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Awantipora Block Population
Awantipora Block in Pulwama District and Jammu & Kashmir State Total population is 86507. Rural Population is 73860 and Urban population is 12647.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 73860 | 38169 | 35691 |
Urban | 12647 | 8982 | 3665 |
Total | 86507 | 47151 | 39356 |
List of Vilages in Awantipora Block and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Tokuna | 6775 | 1070 |
Giru (Nor Pora) | 5674 | 962 |
Chersu | 5046 | 631 |
Hari Pari Gam | 4672 | 595 |
Midoora (Midru) | 4441 | 580 |
Malang Pora | 4034 | 587 |
Panz Gam | 3358 | 560 |
Dogri Pora | 3042 | 426 |
Barsu | 2904 | 440 |
Kaichak Kot | 2193 | 314 |
Larki Pora | 2085 | 321 |
Goori Pora | 1963 | 348 |
Naina | 1897 | 323 |
Larmoh Awan Pora | 1712 | 247 |
Jawbrara | 1655 | 272 |
Brabandna | 1612 | 173 |
Graw Gund | 1516 | 237 |
Pad Gam Pora | 1420 | 240 |
Khalan Gund Mosa | 1308 | 182 |
Batapora | 1293 | 211 |
Reshi Pora Ullar | 1293 | 206 |
Danger Pora | 1272 | 190 |
Khankah | 1086 | 182 |
Shahabad Bala (Kharpora Bala) | 1049 | 120 |
Raj Pora Ullar | 1040 | 202 |
Ladremar | 975 | 138 |
Kanji Nagh | 875 | 132 |
Sail | 869 | 154 |
Poshwan (Vopal Wan) | 862 | 100 |
Ranzi Pora | 694 | 133 |
Khandi Pora | 676 | 103 |
Shahabad Pain (Khargam Pain) | 597 | 69 |
Udi Pora Chirath | 578 | 88 |
Now Gam Ullar | 497 | 70 |
Odi Pora Shahoora | 493 | 78 |
Chakhar | 432 | 80 |
Aghanji Pora | 425 | 64 |
Kawni | 419 | 63 |
Gori Kadal | 372 | 50 |
Marza Pora | 288 | 1 |
Partab Pora | 235 | 31 |
Kanli Bagh | 180 | 28 |
Rakh-e-Watal Pora | 53 | 7 |
Awan Pora | ||
Kani Pora Ullar | ||
Karawa Ranbir Abad |