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Aswaraopeta Mandal Population
Aswaraopeta Mandal in Khammam District and Telangana State Total population is 59652. Rural Population is 59652 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 59652 | 29963 | 29689 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 59652 | 29963 | 29689 |
List of Vilages in Aswaraopeta Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Aswaraopeta | 24405 | 6320 |
Tirumalakunta | 5449 | 1407 |
Asupaka | 5334 | 1527 |
Narayanapuram | 4168 | 1170 |
Gummadavalli | 3495 | 963 |
Naramuvarigudem | 3003 | 782 |
Kannaigudem | 2504 | 661 |
Achuthapuram | 1609 | 450 |
Nandipadu | 1583 | 428 |
Durdapadu | 1392 | 349 |
Bachuvarigudem | 1371 | 301 |
Kavidigundla | 1114 | 282 |
Anantharam | 1022 | 261 |
Jammigudem | 932 | 249 |
Vedanthapuram | 674 | 195 |
Maddikonda | 560 | 170 |
Ramannagudem | 442 | 118 |
Khammampad | 385 | 91 |
Guntimadugu | 210 | 51 |
Lankalapalle |