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Shivampet Mandal Population
Shivampet Mandal in Medak District and Telangana State Total population is 45132. Rural Population is 45132 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 45132 | 22505 | 22627 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 45132 | 22505 | 22627 |
List of Vilages in Shivampet Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Shivampet | 5365 | 1170 |
Donthi | 3346 | 805 |
Gomaram | 3056 | 744 |
Konthanpalle | 2688 | 652 |
Nawabpet | 2529 | 593 |
Pedda Gottimukkala | 2240 | 507 |
Ratnapoor | 2165 | 489 |
Chandi | 2089 | 496 |
Parkibanda | 1933 | 420 |
Allipur | 1775 | 372 |
Pillutla | 1693 | 387 |
Chinnagottimukkala | 1525 | 333 |
Gundlapalle | 1487 | 316 |
Kothapet | 1440 | 311 |
Pambanda | 1293 | 289 |
Pothula Boguda | 1028 | 231 |
Thimmapur | 1024 | 221 |
Chennapur | 1010 | 226 |
Potharam | 998 | 219 |
Usirikapalle | 963 | 218 |
Shabashpalle | 924 | 208 |
Maqdumpur | 854 | 195 |
Bijilipur | 849 | 185 |
Sikindlapur | 834 | 199 |
Gangaipalle | 823 | 193 |
Lingojiguda | 674 | 169 |
Edulapur | 527 | 127 |