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Sathupalle Mandal Population
Sathupalle Mandal in Khammam District and Telangana State Total population is 77043. Rural Population is 45186 and Urban population is 31857.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 45186 | 22618 | 22568 |
Urban | 31857 | 15776 | 16081 |
Total | 77043 | 38394 | 38649 |
List of Vilages in Sathupalle Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Bethupalle | 14149 | 3824 |
Rudrakshapalle | 5531 | 1542 |
Thumbur | 4634 | 1242 |
Rejerla | 4388 | 1276 |
Kakarlapalle | 4165 | 1135 |
Siddaram | 3924 | 1138 |
Kistaram | 3666 | 999 |
Sadasivunipalem | 1610 | 447 |
Yatalakunta | 968 | 300 |
Cherukupalle | 948 | 273 |
Regallapadu | 554 | 139 |
Kommepalle | 354 | 101 |
Jagannadhapuram | 295 | 88 |
Bacharam |