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Mutharam (Manthani) Mandal Population
Mutharam (Manthani) Mandal in Karimnagar District and Telangana State Total population is 31567. Rural Population is 31567 and Urban population is 0.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 31567 | 15653 | 15914 |
Urban | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 31567 | 15653 | 15914 |
List of Vilages in Mutharam (Manthani) Mandal and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mutharam | 3940 | 1148 |
Adavisrirampur | 3586 | 993 |
Khammampalle | 3213 | 924 |
Odedu | 2676 | 766 |
Kesanapalle | 2295 | 696 |
Ladnapur | 2078 | 576 |
Mydambanda | 2048 | 564 |
Budhavarampeta @ Ramaiahpalle | 1972 | 538 |
Adivarampeta | 1964 | 557 |
Lakkaram | 1774 | 456 |
Ippalapalle | 1562 | 423 |
Parupalle | 1397 | 414 |
Matchupeta | 1276 | 343 |
Potharam | 699 | 201 |
Sarvaram | 381 | 105 |
Dharyapur | 356 | 108 |
Sukravarampeta | 185 | 50 |
Shatharajpalle | 165 | 39 |