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Chetheba Population
Chetheba in Phek District and Nagaland State Total population is 16881. Rural Population is 16881 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 16881 | 8460 | 8421 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 16881 | 8460 | 8421 |
List of Vilages in Chetheba and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Chesezumi | 3470 | 777 |
Thenyizumi | 3275 | 753 |
Thipuzu | 3249 | 787 |
Chetheba Hq | 1915 | 401 |
Khulazu Basa | 1839 | 531 |
Khulazu Bawe | 1669 | 400 |
Rihuba | 949 | 236 |
Chesezu Nasa | 275 | 70 |
Phuyoba | 240 | 67 |