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Kalher Mandal Population
Kalher Mandal in Medak District and Telangana State Total population is 51486. Rural Population is 51486 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 51486 | 26024 | 25462 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 51486 | 26024 | 25462 |
List of Vilages in Kalher Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Sirgapoor | 5608 | 1114 |
Nagdhar | 3703 | 733 |
Kalher | 3640 | 731 |
Bachepalle | 3617 | 855 |
Kadpal | 3488 | 763 |
Mardi | 3451 | 769 |
Bibipet | 2833 | 586 |
Krishnapoor | 2564 | 564 |
Masan Palle | 2543 | 586 |
Ramreddi Pet | 1978 | 438 |
Anthergaon | 1876 | 375 |
Sultanabad | 1821 | 260 |
Pochapoor | 1817 | 387 |
Raparthy | 1677 | 341 |
Meerkhanpet | 1649 | 340 |
Mungepalle | 1498 | 323 |
Khajapur | 1282 | 242 |
Khanapur (Kadeem) | 1117 | 231 |
Fathepoor | 1028 | 205 |
Mubarakpoor | 1021 | 219 |
Mahadev Palle | 979 | 185 |
Bokkasgaon | 855 | 187 |
Gosaipalle | 810 | 198 |
Khanapoor (B) | 631 | 129 |
Malharpoor |