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Thovala Taluka Population
Thovala Taluka in Kanniyakumari District and Tamil Nadu State Total population is 120926. Rural Population is 50496 and Urban population is 70430.
Population | Male | Female | |
Rural | 50496 | 25099 | 25397 |
Urban | 70430 | 34957 | 35473 |
Total | 120926 | 60056 | 60870 |
List of Vilages in Thovala Taluka and Population
Vilage name | Total population | No of Houses |
Thovala | 8961 | 2503 |
Chenbagaramanputhur (Part) | 8182 | 2131 |
Derisanamcope | 5803 | 1650 |
Erachakulam | 5715 | 1605 |
Thirupathisaram | 5677 | 1546 |
Ananthapuram | 4743 | 1379 |
Arumanalloor (Part) | 3482 | 960 |
Esanthimangalam | 3302 | 922 |
Azhagiapandipuram | 3230 | 840 |
Chiramadam | 1321 | 393 |
Thadagamalai R.F. | 58 | 16 |
Poigaimalai R.F. | 22 | 10 |
Asambu R.F. | ||
Velimalai R.F. | ||
Mahendragiri R.F. | ||
Thekkumalai West | ||
Thekkumalai East | ||
Veerapuli R.F. |