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Bheemgal Mandal Population
Bheemgal Mandal in Nizamabad District and Telangana State Total population is 62666. Rural Population is 62666 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 62666 | 30493 | 32173 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 62666 | 30493 | 32173 |
List of Vilages in Bheemgal Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bheemgal | 15446 | 3526 |
Pedda Bheemgal | 5665 | 1393 |
Muchkur | 4771 | 1217 |
Changal | 3756 | 911 |
Babapur | 3332 | 728 |
Mendhora | 3295 | 824 |
Gongappul | 2977 | 730 |
Pallikonda | 2876 | 772 |
Puranipet | 2442 | 604 |
Sikandrapur | 2378 | 542 |
Bejjora | 2255 | 533 |
Pipri | 1834 | 444 |
Jagriyal | 1711 | 433 |
Rahathnagar | 1439 | 293 |
Devakkapet | 1369 | 310 |
Bachanpalle | 1366 | 356 |
Babanagar | 1220 | 303 |
Karepalle | 1080 | 218 |
Kupkal | 954 | 260 |
Lingapurchouth | 901 | 224 |
Devan Palle | 806 | 176 |
Thallapalle | 530 | 114 |
Gangarai | 220 | 43 |
Salampur | 43 | 11 |