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Gool-Gulabgarh Block Population
Gool-Gulabgarh Block in Reasi District and Jammu & Kashmir State Total population is 147843. Rural Population is 147843 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 147843 | 78181 | 69662 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 147843 | 78181 | 69662 |
List of Vilages in Gool-Gulabgarh Block and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mahore | 8409 | 1042 |
Thuru | 8028 | 1401 |
Tuli | 8016 | 1445 |
Chassot | 7502 | 1278 |
Budhan | 7354 | 1519 |
Bathoie | 6011 | 973 |
Sarh | 5856 | 951 |
Chana | 4884 | 822 |
Shajroo | 4153 | 715 |
Kanthi | 3947 | 724 |
Kundradhan | 3940 | 735 |
Dewal | 3860 | 694 |
Jamaslan | 3326 | 517 |
Shikari | 3175 | 499 |
Bana | 3148 | 545 |
Chassana | 3066 | 567 |
Hassot | 3001 | 537 |
Saldhar | 2876 | 480 |
Malikot | 2869 | 513 |
Judda | 2563 | 511 |
Handar | 2563 | 481 |
Kanthan | 2416 | 441 |
Dhanorh | 2391 | 418 |
Malas | 2289 | 380 |
Baddar | 2253 | 362 |
Bhagan Kot | 2180 | 383 |
Neoch | 2017 | 373 |
Dhansal | 1973 | 358 |
Bhransal (Bharasal) | 1923 | 343 |
Chaklas | 1817 | 341 |
Larh | 1718 | 333 |
Chilad | 1597 | 296 |
Gulab Garh | 1519 | 270 |
Shibras | 1460 | 238 |
Shadool | 1275 | 242 |
Matlot | 1268 | 266 |
Chandial Kot | 1190 | 251 |
Tuksan | 1170 | 216 |
Thalkot | 1168 | 203 |
Sher Garhi | 1150 | 224 |
Lar | 1126 | 206 |
Arhbais | 1085 | 190 |
Khorh | 1073 | 195 |
Thiloo | 1036 | 180 |
Sarsot | 1028 | 170 |
Dugha | 1021 | 222 |
Maman Kot | 1019 | 180 |
Nehosi | 1014 | 177 |
Majra Kund | 1009 | 153 |
Khanikot | 908 | 172 |
Dubri | 884 | 126 |
Nandkot | 804 | 138 |
Dandakot | 803 | 111 |
Sawalkot | 801 | 158 |
Arnas | 653 | 125 |
Sangli Kot | 536 | 86 |
Bharneli | 536 | 90 |
Sarthala (Sarthala Kot) | 447 | 82 |
Dharot | 282 | 46 |
Hamusan | 260 | 43 |
Forest Block | 197 | 45 |