
Venkatramapuram | 1412 | 435 |
Munamarru | 1204 | 375 |